Clan Star Adder Touman

The Clan Star Adder touman is the military arm of Clan Star Adder.

Unit Structure[edit]

Clan Star Adder nominally follows the standard Cluster formation, with three OmniMech, one OmniFighter and one Elemental Trinary. However, the Star Adders have long favored the type of mobile warfare embodied by 'Mechs, especially heavy and assault 'Mechs configured to inflict maximum damage, with the result being that little thought was usually given to infantry or air assets. Depending on their unit type then some Clusters will have only an Elemental Binary or a Supernova instead, and/or be supported by only a Binary or even just a single Star of fighters. The exact composition of a Cluster then varies between units, though every Cluster includes a Command Star, usually a Nova formation from which the Star Colonel can direct his troops. At the Galaxy level, each Galaxy Commander has their own Command Trinary with two to three Support Trinaries, mostly conventional artillery.[1]

Second-line Clusters have fewer OmniMechs, which are generally assigned to commanding officers, with the standard heavy BattleMech as the main fighting machine, though some of these will be as old as the Star League itself. On average, second-line Clusters will have only a Star or two of fighters and a Binary or Trinary of Elementals. A standard heavy BattleMech is the mainstay of the garrison Clusters. In addition, every Provisional Galaxy has two or three Clusters of conventional armor and infantry assigned to it.[1]

Cluster Type Information
Armored Cavalry Squadrons These Clusters consist mostly of medium and heavy OmniMechs, with a few Stars of light scouts. Four Stars of aerospace support is the norm.
Assault Clusters The backbone of each front-line Galaxy, these units contain heavy and assault OmniMechs. At least one Trinary is made up of faster heavy Omnis such as the Timber Wolf and the Gargoyle.
Dragoon Clusters These Clusters are jacks of all trades, equipped for maximum flexibility with a variety of units.
Cavalier Clusters OmniMechs of every type are assigned to these Clusters, which balance speed with hitting power.
Hussar Clusters Warriors and equipment captured from Clan Burrock mostly populate these Clusters. Fast light and medium OmniMechs are standard, along with a few Stars of fast heavies.
Guards Clusters Heavy in weight and moderate in speed, these Clusters have been among the last to receive armored infantry. Several have yet to receive any.
Gatekeeper Clusters These are Clan Star Adder's solahma units. Seven currently operate with BattleMechs in the Provisional Galaxies. Additional Clusters operate with vehicles or standard infantry. These Clusters do not contain any Elementals, though aerospace fighters are usually present in standard numbers.
Sentinel Clusters These Clusters are standard second line formations. Composition varies widely, though most include a Binary of aerospace fighters. Elementals have recently been assigned to some Clusters.

Touman Structure[edit]

3059 - 11 Galaxies - 52 Clusters[2]
3067 - 13 Galaxies - 61 Clusters[3]
3085 - 12 Galaxies - 42 Clusters[4]



Clan Star Adder.jpg 3059
Adder Command Keshik
(The Light of Command)
Adder Quasar Keshik
(Iron Will)
Adder Command Keshik
Adder Quasar Keshik
Alpha Naval Reserve Star
Beta Naval Reserve Star
Gamma Naval Reserve Star[5]

Alpha Galaxy (Old Blood and Guts)[edit]

Alpha Galaxy
Saalphagalaxy.jpg 3059-3067
5th Assault Cluster
11th Armored Cavalry Squadron
85th Adder Cavaliers
87th Dragoon Cluster
191st Adder Guards
Adder Command Keshik
11th Armored Cavalry Squadron
73rd Adder Cavaliers
85th Adder Cavaliers

Beta Galaxy[edit]

Beta Galaxy
Clan Star Adder.jpg 3059 3062-3067
4th Assault Cluster
10th Armored Cavalry
15th Armored Cavalry
73rd Adder Cavaliers
80th Adder Cavaliers
4th Assault Cluster
10th Armored Cavalry Squadron
15th Armored Cavalry Squadron
80th Adder Cavaliers

