
Carver 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates−5.436 : −20.722[e]
Spectral classK0V[1][2]
Recharge time191 hours[1]
Recharge station(s)Zenith[1]

The Carver system is home to at least two habitable planets, Carver IV and Liberty (formerly known as Carver V); in line with the tendency in the BattleTech universe to refer to systems by the name of the (primary) inhabited world therein, the Carver system is occasionally also referred to as Liberty.

System Description[edit]

Carver is located near the Hechnar and Procyon systems[3] and consists of eight planets orbiting a class K0V primary.[2] During the thirty-first century a recharge station was in place at the system zenith jump point,[1] and for decades—if not centuries—the system was home to a substantial naval yard operated by Delhi WarShips[4] located near or above the fourth planet in the system.[5]

System History[edit]

The Carver system was colonized at some point during the First Exodus from Terra. It remained a part of the Terran Alliance after the proclamation of the Demarcation Declaration.[6]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Carver IV[edit]

Carver IV
System positionFourth[46]
Government and Infrastructure
Noble RulerMandrinn of Carver IV

Planetary History[edit]

Little detail is available regarding the fourth planet in the Carver system, except that by the end of the Third Succession War, Carver IV was the fiefdom of Elizabeth Jordan, wife of Chancellor Maximilian Liao and Mandrissa of Carver IV.[46] Carver IV was also home to a major Delhi WarShips shipyard, but the shipyard was destroyed during the First Succession War.[5]

Elements of the Regulan Hussars raided the planet to capture the planet's storehouses. Colonel Teresa Keed, commanding officer of the defense force stationed on Fort Lyons deployed the unit's UrbanMechs as the first line of defense supported by infantry and smaller armored vehicles. This forces encountered and stalled a company of Marauders enough for reinforcements to arrive and loose a fraction of what was stored.[47]

Military Deployment[edit]


Planetary Locations of Carver IV[edit]

  • Fort Lyons: fortified city[47]

Companies and Industries[edit]

Carver V (Liberty)[edit]

Also known asCarver V
System positionFifth[1][2]
Jump Point distance5.48 days[1]
Moons2 (Justice, Freedom)[2]
Surface gravity0.84[1][2]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Breathable)[1][2]
Equatorial temperature34°C[2]
Surface water87%[2]
Highest native lifeReptile[2]
Landmasses3 (Chone, Dendez, Klieksa)[1]
History and Culture
Population>100,000,000 (2766),[14]
130,000,000 (3025),
85,000,000 (3079),[1]
95,000,000 (3130)[2][48]
Government and Infrastructure
Noble RulerMandrinn of Carver V
Political LeaderPlanetary Governor
Military CommanderLegate Michelle Grayson-Smith (3130)[2][48]
CapitalBellacqu (early history),[2] Korce (Star League era),[14] Dronane (3079)[1]
HPG ClassB

Carver V, more commonly known as Liberty, is the fifth planet of eight in the Carver system and has two moons named Freedom and Justice.[2]

Planetary History[edit]

Early History[edit]

Carver V, unofficially renamed Liberty around 3063 and formally renamed after the Jihad,[2] was one of the worlds that remained a part of the Terran Alliance following the Outer Reaches Rebellion and the Demarcation Declaration of 2242,[6] and became one of the worlds within the Alliance Core region of the Terran Hegemony.[12] Carver V had originally been settled by colonists from the poorest nations of South America and Africa, colonists who styled themselves as pilgrims and who regarded the rich bounty of their new home to be a divine blessing, particularly in comparison to the harsh climes they had left behind.[2]

Carver V was dominated by large, deep oceans but the various islands were fertile and largely covered with tropical forests and crystal-clear lakes; there were relatively few desert regions, and the colonists had access to rich deposits of minerals and ores. The colonists named the largest island on the planet Quantico and established their capital city Bellacqu there. Other settlements sprang up swiftly on the planet, beginning with the large settlements of Binsburg and New Cairo; Binsburg was a large mining colony established on the eastern edge of Esperanza—the largest island in the Drasken Chain of islands located in the southern hemisphere—and was the first of these new settlements, while New Cairo was constructed a few years later and was located on the equatorial Kalimbawe chain of islands. Where Binsburg was a mining colony, New Cairo was based around ranching and Crocales hunting. The founding of Binsburg and New Cairo generated renewed interest in the formation of a blue-water navy to enable the various communities to remain connected.[2]

