Clan Wolf Touman

The Clan Wolf touman is the military arm of Clan Wolf.

Unit Structure[edit]

For most of its history Clan Wolf adhered to the standard Clan military structure, with each Cluster composed of five Trinaries, Binaries and/or Supernovas. Generally one of these five units would be designated as a command unit from which the Star Colonel operated, although some Clusters had instead an additional command Nova or Star, while each Galaxy was commanded by its own Keshik. Generally Trinaries and Binaries were "pure" units consisting of all one Star type, with some notable exceptions such as certain Rogue formations or the use of Support Trinaries consisting of aerospace and artillery support.[1] Clan Wolf was also one of the few to pioneer the use of a mixed unit known as a strategic command Star. This unit combined four Points of either Elementals or 'Mechs with a single Point of fighters. The aerospace support provides valuable reconnaissance and escort services to the rest of the Star. The composition's success has seen a limited adoption of these command Stars by other Clans.[2][3]

One of the more systematic use of mixed Trinaries came from the capture of Star Colonel Vlad Dinour from Clan Goliath Scorpion in 3012. As commander of the Goliath Scorpion's elite Heartvenom Cluster, Vlad Dinour had been responsible for training Wolf's Dragoons into a fighting force the equal of any front-line formation and Clan Wolf wanted to bring in his expertise. He was quickly adopted after being taken as a bondsman and given command of the 4th Striker Cluster with which to experiment. Each Trinary was patterned after the Battle Trinary used by Clan Goliath Scorpion, consisting of a Star each of 'Mechs, Elementals and fighters. While this doctrine was not adopted by the other front-line Clusters, it became the model formation for the second-line units of Epsilon Galaxy.[4]

In the wake of the devastating Refusal War many warriors and machines were lost and the new Khan Vladimir Ward had to undertake some unprecedented actions, including the raising of an entire garrison Galaxy to front-line status and initiating the Harvest Trials. By the early 3060s Khan Ward's efforts had paid off and many units, while still understrength, were in better fighting shape than before. By this time an average Wolf Cluster consisted of a command or Supernova Trinary, a 'Mech Trinary, an Elemental Trinary and either a Binary or Trinary of OmniFighters. The exact organization varied between units, with a common variation being the mixing of 'Mechs with Elementals in a single Trinary, while the Wolves still maintain use of their famous strategic command Stars. While standard 'Mechs still made up the majority of even front-line units' strength, by 3062 many front-line Clusters were expected to have their full complement of OmniMechs thanks to increased production from the Homeworlds.[5]

Touman Structure[edit]

The touman in 3079[6][7][8]

Current Galaxies[edit]

Alpha Galaxy (The Wolf Spirits)[edit]

Alpha Galaxy
Walpha.png 3052
Golden Keshik
13th Wolf Guards Cluster
328th Assault Cluster
4th Wolf Guards Cluster
279th Battle Cluster
Golden Keshik
4th Striker Cluster
1st Wolf Assault Cluster
5th Wolf Battle Cluster
3rd Wolf Battle Cluster
Golden Keshik
4th Striker Cluster
5th Wolf Battle Cluster
3rd Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
Golden Keshik
4th Striker Cluster
5th Wolf Battle Cluster
3rd Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
13th Wolf Regulars
Golden Keshik
4th Wolf Guard Cluster
5th Wolf Battle Cluster
3rd Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
9th Wolf Battle Cluster
328th Wolf Assault Cluster

Beta Galaxy (The Shadow Wolves)[edit]

Beta Galaxy
Wbeta.png 3049–3052
Silver Keshik
3rd Battle Cluster
341st Assault Cluster
352nd Assault Cluster
Silver Keshik
3rd Battle Cluster
341st Assault Cluster
13th Wolf Guards
Silver Keshik
9th Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
13th Battle Cluster
2nd Wolf Assault Cluster
11th Battle Cluster
Silver Keshik
9th Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
13th Battle Cluster
2nd Wolf Assault Cluster
Silver Keshik
9th Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
13th Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
2nd Wolf Assault Cluster
19th Wolf Striker Cluster
11th Battle Cluster

Delta Galaxy (The Snarling Wolves)[edit]

Delta Galaxy
Galaxy Delta (Clan Wolf) logo.png 3049–3052
Red Keshik
4th Striker Cluster
11th Wolf Guards
37th Striker Cluster
4th Striker Cluster
11th Wolf Guards
24th Wolf Rangers
Wolfkin Keshik
1st Wolf Lancers
2nd Wolf Lancers
3rd Wolf Lancers
Howl Keshik
83rd Wolf Striker Cluster
17th Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
41st Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
279th Wolf Battle Cluster
88th Wolf Battle Cluster