Gamma Galaxy (Blood Feud)[edit]

Gamma Galaxy
Sagamma.png 3059
9th Armored Cavalry Squadron
69th Dragoon Cluster
73rd Adder Cavaliers
133rd Hussar Cluster
3rd Assault Cluster
9th Armored Cavalry Squadron
69th Dragoon Cluster
79th Dragoon Cluster
133rd Hussar Cluster
Adder Quasar Keshik
3rd Assault Cluster
69th Dragoon Cluster
79th Dragoon Cluster
133rd Hussar Cluster

Delta Galaxy (Thunderstrike)[edit]

Delta Galaxy
Sadelta.png 3059-3067
6th Adder Assault Cluster
17th Cavalier Cluster
18th Armored Cavalry Squadron
132nd Adder Guards
206th Hussar Cluster
6th Adder Assault Cluster
17th Strike Cluster
18th Armored Cavalry Squadron

Epsilon Galaxy (Night Terrors)[edit]

Epsilon Galaxy
Saepsilon.png 3059-3067
13th Adder Assault Cluster
42nd Adder Cavaliers
193rd Dragoon Cluster
212th Battle Cluster
471st Adder Guards
13th Adder Assault Cluster
42nd Adder Cavaliers
212th Battle Cluster
471st Adder Guards

Kappa Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Kappa Provisional Galaxy
Sakappa.png 3059
300th Adder Sentinels
417th Adder Sentinels
421st Adder Sentinels
884th Gatekeeper Cluster
1009th Adder Sentinels
1st Star Sentinels
300th Adder Sentinels
417th Adder Sentinels
421st Adder Sentinels
884th Gatekeeper Cluster
1st Star Sentinels
300th Adder Sentinels
417th Adder Sentinels
421st Adder Sentinels

Mu Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Mu Provisional Galaxy
Samu.png 3059-3067
178th Adder Sentinels
383rd Adder Sentinels
935th Gatekeeper Cluster
1001st Adder Sentinels
383rd Adder Sentinels
935th Gatekeeper Cluster
1001st Adder Sentinels

Xi Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Xi Provisional Galaxy
Saxi.png 3059-3067
97th Adder Sentinels
235th Adder Sentinels
522nd Adder Sentinels
1015th Adder Sentinels
97th Adder Sentinels
522nd Adder Sentinels
1015th Adder Sentinels

Omicron Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Omicron Provisional Galaxy
Saomicron.png 3059-3067
271st Adder Sentinels
312th Adder Sentinels
460th Adder Sentinels
983rd Adder Sentinels
1008th Adder Sentinels
271st Adder Sentinels
312th Adder Sentinels
460th Adder Sentinels

Rho Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Rho Provisional Galaxy
Sarho.png 3059-3067
152nd Adder Sentinels
362nd Adder Sentinels
714th Adder Sentinels
1129th Gatekeeper Cluster
152nd Adder Sentinels
362nd Adder Sentinels
1129th Gatekeeper Cluster

Sigma Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Sigma Provisional
Sasigma.png 3059-3067
428th Adder Sentinels
471st Adder Sentinels
504th Adder Sentinels
822nd Gatekeeper Cluster
1143rd Gatekeeper Cluster
471st Adder Sentinels
504th Adder Sentinels
822nd Gatekeeper Cluster
1143rd Gatekeeper Cluster

Tau Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Tau Provisional Galaxy
Satau.png 3059-3067
286th Adder Sentinels
343rd Adder Sentinels
899th Gatekeeper Cluster
1114th Gatekeeper Cluster
899th Gatekeeper Cluster
1008th Adder Sentinels

Former Galaxies[edit]

Upsilon Provisional Galaxy[edit]