Although Carver V has three major landmasses, known as Chone, Dendez, and Klieksa, 87 percent of Carver V's surface is covered in water.[1] This caused it to quickly become an important world for the Terran Hegemony as a means to supply drier worlds with water. It was also close to the border of the nascent Capellan Confederation, prompting the government to build fortifications to defend the world. Due to the aquatic nature of Carver V typical facilities weren't feasible, with the end result being a requirement to construct a purpose-built base. In 2432, construction on the Quantico Marine Fortification began. Based on one of the planet's largest islands, Quantico consisted of a series of fortified naval bases suitable for launching submarines and other blue-water ships. The island was also home to two spaceports, El Toro and Baku. Connected through a series of underground tunnels was an extensive network of weapons towers completely surrounding the island.[49] The Quantico Marine Fortification incorporated not just areas of Quantico but also the nearby Parris Island and was ideally situated to protect Bellacqu and incorporated a number of fortified bases for both submarines and surface ships; by this point the various seas of the Infinto Ocean were being plied by thousands of merchant marine vessels.[2]

With the formation of the Star League, Carver V would become the home of the Star League Marine Corps. Quantico become the Corps' administrative and training center, with its main headquarters located in Camp Pendleton outside the city of Bellacqu. A small island near Quantico was renamed Parris Island and turned into a boot camp.[49]

Amaris Civil War[edit]

During the Amaris Civil War, the three CAAN regiments based on Carver V became the stuff of legends in their defense against the Rim Worlds Army. The Marines held off countless Republican assaults for six years, nearly running out of food and ammo until the Eridani Light Horse fought through the blockade to deliver supplies. They would finally be relieved by General Aleksandr Kerensky in 2775.[50]

Operation APOTHEOSIS[edit]

The siege of Carver V effectively began in 2766, when forces from the Rim Worlds Republic were deployed onto the planet under the orders of First Lord Richard Cameron II. The Republican forces were under the command of General Noriko Milton-Davis and were expected to work their way into control of the major military bases and facilities on Carver V, as well as putting themselves in a position to attack the Star League Defense Force units present both directly and via preplaced booby traps and bombs. However, the Republican deployment was hampered by the senior SLDF officer on Carver V, General Saul van der Kolk, who was both the senior officer on world and the overall commander of all of the SLDF's Combined Armored, aerospace and Naval Regiments, commonly referred to as CAAN Regiments. Van der Kolk ordered the Republicans deployed to Quantico to store all of their nuclear weapons within the main nuclear weapons locker within the facility, as well as only allowing limited numbers of Republican personnel to be deployed within the Quantico facility in the first place; the bulk of Milton-Davis' forces were instead deployed in tiny encampments around the various islands on Carver V.[14]

Despite the various setbacks to the Republican plans imposed by Van der Kolk, Milton-Davis' forces successfully seized the planetary HPG on 27 December 2766, beginning their part of Operation APOTHEOSIS. With no access to the nuclear devices she'd planned to use to decimate the remaining SLDF units on Quantico, Milton-Davis was forced to rely on those nuclear weapons available on more distant squadrons deployed to minor islands. She ordered her aerospace fighters on Quantico to launch and engage the SLDF fighters, to buy time for the nuclear-equipped fighters to strike.[14]

Thanks to the alert operators at Carver V's Space Traffic Control reporting quickly that even as the Republican fighters at Quantico were filing last-minute training flight plans, numerous squadrons deployed on remote islands had launched on suborbital courses that would bring them to Quantico, Colonel Koji Icho, manager of the STC, ordered all Republican fighters on Quantico grounded. He also ordered the SLDF fighter squadrons to scramble and flagged an alert to Van der Kolk.[14]

As the SLDF fighters began launching the Republican fighters on Quentin ignored the orders to stay grounded and attempted to launch themselves, while those Republican BattleMechs that had been allowed into the facility did their best to provide cover for the fighters. The SLDF security forces rapidly responded in kind; not only did the SLDF ground forces engage the Republican 'Mechs, but CAAN fighter crews on the ground used the energy weapons on their fighters to attack the Republican forces, a tactic which had been taught to all of the CAAN fighter pilots but which was rarely ever actually used.[14]

