Clan Wolf-in-Exile Naval Forces

Clan Wolf logo.png
Affiliation Clan Wolf-in-Exile
Parent Command Clan Wolf-in-Exile touman

The WarShips of Clan Wolf-in-Exile, like the other forces that survived the Refusal War and the split thereafter, were at one time part of the touman of Clan Wolf. Following the division, the cruiser-heavy WarShip group caused concern among their neighbors as the vessels gathered at Arc-Royal. The vessels that were already in the Inner Sphere joined their brethren under the command of Khan Phelan Kell, to be joined later by three vessels from the Homeworlds, shepherding lower castes and sikbos to their new home in the Arc-Royal Defense Cordon.[1]

The Exiled Wolves gained vessels from the Jade Falcons in the Incursion and during the last battle of the Lyran theatre as a participant in the Federated Commonwealth Civil War. The losses during the Jihad, against both Clan Ghost Bear and the Word of Blake brought them to only a few remaining vessels.[2] This low number was further reduced due to a lack of refit and maintenance facilities in the Lyran Commonwealth. Only one remained functional in 3085,[3] and no WarShip was operational for the Wolves-in-Exile for the ilClan Trial in 3151.

Naval Assets[edit]

Star Wolves 3058-3061[edit]

  • Werewolf, McKenna-class Battleship – flagship - accompanied Khan Kell to Arc-Royal
  • Implacable, Black Lion-class Battle Cruiser – accompanied Khan Kell into Exile
  • Mother Jocasta, Cameron-class Battle Cruiser – taken by Khan Kell, renamed Ulric Kerensky on 31 December 3057
  • Killing Blow, Vincent Mk.42-class Corvette – joined Khan Kell in the Inner Sphere from the Homeworlds
  • Valiant, Vincent Mk.42-class Corvette – joined Khan Kell in the Inner Sphere from the Homeworlds
  • Full Moon, Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser – brought non-warrior caste members from the Homeworlds



Star Wolves Naval Star[edit]

Wolf Pack Reserve Naval Star[edit]

  • Jade Wolf, Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser - formerly the CJF White Talon - destroyed in 3072 on Arc-Royal by the Word of Blake[6]
  • Full Moon, Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser
  • Valiant, Vincent Mk.42-class Corvette - destroyed in 3072 above Arc-Royal by the Word of Blake[6]
  • Killing Blow, Vincent Mk.42-class Corvette - lost in Odessa / Gabriel campaign, 3075[6]

Claimed as isorla at The Battle of Tharkad[edit]



  • Full Moon, Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser - dismantled before 3145[9]



Rank Name Command
Commanding Officer Clan Wolf in Exile Naval Assets (Star Wolves)
Star Admiral Wolfgang Carns 3058[10]
Star Admiral Wolfgang Shaw 3061[11]


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 155
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual: Updates, p. 69: "Admiralty (Star Wolves)"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Field Manual: 3085, p. 123
  4. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 156
  5. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 48: "Chara Operational Report"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Field Report: Clans, p. 22: "Fleet Assets"
  7. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 37
  8. Operation Audacity[citation needed]
  9. This fate for the Full Moon was explicitly established in an official ruling on the BattleTech Forum, also archived on this article's talk page.
  10. The Falcon and the Wolf, p. 54
  11. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 166
