Category:In-Universe Written Works
This category contains various textual media, such as history books, novels, and short stories, found in the BattleTech universe.
Pages in category "In-Universe Written Works"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 392 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Complete History of the Succession Wars
- A Gear Among Many
- A Glimpse of the Bold and the Mighty
- A Guidebook to the Mercenary Units Currently Active in the Inner Sphere: Year 3025
- A History of Philosophy
- A History of the Arts in the Lyran Commonwealth
- A Look at the Steiner Family
- A MechWarrior's Life
- A Pocket History of the Inner Sphere
- A Primer to Tactics and Strategy: 34th Edition
- A Time of Lies
- A Time Wasted
- A War of Extremes
- Abridged Encyclopedia Galactica
- The Aftermath: Terra After the War
- Aggressor Liao
- Aiding the Enemy: Nykvarm Under Occupation
- Altered Spheres
- Amenders Die Hard
- Anatomy of a Liberation
- Andes to Amazon: Jon Davion's Chain of Success
- Antecedents
- Applied Concepts of Attack and Defense
- The Art of War (Book)
- Ascension: the Liberation of Skye
- The Authorized Biography of Robert Steiner
- Bad Men, Bad Times
- Bad Times
- Barter Diplomacy
- Basic Economics
- Basic Strategy
- Basic Tactics
- Becoming a Khan: The Legend Factor
- Before The Fourth Succession War
- Biographical Encyclopedia of the Star League Generals
- Birth of a New Society: The Collected Writings of Nicholas Kerensky
- Bitter Times
- Black Samurai, White Doves
- Blake's Gamble: Gaming the Game World
- The Bleeding Edge of Technology
- Blessed Destiny
- Blood in the Sand: The Battle of Luthien
- Bloodless Roses
- Bloodline's Destiny
- Bloody but Unbowed: A History of House Liao
- Boots and Saddles: The Eridani Light Horse on Coventry
- Border Run
- Brainless Guide to Piloting® the StrongArm MOD
- Breaking the Seventh Division
- Breaking the Sword
- Bridge and Fo'c'sle: The Personal Voices of our Servicemen
- Brief Candle: The Short Life of Free Rasalhague
- Broken Promises: The Legacy of the Jihad
- Brood of Vipers: The Steiner-Davion Children and the Death of the Future
- Brother Against Brother: An Unofficial Civil War
- Bullets and Bombs
- By Our Right and Blood
- The Caldrea Debacle
- The Cameron Dynasty, Volume X
- Cameron Family Tree
- The Case for UFOs - VARO Edition
- Castle Building: An Empire Imperative
- Castle Maltra
- Celestial Calamity
- Celestial Truth
- The Chancellor And I
- Chara: Scourge of SCOUR
- Circling the Ring
- The Clan Anthology: Poetry in Time of Crisis
- Clan Language
- The Clans
- Collected Short Sayings of Blessed Blake
- Combat Among the Giants
- Commonwealth Myths and Legends
- Commonwealth Popular Culture: Insights from our Leisure
- Commonwealth Protest Poetry
- Commonwealth Symbols: Insights Through the Icons
- ComStar and the Mercenaries: In Bed With the Enemy
- The Conventions of War Throughout Man's History
- Creating a Republic: War's Disruptive Effects
- Crucible (Book)
- Cultic Totems, Cultic Brotherhoods
- Cults in Capellan History
- The Culture That Doesn’t Forget
- A Cynic's Guide to Politics
- Cynthiana Colony Log, 2189
- Dark Periphery
- Dark Shadows: Behind the Succession Wars
- The Death of Galedon
- December Guns
- Deconstructing the Golden Age
- Descent: My Life at the Helm of the Commonwealth
- Desert Fights: The Reunification Wars
- The Determined
- Diana's War
- Diary of a Stone Migrant
- Dieron: Tactics and Study
- Digest of our Times
- Dominion Over All: The Rise of the New Ghost Bear Threat
- Donegal and the Jihad: A Primer
- The Downfall: The Star League's Last Days
- The Dragon and the Cat: A History of the Draconis Combine in the Clan Invasion
- The Dragon We Never Knew
- Dragon's Blade: The Kurita Threat and Prefect Tormark
- Dragon's Tethered Ire
- DropShip-o-rama
- Eleven Against the Stars
- Elias Liao: My Father
- Encyclopedia Res Publica
- Endless Loop: A Steiner History
- Enemy on Two Sides: Conflicts Between the Soldiers and the Bureaucracy
- Enlightening the Dark Age: A ComStar History
- Escape from Epsilon Eridani
- Essential History of Terra's Second Liberation
- Extracts and Recollections
- Fading Light: The Diminishing Role of Galetea
- The Falcon Vision
- Falcons Resurgent: The Coventry Campaign
- Fallen Eagles, Broken Promises
- The Fallen Rise: A Tale of Rasalhague
- Famous for Fifteen Murders: Serial Killers and Terrorists of the Free Worlds
- Federated Commonwealth in Chaos
- The Federated Suns/Lyran Commonwealth Alliance: An Intelligence Report
- The Fifth of December: Ruse or Revolution?