The SLDF pilots fared far better than their Republican opponents; a few flights of Republican fighters from Quantico managed to make it into the air, but the SLDF pilots had been extensively trained to operate under fire at forward combat areas, equipping them well for the need to launch, land and resupply under heavy fire; the more skilled SLDF pilots quickly downed those Republican fighters that had made it into the air, as well as engaging the Republican squadrons arriving from more distant locations. Only a handful of Republican fighters made it through the defending SLDF forces to launch their nukes, and the damage was far less than it could have been; the Republicans failed to update their plans to reflect events, and each Republican pilot launched at the target he or she had originally been assigned, rather than more important targets of opportunity. Four nuclear weapons actually detonated, damaging a part of the city of Bellacqu as well as local infrastructure and a number of large defensive batteries, but leaving the main SLDF bases on Quantico intact and undamaged.[14]

Van der Kolk quickly mustered the defending SLDF personnel available to eliminate the remaining Republican forces on Quantico, even as Milton-Davis consolidated her hold over the various other islands on Carver V, including the capital, Korce, and the Reinhardt island chain. Van der Kolk's forces included three full CAAN Regiments, each one of which was a training regiment consisting of personnel working towards their CAAN rating led by experienced veteran CAAN trainers. The large SLDF contingent on Quantico and the lack of any Republican foothold or access to the island left Milton-Davis stymied; lacking the overwhelming numbers or force needed to crack the defenses, the Republicans were forced to resort to probing attacks and waiting for reinforcements, the first of which wouldn't arrive until April, four months after Operation APOTHEOSIS had begun.[14]


Carver V remained contested over the next seven years, but it was not until the end of March 2773 that SLDF reinforcements, in the form of the Eridani Light Horse, would arrive. Amaris ordered numerous counterattacks but his forces failed to dislodge the SLDF hold on the planet.[51] Carver V's full liberation from the Amaris Empire finally came about in 2775; this, coupled with the tale of the marine garrison's unbroken resistance to Amaris for over eight years, provided the SLDF with a morale boost as they drove closer to Terra.[50][52]

Succession Wars[edit]

The various fortifications constructed on Carver V by the Hegemony had been established to secure the world against Capellan encroachment rather than to protect the mining industries and those fashion industries based on Crocales hides, but the collapse of the Star League saw Carver V fall into Capellan hands. During the centuries in which Carver V was ruled by the Confederation it became a vacation spot for wealthy citizens, with the abandoned and empty towers of the Quantico Marine Formation becoming a recognized tourist attraction.[2]

Third Succession War[edit]

Carver V was eventually be captured by the Free Worlds League in 2953. With the planet the site of the Confederation's last surviving heavy and assault BattleMech production lines, the CCAF fought brutally to recapture the world. While ultimately successful by 2968,[53] the vital factories had been reduced to rubble.[22]

In 3013, Wolf's Dragoons were stationed on Carver as a garrison force. The warm climate and easy lifestyle soon had the Dragoons becoming restless for action.[23]

The arrival of Candace Liao to Carver in May 3013 would make things more interesting for the Dragoons. Candace tried to seduce Jaime Wolf and when that failed she tried to seduce Harold Jones, the Epsilon Regiment's commander. Both were attempts to bind the Dragoons closer to herself for political power. When both failed, Candace left for Sian, but then two attempts were made on Jaime Wolf's life before the end of the year.[54]

In 3018 the planet was raided by the AFFS. A four-DropShip Davion strike force was set upon ransacking the planet's 'Mech storehouse. The Fifteenth Defense Squadron, composed mostly of Transit medium fighters, was sent to engange and stop the raid. One of the Davion DropShips was a Leopard CV carrying six Davion headvy fighters. Combined with the rest of the Davion air lances they were a match for the Fifteenth, who nevertheless tried to stop them. It took the Davion forces less than 30 minutes to destroy the Liao forces. Losing only one medium fighter, the Davion forces successfully raided the Liao storehouse for supplies.[24]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

Following negotiations between Colonel Pavel Ridzik, chief military advisor to Chancellor Maximilian Liao, and AFFS Lieutenant General Ardan Sortek, conducted in February 3029 Ridzik created a new nation, the Tikonov Free Republic. The Republic was created by incorporating those worlds of the Tikonov Commonality that hadn't already been conquered during the first half of the Fourth Succession War. Ridzik returned to Elgin, the new capital of the Tikonov Free Republic, on 3 March 3029 and swiftly began implementing a new government consisting of family members, friends and other appointees loyal to himself, purging dissident elements on the various Republic worlds and taking the opportunity to settle old scores. Carver V was one of the systems incorporated into the Republic.[26]

