Clan Steel Viper Touman

The Clan Steel Viper touman was the military arm of Clan Steel Viper.

Unit Structure[edit]

Most front-line Clusters conformed to the standard Clan doctrine of three OmniMech, one Elemental and one OmniFighter Trinary. Medium and heavy-weight 'Mechs comprise most of these 'Mech assets, with light and assault 'Mechs restricted to specialist units. However, though they field the same number of aerospace fighters as other Clans, Steel Viper aerospace Points contain only one fighter rather than the standard two, and proportionally a large number are assigned escort duty to WarShips and other spacecraft. This leaves ground units much more vulnerable to air assaults than other Clan units.[1]

Second-line Clusters vary their composition based on their specialist role. Fang Clusters deploy three BattleMech Trinaries and a conventional infantry Trinary while Phalanx Clusters reverse this by deploying three infantry Trinaries and one 'Mech. Legion Clusters deploy two each of 'Mech and conventional infantry, and all three include an Aerospace Trinary. This willingness to use non-solahma conventional infantry is unique among the Clans, though for the most part these forces are little seen outside garrison Clusters. While combat vehicles are also used by second-line Clusters, they are less common.[1]

Another unique feature is all Steel Viper warriors are trueborn; even second-line units are composed of truebirth warriors who simply did not test well during their final Trial of Position.[1]

The Steel Vipers also maintain specialist Star formations which are almost all "pure" unit types, the exception being Rattler and Molt Stars.[1]

Type Information
Krait Assault Star (heavy to assault 'Mechs)
Boa Battle Star (medium to heavy 'Mechs)
Mamba Striker Star (light to medium 'Mechs)
Rattler Reinforced Star (Five OmniMechs and Five Elemental Points)
Cobra Elemental Star
Adder Aerospace Star
Viper Conventional Infantry Star
Asp Vehicle Star
Molt Ad hoc Combined-Arms Star
Head Command Star

Touman Structure[edit]

Former Galaxies[edit]

All Steel Viper Galaxies underwent a strategic reorganization in 3068 when the new Rattle Clusters were introduced. Veteran Clusters from several Galaxies were removed to form Omicron Galaxy, and replaced in their old Galaxy by a Rattle Cluster.[2] The Steel Viper touman would meet its end, in 3075 after being discovered as the only remaining Clan who had been "tainted" by their contact in the Inner Sphere. IlKhan Brett Andrews' actions in the Clan Council only hastened the Steel Vipers' fate as the remaining home Clans had effectively destroyed the touman and razed their capital. The destruction of the touman would mark the end the Wars of Reaving.

Triasch Keshik[edit]

Triasch Keshik
Triasch Keshik
Steel Viper Naval Reserve
Triasch Keshik
Steel Viper Naval Reserve

Alpha Galaxy (Steel Viper Galaxy)[edit]

Alpha Galaxy
Svalpha.png 3051-52
1st Viper Guards
4th Viper Guards
250th Assault Cluster
333rd Combat Assault Cluster
400th Assault Cluster
Triasch Keshik
1st Viper Guards
2nd Viper Guards
4th Viper Guards
400th Assault Cluster
Alpha Solahma Cluster
Alpha Newt Cluster
1st Viper Guards
2nd Viper Guards
400th Assault Cluster
Alpha Newt Cluster

Beta Galaxy (Steel Fangs Galaxy)[edit]

Beta Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Viper Fusiliers
126th Striker Cluster
104th Assault Cluster
Viper Fusiliers
126th Striker Cluster
195th Striker Cluster
233rd Battle Cluster
9th Viper Guards
Beta Newt Trinary
Steel Fang Strike Star
Viper Fusiliers
126th Striker Cluster
195th Striker Cluster
233rd Battle Cluster
Beta Newt Cluster

Gamma Galaxy (Striking Serpent Galaxy)[edit]