- Fight to the Death
- Fighting for the Commonwealth: A Biography of General Edward Regis
- The Final Codex
- Fire and Blood: A Concise History of the Succession Wars
- Fire In The Heavens: The History Of War In The Inner Sphere
- First Succession War Battlefields
- Fisherman's Guide to the Inner Sphere
- The Fists of House Steiner: A Layman's Look at the BattleMech Regiments of the LCAF
- For Glory and Honor, Or At Least To Make it Look Good
- For The Love Of Freedom
- Forecasts from the Past: Secrets of the Star League Revealed
- Forgotten Battles of the Succession War
- The Forgotten: Understanding the Territorial States of the Star League
- Fortress Republic (Holo-novel)
- Fractured States: Politics and the (Former) Free Worlds League
- Free Worlds Freelancer: A Mercenary in the Free Worlds League, 3000-3015
- From Laugh Tracks to Laser Beams: Comedies of the Early Spaceflight Era
- From our Century, Part IV
- From Terra to Tharkad
- From the Karpov Years
- Further Sayings of Shiro Kurita
- The Gallant Defense of Mankind: The Battle of Tukayyid
- Government House Transcripts: Year 3002
- The Grammar of Violence: Combat as Culture in Clan Society
- The Great Asian Land Grab: Terra 3078
- Great Battles of Liao
- Great Mysteries of the Succession Wars (Book I)
- The Great Tax Debate
- The Greats
- Grey's Field Guide to Predatory Birds
- Here We Go Again
- Heroes of Our Times
- The Highlander Freedom
- History and the Present: The Current State of the Lyran Commonwealth
- The History Cycle
- History of Modern Non-Governmental Organizations
- History of the Combine
- The Horrors of Claudius Steiner's Reign
- House Steiner: A History
- HPG Technology Readout 102-B: Hyperpulse Principles and Applications
- Humanity's Destiny
- Hunting Demons in Hades
- I Want to Believe
- The Idiot's Guide to the Jihad on Skye
- Igniting the Flame: 3062-3069
- Imprimis, We Conquer
- In Search of Capellan Excellence
- In the Belly of the Dragon: My Service in the Draconis Combine
- The Intangibles of War
- Intelligence: An Informal Indictment
- Into the Deep Dark
- Into the Dragon's Teeth
- Invincible Dreams
- The Invincible
- The Irian Codes
- The Irian Supremacy: Power Corrupted
- Iron Fist, Steel Spine
- Is the Sun Setting on the Sword?
- Is This Freedom?
(previous page) (next page)
Pages in category "In-Universe Written Works"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 392 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Complete History of the Succession Wars
- A Gear Among Many
- A Glimpse of the Bold and the Mighty
- A Guidebook to the Mercenary Units Currently Active in the Inner Sphere: Year 3025
- A History of Philosophy
- A History of the Arts in the Lyran Commonwealth
- A Look at the Steiner Family
- A MechWarrior's Life
- A Pocket History of the Inner Sphere
- A Primer to Tactics and Strategy: 34th Edition
- A Time of Lies
- A Time Wasted
- A War of Extremes
- Abridged Encyclopedia Galactica
- The Aftermath: Terra After the War
- Aggressor Liao
- Aiding the Enemy: Nykvarm Under Occupation
- Altered Spheres
- Amenders Die Hard
- Anatomy of a Liberation
- Andes to Amazon: Jon Davion's Chain of Success
- Antecedents
- Applied Concepts of Attack and Defense
- The Art of War (Book)
- Ascension: the Liberation of Skye
- The Authorized Biography of Robert Steiner
- Bad Men, Bad Times
- Bad Times
- Barter Diplomacy
- Basic Economics
- Basic Strategy
- Basic Tactics
- Becoming a Khan: The Legend Factor
- Before The Fourth Succession War
- Biographical Encyclopedia of the Star League Generals
- Birth of a New Society: The Collected Writings of Nicholas Kerensky
- Bitter Times
- Black Samurai, White Doves
- Blake's Gamble: Gaming the Game World
- The Bleeding Edge of Technology
- Blessed Destiny
- Blood in the Sand: The Battle of Luthien
- Bloodless Roses
- Bloodline's Destiny
- Bloody but Unbowed: A History of House Liao
- Boots and Saddles: The Eridani Light Horse on Coventry
- Border Run
- Brainless Guide to Piloting® the StrongArm MOD
- Breaking the Seventh Division
- Breaking the Sword
- Bridge and Fo'c'sle: The Personal Voices of our Servicemen
- Brief Candle: The Short Life of Free Rasalhague
- Broken Promises: The Legacy of the Jihad
- Brood of Vipers: The Steiner-Davion Children and the Death of the Future
- Brother Against Brother: An Unofficial Civil War
- Bullets and Bombs
- By Our Right and Blood
- The Caldrea Debacle
- The Cameron Dynasty, Volume X
- Cameron Family Tree
- The Case for UFOs - VARO Edition