FedCom Civil War[edit]

Carver V underwent a dramatic upheaval following the fracturing of the Commonwealth in 3057. The planet was fought over by various factions including the Confederation, the Federated Suns, the Free Worlds League and even the Word of Blake.[2]

By 3058, the planet's Federated Commonwealth militia, the Carver V Planetary Militia, had been forced to fight Liao separatists with great effect, so the Free Worlds League sent the Angels of No Mercy, a mercenary heavy aerospace unit that was able to force them out of Korce, the planet's capital, in less than two weeks, mauling severely them in the process.[55]

In the mess, Free Worlds League independent fighters fought Liao guerrillas, and no Inner Sphere power was able to reclaim the planet, which become just part of the Chaos March.[55]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

In 3063, the FedCom Civil War reached Carver V. The conflict began when the FedCom garrison separated into a Steiner command under Colonel David Renard and a Davion command under his former executive officer Major Susan Kelly. The separation was initially peaceful, but on the fifth day of the conflict, bandits seized several Steiner facilities, marking the beginning of a series of bandit attacks. Not wanting to escalate tensions with Davion by sending additional House forces, Katrina Steiner instead hired mercenaries to deal with the bandits.

The mercenaries arrived on Day 21 and quickly began operations against the bandits, identifying their leader as Choung Vong, the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces commander who had led the failed invasion of Carver V during Operation GUERRERO in 3057, now turned pirate. Colonel Renard ordered the mercenaries to pursue the bandits into Liao territory, opening up a new front in the conflict. The mercenaries successfully defeated Choung Vong, ending the bandit threat. An increasingly paranoid Colonel Renard sent the mercenaries away, calling instead for reinforcements in the form of the 4th Alliance Guards.

Grudgingly impressed by their performance, the terminally ill Mandrissa Anita Cho of House Liao was the next to hire the mercenaries on Day 38, directing them to instigate a hot conflict between Steiner and Davion forces, as well as cutting HPG communications to the planet in order to prevent further reinforcements for either faction. This time also saw the emergence of an independence movement led by one Baxter. Despite several successful operations by the mercenaries, House Liao's own forces suffered severe losses under Captain Jason Cho, the inexperienced and hotheaded son of the Mandrissa, forcing them to sue for peace and an alliance with Colonel Renard. Renard accepted, on the condition that Jason Cho kill the mercenaries. It was rather Jason Cho who was killed in the ensuing fighting, the mercenaries escaping further Liao reprisals with the timely assistance of Baxter.

By now the conflict had reached Day 46. The mercenaries threw in with Baxter's pro-independence partisans and their Davion allies. While nominally at a disadvantage in materiel, the pro-independence force benefited from popular support, Davion's stocks of Clan technology (likely spoils of Operation BULLDOG), and the superlative fighting prowess of the mercenaries, soon turning the tide against the Steiner-Liao alliance. Colonel Renard responded with increasingly harsh actions against civilians suspected of supporting the independence movement. Ultimately, the mercenaries destroyed both the Liao Palace and Steiner High Command, with Mandrissa Cho committing suicide before the fall of the Palace and Colonel Renard choosing to go down on the battlefield in his customized Atlas. After 60 days of conflict, Carver V declared independence and was renamed Liberty by its inhabitants. Now President of the planet, Baxter requested that the mercenaries remain as Protector General of Liberty, but the mercenaries elected to depart for the Periphery in pursuit of yet more C-Bills.[56]

Apocryphal Content Ends

The Jihad[edit]

Elements of the Third Dismal Disinherited engaged and defeated a pirate attack by the Lafayette Legion on Liberty at the end of December 3067. The pirates' main thrust was outside the DropPort, where several pirates and attendant support vehicles attempted to infiltrate and steal two merchant DropShips being prepared for liftoff while they also executed a diversionary raid that was repulsed near an abandoned Lyran Alliance military installation that had become the mercenaries' base with the permission of the Liberty government.[57]