Gamma Galaxy
Svgamma.png 3053-3061
423rd Assault Cluster
428th Assault Cluster
51st Battle Cluster
94th Battle Cluster
57th Striker Cluster
423rd Assault Cluster
428th Assault Cluster
94th Battle Cluster
57th Striker Cluster
Gamma Cluster

Delta Galaxy (The Fer-De-Lance Galaxy)[edit]

Delta Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
51st Battle Cluster
61st Striker Cluster
93rd Assault Cluster
202nd Striker Cluster
61st Striker Cluster
93rd Assault Cluster
104th Assault Cluster
61st Striker Cluster
93rd Assault Cluster
104th Assault Cluster
Steel Coil Patrol Star

Nu Galaxy (Buto Galaxy)[edit]

Nu Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
14th Viper Regulars
17th Viper Regulars
131st Phalanx
29th Fang
33rd Phalanx

Zeta Galaxy[edit]

Zeta Galaxy
Svzeta.png 3052
2nd Fang
38th Phalanx
71st Phalanx
1st Fang
2nd Fang
38th Phalanx
71st Phalanx

Omicron Galaxy[edit]

Omicron Galaxy
Clan Steel Viper logo.png 3068-3072

Rho Galaxy[edit]

Rho Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
5th Legion
3rd Fang
4th Fang
141st Phalanx
164th Phalanx

Chi Galaxy[edit]

Chi Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
1st Legion
5th Viper Regulars
11th Viper Regulars

Psi Galaxy[edit]

Psi Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
144th Phalanx
165th Phalanx
144th Phalanx
165th Phalanx
83rd Fang

Omega Galaxy[edit]

Omega Galaxy
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
9th Fang
10th Fang
80th Fang
167th Phalanx
10th Fang
80th Fang
167th Fang
144th Phalanx
83rd Fang

Naval Assets[edit]

After years of losses, the Steel Vipers were the leading Clan in the chaos of the Wars of Reaving. At their Annihilation, the Steel Vipers maintained the following WarShips:


Uniforms and Rank Insignia[edit]

Battle Dress Uniform

The Viper uniform consist of a gray-blue, form-fitting bodysuit. A coif-like hood extends the suit's protection to include the head, but many warriors choose not to wear it. Unfortunately, the hood cannot be worn with a neurohelmet.[4]

Combat Dress Uniforms

MechWarriors wear boots, gauntlets, and a cool vest over the bodysuit. Others would replace the bodysuit with shorts and T-shirt.

Aerospace pilots wear a G-suit and spacesuit over the bodysuit. Boots and gauntlets complete the uniform.

Clan Elementals wear mesh with black boots and gauntlets.

Conventional Infantry wear a bodysuit with black boots, gauntlets, with a green armored vest and two-tone overtrousers that contain large hip pockets for ammunition and other equipment. A green snake-like helmet completes the uniform.[4]

Dress Uniform

The dress uniform is a lightweight double-breasted jacket and trousers woven from a synthetic material that shimmers every time the wearer moves. Broad green stripes run along the outside of the legs and arms, and thin green piping runs across the shoulders and around the front panel of the jacket. Knee-high black boots, a black belt and black gloves complete the outfit. Bloodnamed warriors wear a cape of the same material.[4]

Ceremonial Uniform

The ceremonial uniform is the similar to the dress uniform, but is made with steel viper skin. A full-length snakeskin cloak replaces the half-cape. An enameled mask, shaped like a steel viper's head with the fangs framing the wearer's face, completes the face. Members of the Viper Clan Council and Bloodnamed house wear a thick rolled collar that simulates the size and marks of the viper.[4]

Military Rank Insignia
Uniform Rank Insignia Point Rank Point Insignia
Point Commander
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Point 1
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Star Commander
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Point 2
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Star Captain
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Point 3
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Star Colonel
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Point 4
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Galaxy Commander
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Point 5
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 138
  2. The Wars of Reaving, p. 41
  3. The Wars of Reaving, p. 150-151, "Focused Aggression"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 141: Clan Steel Viper Uniforms
