Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha

Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha
Corporation Profile
AffiliationClan Hell's Horses
HeadquartersTolna (Csesztreg III)[1]

Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha was a Clan Hell's Horses manufacturer.


Based on Csesztreg, Industriplex Alpha suffered no losses of personnel in the Jihad and was operating at 80% of its maximum output in 3079.[2] By 3145, there was a supplemental production facility named Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha Annex which apparently specialized in QuadVees.[3][4]


Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha has a manufacturing center on the following planet:


Components produced on Csesztreg:[1][5][6][7][8][9][10]
Component Type
Battle Armor
Elemental II[5] medium battle armor (as of 3084)[11]
Incubus II[6] Light BattleMech (as of 3085)[12]
Cygnus[1] Assault BattleMech (as of 3075)[13]
Hellstar[7][1] Assault BattleMech (as of 3079)[14]
Loki Mk II[9][15] Heavy OmniMech (as of 3121)[16]
Doom Courser[17] Heavy OmniMech (as of 3147)[18]
Arion[19][4] Light QuadVee (As of 3136)[20]
Boreas[8][21] Heavy Omni-QuadVee (As of 3132)[22]
Cyllaros[23] Medium QuadVee (As of 3136)[24]
Harpagos[25][26] Heavy QuadVee (As of 3136)[27]
Notos[28] Heavy Omni-QuadVee (As of 3145)[29]
Model MH-26 Endo Steel Incubus II[6]
T-E H65 Omni Loki Mk II[9]
Type MA-58 Endo Steel Hellstar[7]
Extralight Fusion Engine
GM 380 XL Hellstar[7]
Model SF-3 XL Loki Mk II[9]
Fusion 240 XL Incubus II[6]
Jump Jets
Clan Light Series Mk. II w/Partial Wing Incubus II[6]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Royal-7 Standard Hellstar[7]
Ferro-fibrous Armor
Compound H17 ferro-fibrous Incubus II[6] & Loki Mk II[9]
Communications System
CH2 Series Integrated Incubus II[6]
CH2B Alpha-Com Loki Mk II[9]
CH6 Series Integrated Hellstar[7]
Targeting-Tracking System
Hunter (7a) Dedicated TTS Hellstar[7]
Gamma Version-V TTS w/Light Active Probe Incubus II[6]
Version Delta-II TTS(A) Loki Mk II[9]
Ripper Series A1 Hellstar[7]
ER Medium Pulse Laser
Series PPS-XIX Incubus II[6]
Laser Anti-Missile System
Type M1 Incubus II[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Objectives: The Clans, p. 8: "Csesztreg Industriplex Alpha"
  2. Objectives: The Clans, p. 7: "State of the Industry at a Glance (Dec 3079)"
  3. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, pp. 26, 28, 30
  4. 4.0 4.1 Technical Readout: 3150, p. 114: "Arion"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 19: "Produced Elemental II Battle Armor"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 142: "Produced Incubus II Components"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Technical Readout: 3085, p. 50: "Produced Hellstar Components on Csesztreg"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Republic, Volume 2, p. 4: "Boreas"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 42: "Loki Mk II"
  10. Experimental Technical Readout: Republic, Volume 3, p. 3
  11. MUL Profile for the Elemental II - Introduction Year
  12. MUL Profile for the Incubus II - Introduction Year
  13. MUL Profile for the Cygnus - Introduction Year
  14. MUL Profile for the Hellstar - Introduction Year
  15. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 164, "Loki Mk II"
  16. MUL Profile for the Loki MK II - Introduction Year
  17. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 22, p. 5
  18. MUL profile for the Doom Courser
  19. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 26
  20. MUL Entry for the Arion - Introduction Date
  21. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 116, "Boreas"
  22. MUL Entry for the Boreas (Base) - Introduction Date
  23. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 28
  24. MUL Entry for the Harpagos - Introduction Date
  25. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 30
  26. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 118, "Harpagos"
  27. MUL Entry for the Harpagos - Introduction Date
  28. Experimental Technical Readout: Republic, Volume 3 pp. 3-4, & 19-23 Notos - All information on the Unit including Record Sheets.
  29. MUL Entry for the Notos (Prime) - Introduction Date
