Clan Sea Fox IndustriPlex-C

Clan Sea Fox IndustriPlex-C
Corporation Profile
Previous Name(s)Clan Diamond Shark IndustriPlex-C[1]
(Itabaiana IV)[1]

Clan Diamond Shark IndustriPlex-C was a Clan Diamond Shark facility on the planet Itabaiana.[1] After the Diamond Sharks renamed themselves to Clan Sea Fox, this facility was renamed to Clan Sea Fox IndustriPlex-C.[2]


The facility survived most of the Jihad: In 3079, it hadn't lost any personnel or suffered any damage.[3] It was the Diamond Shark's original producer of Elemental battle armor. It also produced the "Rabid" variant of Clan medium battle armor.[1] IndustriPlex-C was one of the industrial facilities destroyed during the Bloody Tricentennial attacks in late 3080.[4]


IndustriPlex-C has manufacturing centers on the following planet:


Components produced on Itabaiana:[5][6]
Component Type
Battle Armor
Clan Medium Battle Armor "Rabid"[1][5] medium battle armor
Elemental[1] medium battle armor
Cizin[6] Hovercraft
Extralight Fusion Engine
Consolidated 215 XL Cizin[6]
Ferro-fibrous Armor
Alpha Compound ferro-fibrous Cizin[6]
Communications System
Omicron 5000 Cizin[6]
Targeting-Tracking System
Build 4 CAT TTS w/Advanced Targeting Computer Cizin[6]
ER Medium Laser
Series 2d Cizin[6]
Pattern D-II Cizin[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Objectives: The Clans, p. 4: "Clan Diamond Shark IndustriPlex-C"
  2. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 18: "Cizin"
  3. Objectives: The Clans, p. 3: "State of the Industry at a Glance (Dec 3079)"
  4. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 113: "Clan Industry"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Technical Readout: 3075, p. 121: "Produced Components"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 18: "Produced Cizin Components"
