Brotherhood of Fianna

Brotherhood of Fianna
Disbanded 2821
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command

The Brotherhood of Fianna was one of the Pentagon Powers, a collection of warlords living in the ruins of the Star League in Exile. The Brotherhood operated in Circe's southern habitable zone.[1]


The Brotherhood of Fianna was a band of mechwarriors inspired by the culture of Arc-Royal in the Lyran Commonwealth. Unlike most other Pentagon warlords, the Fianna's leader Michael Connelly refused to claim territory, instead dedicating his efforts to restoring order, maintaining civilization and protecting civilians from predation.[1][2] The Fianna operated as mercenaries in neighbouring states.[1]

During Operation Klondike the task of conquering the Brotherhood was assigned to Clans Mongoose and Nova Cat.[1] The Fianna had already fought against the Nova Cats during their conquest of the Gant Republic and alongside the Mongooses against the Mongrel Mob, though neither Clan realized it at the time. [3] The offensive against the Brotherhood was delayed for months due to storms and the fallout of the Snow Raven's falling out with the Kerensky Dominion. Before the Clans could mobilize they were approached by the Brotherhood, who had realized their services were no longer required. The Brotherhood offered a conditional surrender, offering to submit to the clans if the Fianna were allowed to continue as a unit and retain their BattleMechs.[1]

ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky refused the Brotherhood's offer due to his desire to disarm and homogenize Circe's population. Both sides were thus obligated by their honor to fight, despite lacking a real desire to do so. Kerensky was dismayed that the following campaign was not fought to his expectations, with bitter fighting frequently interrupted by ceasefires to allow both sides to repair damaged machines and fraternize with the enemy. The final surrender ceremony was more akin to a festival than the swift affair Kerensky had ordered. The Fianna conducted themselves with honor and professionalism, making them highly prized as bondsmen. Brotherhood warriors would go on to form the nucleus of Mongoose and Nova Cat second line forces, and the Fianna's honorable attitude would greatly influence the Clans approach to warfare going forward.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Brotherhood of Fianna
Unknown rank Michael Connelly Unknown-2821[1]


The Fianna fought an honorable style of combat similar to the zellbrigen then Clans would later adopt.[1][2]

Composition History[edit]


Brotherhood of Fianna (3 Mixed Battalions/Veteran/Unknown)

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed in Circe's southern habitable zone.


There are special rules of the Brotherhood of Fianna on pages 150 and 155 of Historical: Operation Klondike


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 78: "Brothers in Arms"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 155: "Michael Connelly"
  3. Historical: Operation Klondike, pp. 76-78: "Divide and Conquer"