During the Jihad, Carver V—now known as Liberty—was one of a number of worlds incorporated into the Word of Blake Protectorate. Whereas the Word of Blake had used nonviolent means to take over the government of neighboring worlds such as Capolla, New Home and Terra Firma, the Blakists chose to assault and occupy Liberty between 22 and 30 August 3068.[36] The forces of the Opacus Venatori were active on Liberty in 3073, catching the Battle Corps Legion on the planet in January and nearly destroying the Legion's second battalion.[58]

In late 3077, the Protectorate Militia Command pulled the First Liberty Protectorate Militia Division from Liberty and deployed them to Dieron along with numerous other Protectorate Militia Divisions and regular Militia Divisions, supported by a large naval task force.[59] The subsequent destruction of the Word of Blake forces on Dieron left Liberty without any major defensive forces for months, until a Blakist mercenary force arrived in early April 3078. During the intervening period Capellan-loyalist guerrillas had waged a covert and overt campaign to reclaim Liberty for the Confederation, executing dozens of Blakist officials in the name of the Chancellor. The Blakist mercenaries landed, expecting to rest and refit following damage sustained elsewhere in the Protectorate, only to suddenly find themselves under attack from the Com Guard Fifth Army and the Home Guard, as the allied coalition landed Group II of the Free Worlds League front of Operation SCOUR.[60]

The liberation of Liberty was perhaps best described as contested; both the allied coalition forces and Capellan forces acted against the Blakists on Liberty, and during the first week of April 3078 the coalition and Capellan forces began clashing with each other. Each side refused to relinquish the world, with the Coalition finally sending for a negotiator to try and resolve the conflict.[38] Local press on Liberty declared that Liberty had been liberated by the 17th of April,[61] but at least as late as the end of June 3078 Group II of the Free Worlds League coalition task force - under the command of Duke Leonard Stewart[62] - were still in place on Liberty awaiting the independent negotiator, even as the rest of the Free Worlds League task force gathered on Pollux for the strike on Terra.[63] It wouldn't be until after the arrival of Lin Murikami, lead negotiator on behalf of Devlin Stone, that a ceasefire would be brokered between the various factions on Liberty.[60]

The political pamphlet By Our Right and Blood was published on Liberty in 3078 by an unknown author that supported the claim of the Capellan Confederation to control of Liberty and not Stone's Coalition.[64]

Intelligence uncovered after the Jihad revealed that secret Martinson Armaments factory had been constructed on Liberty during the late 3070s. Built under orders from Precentor Martial Cameron St. Jamais of the Word of Blake and kept secret even within the Word of Blake, the Martinson Armaments factory was hidden within the abandoned Star League facility on the island of Quantico. From this hidden facility Martinson constructed the Eidolon, a FrankenMech constructed largely from surplus components manufactured for the Celestial series of OmniMechs.[65]

This plant would remain a secret from the forces of the allied coalition during SCOUR, but the Capellans had learned of its existence; the Capellans stole a march over the forces of Free Worlds Task Force II by mounting a lightning campaign to capture Quantico before agreeing to the ceasefire. Then, as negotiations went on, the Capellans dismantled the factory, taking the plans for the design and the critical manufacturing equipment present on Liberty, along with a stockpile of parts to enable them to jump-start production. They then reassembled the facility on Capella under the auspices of Ceres Metals Industries and began producing a modified version of the Eidolon under a new name - the Yao Lien.[65]


Even the end of the Jihad didn't bring an end to conflict for the world. Contested by both the Capellan Confederation and the Republic of the Sphere, the various small islands of Liberty all bore heavy scars and were likely to attract more; Liberty's position made it likely that the world would be a key battle site, as Warrior House Imarra used the world as the jump-off point for campaigns around various other key systems and planets within the former Protectorate.[1]

As of 3079, the capital of Liberty was Dronane, located on Klieksa.[1] By the end of December 3079 Liberty was one of more than twenty planets to have suffered an outbreak of the Redburn Virus, and one of eight to suffer from an infection rate of more than 150 out of every 100,000 people, as well as a mortality rate of more than 30 per 100,000 from the virus.[66]

The Dark Age[edit]

