This is a maintenance category, used for the maintenance of BTW. It is not part of the encyclopedia and contains non-article pages, or groups articles by status rather than subject. Do not include this category in content categories.
This is a tracking category. It builds and maintains a list of pages primarily for the sake of the list itself. They are not part of the BTW's categorization scheme.
In accordance with BattleTechWiki's Policy:Canon and Policy:Fanon, this category contains articles whose subject matter, despite being considered noteworthy enough for BattleTech to be included on the BattleTechWiki, is clearly not canonical and not even apocryphal, even in cases where it was published through official venues; the latter includes material that was not intended to be canonical (e.g. joke publications) as well as material that was later superseded, corrected, or expressly declared non-canon.
All pages containing the {{NotCanon}} tag are automatically included in this category. It should not be the only category used for it's content.
Pages in category "Non-canon"
The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.
Pages in category "Non-canon"
The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.