Epsilon Galaxy[edit]

Epsilon Galaxy
Galaxy Epsilon (Clan Wolf) logo.jpg 3051–3052
Nega Garrison Cluster
Choyer Garrison Cluster
Gurbeng Garrison Cluster
Dorbeng Garrison Cluster
Iron Keshik
87th Wolf Striker Cluster
21st Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
37th Wolf Striker Cluster
35th Wolf Battle Cluster
31st Wolf Guard Assault Cluster

Gamma Galaxy (The Wolf Hussars)[edit]

Gamma Galaxy
Wgamma.png 3049–3052
Bronze Keshik
7th Battle Cluster
11th Battle Cluster
16th Battle Cluster
Bronze Keshik
11th Battle Cluster
Bronze Keshik
7th Battle Cluster
103rd Striker Cluster
271st Assault Cluster
Bronze Keshik
7th Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
103rd Wolf Guard Striker Cluster
271st Wolf Guard Assault Cluster
93rd Wolf Striker Cluster
111th Wolf Battle Cluster

Zeta Galaxy[edit]

Zeta Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3145
Steel Keshik
19th Wolf Guard Battle Cluster
27th Wolf Battle Cluster
79th Wolf Battle Cluster
4th Wolf Guard Assault Cluster
9th Wolf Assault Cluster

Iota Galaxy (Down to the Bones)[edit]

Iota Galaxy
Wiota.png 3054–3057
Blue Keshik
6th Wolf Regulars
10th Wolf Regulars
17th Wolf Regulars
20th Wolf Regulars
Blue Keshik
6th Wolf Regulars
17th Wolf Regulars
20th Wolf Regulars
Blue Keshik
6th Wolf Regulars
17th Wolf Regulars
20th Wolf Regulars
21st Wolf Regulars
6th Wolf Cavalry

Kappa Galaxy (The Werewolves)[edit]

Kappa Galaxy
Wkappa.png 3063–3067
The Grey Keshik
33rd Wolf Champions Cluster
101st Battle Cluster
1st Wolf Garrison Cluster
1st Wolf Hussars Cluster
Grey Keshik
33rd Wolf Champions
101st Battle Cluster
1st Wolf Garrison Cluster
2nd Wolf Guards Grenadiers
Grey Keshik
6th Wolf Garrison Cluster
2nd Wolf Guards Grenadiers
Grey Keshik
8th Wolf Cavalry
5th Wolf Garrison Cluster
6th Wolf Garrison Cluster
14th Wolf Garrison Cluster
2nd Wolf Guards Grenadiers

Formed in 3063.[9]

Lambda Galaxy[edit]

Lambda Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3145
Brown Keshik
8th Wolf Garrison Cluster
26th Wolf Garrison Cluster
37th Wolf Garrison Cluster
47th Wolf Garrison Cluster
52nd Wolf Garrison Cluster

Theta Galaxy (A Strong Foundation)[edit]

Theta Galaxy
Wtheta.png 3054–3058
Theta Command Binary
1st Wolf Regulars
2nd Wolf Cavalry
12th Wolf Regulars
13th Wolf Regulars
Green Keshik
1st Wolf Regulars
2nd Wolf Cavalry
12th Wolf Regulars
13th Wolf Regulars
5th Wolf Cavalry
Green Keshik
12th Wolf Garrison Cluster
16th Wolf Garrison Cluster
23rd Wolf Garrison Cluster
29th Wolf Garrison Cluster
9th Wolf Cavalry

Tau Galaxy[edit]

Tau Galaxy
WTau.png 3054
1st Wolf Cavalry
3rd Wolf Cavalry
4th Wolf Cavalry
5th Wolf Regulars
15th Wolf Regulars
The Red Keshik
4th Wolf Garrison Cluster
5th Wolf Garrison Cluster
6th Wolf Garrison Cluster
7th Wolf Dragoon Cluster
The Red Keshik
21st Wolf Garrison Cluster
32nd Wolf Garrison Cluster
39th Wolf Garrison Cluster
57th Wolf Garrison Cluster
12th Wolf Cavalry

Sigma Galaxy[edit]

Sigma Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3053–3057
Nega Garrison Cluster
Choyer Garrison Cluster
Gurbeng Garrison Cluster
Dorbeng Garrison Cluster
Dark Keshik
9th Wolf Garrison Cluster
24th Wolf Garrison Cluster
61st Wolf Garrison Cluster
63rd Wolf Garrison Cluster
18th Wolf Cavalry Cluster

Upsilon Galaxy[edit]