- Castle Building: An Empire Imperative
- Castle Maltra
- Celestial Calamity
- Celestial Truth
- The Chancellor And I
- Chara: Scourge of SCOUR
- Circling the Ring
- The Clan Anthology: Poetry in Time of Crisis
- Clan Language
- The Clans
- Collected Short Sayings of Blessed Blake
- Combat Among the Giants
- Commonwealth Myths and Legends
- Commonwealth Popular Culture: Insights from our Leisure
- Commonwealth Protest Poetry
- Commonwealth Symbols: Insights Through the Icons
- ComStar and the Mercenaries: In Bed With the Enemy
- The Conventions of War Throughout Man's History
- Creating a Republic: War's Disruptive Effects
- Crucible (Book)
- Cultic Totems, Cultic Brotherhoods
- Cults in Capellan History
- The Culture That Doesn’t Forget
- A Cynic's Guide to Politics
- Cynthiana Colony Log, 2189
- Dark Periphery
- Dark Shadows: Behind the Succession Wars
- The Death of Galedon
- December Guns
- Deconstructing the Golden Age
- Descent: My Life at the Helm of the Commonwealth
- Desert Fights: The Reunification Wars
- The Determined
- Diana's War
- Diary of a Stone Migrant
- Dieron: Tactics and Study
- Digest of our Times
- Dominion Over All: The Rise of the New Ghost Bear Threat
- Donegal and the Jihad: A Primer
- The Downfall: The Star League's Last Days
- The Dragon and the Cat: A History of the Draconis Combine in the Clan Invasion
- The Dragon We Never Knew
- Dragon's Blade: The Kurita Threat and Prefect Tormark
- Dragon's Tethered Ire
- DropShip-o-rama
- Eleven Against the Stars
- Elias Liao: My Father
- Encyclopedia Res Publica
- Endless Loop: A Steiner History
- Enemy on Two Sides: Conflicts Between the Soldiers and the Bureaucracy
- Enlightening the Dark Age: A ComStar History
- Escape from Epsilon Eridani
- Essential History of Terra's Second Liberation
- Extracts and Recollections
- Fading Light: The Diminishing Role of Galetea
- The Falcon Vision
- Falcons Resurgent: The Coventry Campaign
- Fallen Eagles, Broken Promises
- The Fallen Rise: A Tale of Rasalhague
- Famous for Fifteen Murders: Serial Killers and Terrorists of the Free Worlds
- Federated Commonwealth in Chaos
- The Federated Suns/Lyran Commonwealth Alliance: An Intelligence Report
- The Fifth of December: Ruse or Revolution?
- Fight to the Death
- Fighting for the Commonwealth: A Biography of General Edward Regis
- The Final Codex
- Fire and Blood: A Concise History of the Succession Wars
- Fire In The Heavens: The History Of War In The Inner Sphere
- First Succession War Battlefields
- Fisherman's Guide to the Inner Sphere
- The Fists of House Steiner: A Layman's Look at the BattleMech Regiments of the LCAF
- For Glory and Honor, Or At Least To Make it Look Good
- For The Love Of Freedom
- Forecasts from the Past: Secrets of the Star League Revealed
- Forgotten Battles of the Succession War
- The Forgotten: Understanding the Territorial States of the Star League
- Fortress Republic (Holo-novel)
- Fractured States: Politics and the (Former) Free Worlds League
- Free Worlds Freelancer: A Mercenary in the Free Worlds League, 3000-3015
- From Laugh Tracks to Laser Beams: Comedies of the Early Spaceflight Era
- From our Century, Part IV
- From Terra to Tharkad
- From the Karpov Years
- Further Sayings of Shiro Kurita
- The Gallant Defense of Mankind: The Battle of Tukayyid
- Government House Transcripts: Year 3002
- The Grammar of Violence: Combat as Culture in Clan Society
- The Great Asian Land Grab: Terra 3078
- Great Battles of Liao
- Great Mysteries of the Succession Wars (Book I)
- The Great Tax Debate
- The Greats
- Grey's Field Guide to Predatory Birds
- Here We Go Again
- Heroes of Our Times
- The Highlander Freedom
- History and the Present: The Current State of the Lyran Commonwealth
- The History Cycle
- History of Modern Non-Governmental Organizations
- History of the Combine
- The Horrors of Claudius Steiner's Reign
- House Steiner: A History
- HPG Technology Readout 102-B: Hyperpulse Principles and Applications
- Humanity's Destiny
- Hunting Demons in Hades
- I Want to Believe
- The Idiot's Guide to the Jihad on Skye
- Igniting the Flame: 3062-3069
- Imprimis, We Conquer
- In Search of Capellan Excellence
- In the Belly of the Dragon: My Service in the Draconis Combine
- The Intangibles of War
- Intelligence: An Informal Indictment
- Into the Deep Dark
- Into the Dragon's Teeth
- Invincible Dreams
- The Invincible
- The Irian Codes
- The Irian Supremacy: Power Corrupted
- Iron Fist, Steel Spine
- Is the Sun Setting on the Sword?
- Is This Freedom?