Corazon's Cossacks

Corazon's Cossacks
Affiliation Pirate
Parent Command N/A


The city of Kerman on Isfahan was used as a base of operations by Corazon's Cossacks, it was a planet located barely a week from its own jump points. The pirate cantonment was located outside the city, kept clear of the local population by a high wall and a daytime 'Mech patrol. The pirates kept many slaves in pens at their base. The market of Kerman sold a mix of sundries from a dozen worlds, surprisingly including new items like the latest Imperator AX-22 assault rifle. Salander White commanded the Cossacks in and claimed all the Mechs they used as his own property.[1]

The Cossacks used the town of Santin on Labbezanga for resupply and trade. They kept the locals friendly knowing that they wouldn't have to deal with hostile defenders. Here they traded for ore that they later traded the Harwell family on Cable for ammunition, the only source within a hundred light years.

During 3058, the Cossacks had been raiding the DCMS Supply Station Roku is located on the Deep Periphery world of Durham, they had inside information and knew which supply warehouses to attack. In January 3059 they make another raid, this time they are met by a mercenary command the Hessian Horsemen and are beaten back. However, the mercenaries manage to plant a spy into the Cossack ranks.

In February at the zenith jump point in the Labbezanga system, the Merchant-class JumpShip is lost to the mercenary action, although the Cossacks manage to destroy one marine squad and its shuttle on approach. Later the Cossack detachment located at a smelting plant outside Santin on Labbezanga is attacked, they had been delivering slave labor and collecting booty . The Cossacks are forced off planet losing seven BattleMechs and the ‘'Union DropShip. Before they go one lance commander destroys the town of Santin as retribution.

In April 3059, the Horsemen arrived at Isfahan their naval assets quickly captured the Scout JumpShip and destroyed the Buccaneer-class DropShip. The mercenaries then land and attack the Cossacks. A spy in the pirate's ranks reveals herself as part of the mercenary force and a running battle is fought through the settlement until all the pirates Mech have been destroyed.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Corazon's Cossacks
Captain Salander White 3059[1]



The Cossacks field approximately a company of BattleMechs. All of the pirate 'Mechs are Star League era relics.[1]

Transport Assets[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Under the Shadows of Stars
