Clarence Peterson

Clarence Peterson
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth

Colonel Clarence Peterson was the commander of the First Hesperus Guards' First Hesperus Infantry Brigade, with the Lyran Commonwealth, from at least 3145 to 3151.[1][2]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Peterson was a large bony man, with rough features, and a gravelly voice.[1]


Peterson, with the First Hesperus Infantry Brigade, was based on Alekseyevka as of 3145.[2] By January 3151, Peterson was in the Chapultepec system, with Duke Vedet Brewer on their way to capture the formerly Clan Jade Falcon held world of Melissia.[1] By February he had arrived in the Melissia system, where he helped devise Duke Brewer's plan to gain control of the local political situation.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Elements of Treason: Opportunity, ch. 4
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 132
  3. Elements of Treason: Opportunity, ch. 6