Although the local population had begun referring to their world as Liberty as part of a popular movement to unify their ravaged world, it was only with the incorporation of the planet into the Republic of the Sphere that the name Liberty received formal ratification. The planet underwent a period of recovery under Republican rule, becoming a paradise once more for both visitors and natives.[2] Still, anti-Exarch resentment simmered until the later days of the Republic. Stone's Fury was able to monitor and later destroy many of these resistance groups as they refined Republic doctrine for their several packs of Celerity drones[67]

In mid-August 3149, Liberty was assaulted by the Fifth McCarron’s Armored Cavalry and Warrior House Imarra but been repulsed in their attack on Dronane. On the 31st, Second McCarron’s Armored Cavalry and Danai Liao-Centrella arrived on Liberty - a delay in the courier with the Second's orders prevented the original plan's simultaneous assault - who was eventually successful in raising the Capellan standard over the planet.[68]

Military Deployment[edit]


  • 3 CAAN Regiments[14]
  • CO: General Saul van der Kolk[14]





- The unit was operating at 60% strength, with 100% of their equipment featuring upgraded technology.



Liberty is dominated by islands of varying sizes, the largest of which is named Quantico. Various chains and groups of islands exist on Liberty, including the Drasken Chain in the southern hemisphere, the Kalimbawe chain of islands near the equator,[2] and the Reinhardt chain.[14] There are three large landmasses named Chone, Dendez, and Klieska and the ocean that covers almost ninety percent of the planet is known as the Infinto Ocean.[2]

Planetary Locations on Carver V[edit]

  • Bako: a spaceport located near Quantico[2]
  • Bellacqu: the planetary capital city, located on Quantico[2]
  • Binsburg: one of the earliest major settlements on Liberty, a large mining colony located on Esperanza, largest island in the Drasken Chain[2]
  • Dronane: the planetary capital city by the end of the Jihad[1]
  • El Toro: a spaceport located near Quantico[2]
  • Korce: the planetary capital city during the Star League era and at least until 3058[14][55]
  • New Cairo: one of the earliest major settlements on Liberty, a ranching and hunting community located in the Kalimbawe islands[2]
  • Parris Island: a notable island located close to Quantico and used as a Star League Marine Corps boot camp during the Star League era[49]
  • Quantico Marine Formation: a major fortress during the era of the Terran Hegemony and the Star League, located on Quantico, one of the largest islands on Liberty and close to Bellacqu[2]

Companies and Industries[edit]

Local Flora and Fauna[edit]



Blake Documents is in error; the assaults took place in 3068.

Thank you,

- Herbert Beas

  — Herbert Beas, BattleTech Line developer, 11 Jun 2012

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 84 systems (83 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Procyon 9.7 Hechnar 12.6 Sirius 13.2 Keid 13.6
Outreach 14.2 Brownsville 15.0 New Home 15.0 Bryant 20.1
Graham 20.8 Sol 21.4 Rigil Kentarus 23.4 Epsilon Eridani 23.8
Capolla 24.7 Xi Ursae Majoris 24.8 Tau Ceti 24.8 Hall 25.0
Pollux 26.6 Caph 27.3 Tabit 28.7 Oliver 29.7
Terra Firma 30.8 Chisholm 31.0 Devil's Rock 31.2 New Stevens 31.4
Talitha 31.9 Zavijava 33.3 Killbourn 33.8 Thorin 33.9
Van Diemen 34.5 Epsilon Indi 35.0 Castor 35.2 Hsien 35.4
Mandal 35.4 Chara 36.1 Wasat 36.8 Fomalhaut 37.1
Altair 37.3 Denebola 37.6 Lipton 39.3 Dieron 39.8
Nanking 41.9 Yorii 42.0 Muphrid 42.1 Northwind 43.4
Saffel 45.0 Bex 45.4 Zosma 45.9 Sheratan 46.3
Tall Trees 46.4 Zollikofen 46.5 Rocky 46.8 Asta 47.2
Saiph 48.4 Acamar 48.4 Afleir 49.2 Zurich 49.5
New Dallas 49.8 Menkalinan 50.2 Berenson 51.1 Lockdale 51.3
Haddings 51.9 Woodstock 52.2 Fletcher 52.3 Connaught 52.7
Aldebaran 53.1 Marcus 53.8 Blue Sava 53.9 New Canton 54.0
Irian 54.4 Menkent 54.7 Imbros 54.9 Ingress 55.1
Acubens 55.6 Styx 55.8 Nirasaki 56.5 Athenry 56.6
Callison 57.4 Arboris 57.5 Small World 58.7 Bordon 59.0
Genoa 59.2 Belluevue 59.4 Kawich 59.8 Summer 60.9