Upsilon Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3145
Light Keshik
11th Wolf Garrison Cluster
42nd Wolf Garrison Cluster
45th Wolf Garrison Cluster
54th Wolf Garrison Cluster
16th Wolf Cavalry Cluster

Mu Galaxy[edit]

Mu Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3145
Yellow Keshik
18th Wolf Garrison Cluster
34th Wolf Garrison Cluster
40th Wolf Garrison Cluster
66th Wolf Garrison Cluster
19th Wolf Cavalry Cluster

Rufus Galaxy[edit]

Rufus Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3151
101st Wolf Garrison Cluster
102nd Wolf Garrison Cluster
103rd Wolf Garrison Cluster
104th Wolf Garrison Cluster (disbanded)
105th Wolf Garrison Cluster
106th Wolf Garrison Cluster

Lupus Galaxy[edit]

Lupus Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3151
Den Keshik (Clan Wolf)
91st Wolf Guards
92nd Wolf Guards
93rd Wolf Striker Cluster
94th Wolf Battle Cluster
95th Wolf Assault Cluster

Former Galaxies[edit]

Omega Galaxy (Guardians of the Lair)[edit]

Omega Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3054–3057
Fifth Wolf Chasseurs
Eleventh Wolf Chasseurs
Fifteenth Wolf Chasseurs
Ninety-fifth Phalanx
101st Phalanx

First known Omega Galaxy of united pre-Refusal Clan Wolf.[10] Joined Khan Phelan in exile[11] and later reformed by Khan Vlad Ward in Crusader Wolf Clan.[12]

Omicron Galaxy[edit]

Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf logo.png 3070–3072
98th Wolf Strike Cluster
246th Wolf Strike Cluster
509th Wolf Solahma Battle Cluster
990th Wolf Battle Cluster

Omega Galaxy (The Ghost Wolves)[edit]

Omega Galaxy
Womega.png 3063–3070
The Dark Keshik
11th Battle Cluster (The Watchers)
1st Wolf Guards Grenadiers Cluster
2nd Wolf Guards Grenadiers Cluster

Naval Assets[edit]

Clan Wolf has lost much of its once impressive roster of WarShips since the Refusal War. Maintenance has been difficult to procure, as it has with many a Clan touman, but the possession of Terra, Titan Yards especially, is likely to help in that regard post-3151.


Uniforms and Rank Insignia[edit]

Field Uniform

Wolf field uniforms sport an olive camouflage pattern, with a half visor built into the helmet.[15]

Dress Uniform

With the dress uniform, it is light olive with a heavy brown trimming across the chest, cuffs, and backing on the cape. Red piping accents the shoulders and legs. A red cape lined in brown falls straight down back and to the hips to add flare to the uniform. Real wolf fur is worn as a part of the uniform for those who hunted down their totem in the wild.[15]

Ceremonial Uniform

The ceremonial uniform consist of leather and synthetic wolf fur trimming with an enameled wolf mask. The uniform is colored in black, white, or gray. Brown, red, gold, or silver is used for warriors with elite status as a wolf fur trimmed or as a replacement to the standard colors of the ceremonial uniform.[15]

Real wolf fur is worn as a part of the uniform for those Bloodnamed warriors who were deemed worthy by the Khan or saKhan who must hunt down their totem in the wild.[15]

Military Rank Insignia
Uniform Rank Insignia Point Rank Point Insignia
Point Commander Wolf-PointCommander.png Point 1 Wolf-Point1.png
Star Commander Wolf-StarCommander.png Point 2 Wolf-Point2.png
Star Captain Wolf-StarCaptain.png Point 3 Wolf-Point3.png
Star Colonel Wolf-StarColonel.png Point 4 Wolf-Point4.png
Galaxy Commander Wolf-GalaxyCommander.png Point 5 Wolf-Point5.png
Khan Wolf-Khan.png


  1. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, pp. 70–72
  2. Field Manual: Warden Clans, pp. 11–12
  3. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, pp. 9–10
  4. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 104
  5. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 139
  6. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, pp. 142–147
  7. Field Manual: Updates, pp. 52–53, 74–75
  8. Field Report: Clans, p. 21
  9. Field Manual: Updates, pp. 53, 75
  10. Objective Raids, p. 32: Omega Galaxy (PGC) - Unit listings and worlds protecting the Wolf owned worlds.
  11. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 160
  12. Field Manual: Updates, p. 52: The Winter Years (3059–3064) - newly formed as of 3063
  13. Field Report: Clans, p. 21: "Fleet Assets"
  14. Field Manual: 3145, p. 161: "Clan Wolf Fleet"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 141: Clan Wolf Uniforms