Upsilon Provisional Galaxy
Clan Star Adder.jpg 3059
98th Adder Sentinels
471st Adder Sentinels
1018th Adder Sentinels
1021st Adder Sentinels
1155th Gatekeeper Cluster

Defected to the resurrected Clan Burrock in 3072 becoming Zeta Galaxy.[6]

Naval Assets[edit]

For much of its history, Clan Star Adder maintained a large fleet along with a reserve of mothballed vessels ready to call on. This allowed them to rise in power among the Homeworld Clans but also gave opponents, including Dark Caste, Clan Burrock rebels, and Society subversives, the ability to quickly reactivate potent formations when such forces rose up in defiance. The Clan's self-appointment as the savior of the Clans and leader of the most reactionary views regarding isolation from the taint of the Inner Sphere has been assisted by the strong naval force the Clan commanded as of 3090, the latest report of the Homeworld situation.


Uniforms and Rank Insignia[edit]

Field Uniform

The Star Adder Field Uniform is a combat utility jumpsuit with camouflage appropriate to the condition of the terrain the warrior is in. A patch of the Star Adder insignia is worn on the right shoulder, Cluster insignia is on the right, and rank insignia is worn on the right breast and sleeves. Additional harness and belts may be worn based on the wearer's assignment. MechWarriors and Aerospace Pilots wear a specialized version of the jumpsuit.[8]

Dress Uniform

The Star Adder dress uniform coat and trousers are made from polished black leather, giving the appearance of snakeskin. The coat is cut in an open style, clasped at the neck by a brooch that bears the crest of the wearer's Cluster. Bloodnamed warriors often inscribe their Bloodnames along the brooch's edge. The coat is trimmed in silver and another color denoting the warrior's class: red for MechWarriors, blue for Aerospace Pilots, Green for Elementals and yellow for standard infantry and combat crews. The trousers have the same vertical cut. A white shirt or blouse is worn underneath the coat. Rank insignia is worn on the right breast. Polished, knee-high black boots round out the uniform. Veterans style their rank insignia from bones or metal retrieved from battle.[8]

Ceremonial Uniform

The ceremonial uniform is the same as the dress uniform, but adds an enameled mask styled after the Star Adder.[8]

Clan Star Adder Military Rank Insignia
Point positions
Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5
Star-Adder-Point-1.png Star-Adder-Point-2.png Star-Adder-Point-3.png Star-Adder-Point-4.png Star-Adder-Point-5.png
Clan Star Adder Rank Insignia by service branch[9]
Rank MechWarrior Aerospace fighter Elemental Naval crew
Star Commander Star-Adder-StarCommander-MW.png Star-Adder-StarCommander-ASF.png Star-Adder-StarCommander-Elemental.png Star-Adder-StarCommander-Naval.png
Star Captain Star-Adder-StarCaptain-MW.png Star-Adder-StarCaptain-ASF.png Star-Adder-StarCaptain-Elemental.png Star-Adder-StarCaptain-Naval.png
Star Colonel Star-Adder-StarColonel-MW.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-ASF.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-Elemental.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-Naval.png
Galaxy Commander Star-Adder-GalaxyCommander-MW.png Star-Adder-GalaxyCommander-ASF.png Star-Adder-GalaxyCommander-Elemental.png Star-Adder-GalaxyCommander-Naval.png
saKhan Star-Adder-saKhan-MW.png Star-Adder-saKhan-ASF.png Star-Adder-saKhan-Elemental.png Star-Adder-saKhan-Naval.png
Khan Star-Adder-Khan-MW.png Star-Adder-Khan-ASF.png Star-Adder-Khan-Elemental.png Star-Adder-Khan-Naval.png


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 119
  2. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, pp. 122–133
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p. 73
  4. The Wars of Reaving, pp. 168–169
  5. Field Manual Update p. 73
  6. The Wars of Reaving, p.88
  7. The Wars of Reaving, p. 168, "WarShips"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 120: Clan Star Adder Uniforms
  9. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 120