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 28
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 Dark Age Republic Worlds (3130), p. 243: "Liberty"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Era Report: 2750, p. 37
  4. 4.0 4.1 Technical Readout: 2750, pp. 126–127: "Vincent"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 First Succession War, p. 125: "Shipbuilding Casualties of the First Succession War"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Handbook: House Marik, p. 16
  7. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 18
  8. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 13
  9. Handbook: House Liao, p. 17
  10. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 18
  11. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 25
  12. 12.0 12.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 159
  13. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 82: "The Marines of Carver V"
  15. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 104
  16. 16.0 16.1 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 138
  17. First Succession War, pp. 25–25: "Inner Sphere - 2786"
  18. First Succession War, p. 95: "Federated Suns Counteroffensives 2801–2818"
  19. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, pp. 122–123
  20. Handbook: House Liao, p. 31
  21. Handbook: House Liao, p. 39
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Technical Readout: 3039, p. 230: "CTF-1X Cataphract"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Wolf's Dragoons, p. 16: "The Eagle Fails"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Technical Readout: 3025, p. 148 "Transit"
  25. Handbook: House Liao, p. 40
  26. 26.0 26.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, pp. 16–17: "Tikonov Free Republic"
  27. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 16
  28. Handbook: House Liao, p. 49
  29. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 94: "End Of The War"
  30. Historical: War of 3039, p. 133
  31. Era Report: 3052, p. 11
  32. Era Report: 3052, p. 23
  33. Era Report: 3062, p. 11
  34. Era Report: 3062, p. 29
  35. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 43
  36. 36.0 36.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 45: "The Jihad in Review"
  37. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 65
  38. 38.0 38.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 58: "The Jihad in Review"
  39. Field Report: CCAF, p. 21
  40. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63
  41. Field Manual: 3085, p. vii: "Inner Sphere Map - [October 3085]"
  42. Era Report: 3145, p. 11
  43. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI: "Inner Sphere - 3145"
  44. Shattered Fortress, pp. 100–101
  45. Shattered Fortress, p. 103
  46. 46.0 46.1 House Liao: The Capellan Confederation, p. 126: "Elizabeth Jordan Liao" profile
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Technical Readout: 3025, p. 20 "UM-R60 Urbanmech"
  48. 48.0 48.1 Dark Age: Republic of the Sphere, p. 22: "Prefecture IX"
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 The Star League, p. 171
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 43: "Additional Operations: Carver V" and Danger Zone (sidebar)
  51. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 133: "Follow-On Actions"
  52. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 140
  53. House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 115
  54. Wolf's Dragoons, p. 16: "Nest of Vipers"
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Chaos March, p. 32: "Carver V"
  56. MechCommander 2
  57. BattleCorps: INN Newscast (Solaris Broadcasting Co. section), news item published [11/01/3068]: "AMC Defends Liberty"
  58. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 36: "S.O.S."
  59. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 127: "Word of Blake Militia Divisions"
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 87: "Chaos Eternal: Death to Tyrants"
  61. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 76: "Liberty Is Ours!"
  62. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 44: "Wasat Falls?"
  63. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 80: "Terra's Doorstep"
  64. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 76
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 Technical Readout: 3085 Supplemental, p. 30: "YOL-4C Yao Lien"
  66. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 13: "Plagued by Blake"
  67. Technical Readout: 3145 Republic of the Sphere, p. 26
  68. Blood Will Tell, chs. 27–31
  69. Historical: War of 3039, p. 138: "Deployment Table"
  70. ComStar, p. 85: "Com Guards Deployment Table"
  71. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 126: "Com Guards Deployment Table"
  72. Field Manual: Updates, p. 98: "Com Guards Deployment Table"
  73. Mercenaries Supplemental, p. 66: "Mercenary Deployment Table"
  74. Field Report: CCAF, p. 9: "Warrior House Regimental Status"
  75. Field Manual: 3145, p. 145: "Republic Armed Forces - Stone's Brigade"
  76. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 12: "BattleMech Landing Craft"
  77. Field Manual: Updates, p. 86: "5th Army V-Omicron (The Mountaineers)"
