Clarence Wilson

Clarence Wilson
Clarence Wilson
Also known asCat
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
Kell Hounds
SpouseGwyneth Murdoch

Clarence "Cat" Wilson was a Lyran Commonwealth officer and member of the Kell Hounds.


Cat Wilson was born on Deia in 2986.[1] He served in the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces with the Thirteenth Donegal Guards and then the Tenth Skye Rangers, where he met and befriended Morgan Kell. When Kell resigned from the LCAF to form the Kell Hounds, Wilson went AWOL to join his new unit on Galatea.[1]

Wilson was in the Battalion Command Lance of First Battalion, Second Company during the Kell Hounds' final action on Mallory's World in 3016.[3] Later, he would serve in Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Kell's Command Lance until Patrick's death in 3029, when he was transferred to Colonel Morgan Kell's Regimental Command Lance.[4]

In 3030,[5] Wilson married fellow Kell Hound Gwyneth Murdoch, a Panther pilot in Daniel Allard's company.[6][7]

Cat Wilson would serve many years with the Kell Hounds, ultimately becoming the unit's most senior enlisted MechWarrior, repeatedly refusing promotion above the rank of sergeant. Despite this, Wilson was still included in mission briefings and strategic planning sessions as he was a staff officer. Extremely loyal to the Hounds, Wilson had appointed himself the unit commander's bodyguard.[2]

He was still in the Hounds during the 3069 invasion of Graceland by Clan Jade Falcon. Still a bodyguard for unit commander Dan Allard, this time he could not save him from death.[8]


Cat Wilson was noted to pilot a Marauder.[1][4] Following the Battle of Luthien, Wilson refused to give up his Inner Sphere 'Mech in favor of a salvaged Clan OmniMech, but did agree to have it fully upgraded with Clan technology.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Kell Hounds, p. 19
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 65: "Kell Hounds - Unit Command Lance: Letting Slip the Dogs of War"
  3. The Kell Hounds, p. 27
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Kell Hounds, pp. 27–28
  5. BattleTechnology, Issue #13, p. 5: Apocryphal information
  6. The Kell Hounds, p. 28
  7. Lethal Heritage, ch. 1
  8. Fallen Idols
