Cyclops I

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This article is about the space station type. For the Cyclops I Communications System or other uses of Cyclops, see Communication System#Cyclops I and Cyclops (disambiguation).
Cyclops I
Production information
Type Space Station
Tech Base Unknown
Cost Unknown
Technical specifications
Thrust Station Keeping Only
Fuel (tons)
Fuel (days)
LF battery
Structural Integrity
Docking Collars
Grav Decks
Escape Pods/Life Boats
Heat Sinks
BV (1.0)
BV (2.0)


The Cyclops I is a type of space station. The Wolf's Dragoons-operated Bataar and Gobi stations in the Outreach system were Cyclops I stations,[1] but it is unknown when or by whom they were placed in orbit; they might date back to the Star League era given the role of Outreach as the place where the Star League Martial Olympiad was held.

While the text[1] is ambiguous regarding wether Cyclops I is a type of station or the name of a specific station otherwise known as "Gobi" (while the other station in the Outreach system was mentioned as "Bataar Cyclops Station"), the MUL entry strongly suggests Cyclops I denotes a type of station.

It is not known what the standard configuration is or if one even exists. For the Cyclops I Orbital Station known as Gobi, docking facilities for DropShips and small craft are mentioned while Bataar station was noted to feature a state-of-the-art recharging system for Kearny-Fuchida drive of jump-capable vessels and JumpShip docking facilities.[1] As of 3067 it was said that dozens of JumpShips arrive daily at the planet's Bataar and Gobi stations,[2] though Gobi - being an orbital installation - is far from any jump point and cannot be reached by means of a hyperspace jump (see Notes).


  • The capability to recharge jump-capable vessels which was mentioned for Bataar station seems counterintuitive on an orbital station like Gobi because standard JumpShips do not leave the jump point and lack the thrust drives required to properly travel in-system or into orbit of a planet, using station-keeping drives instead. However, this was not always the case. The earliest JumpShips, prior to the invention of what would later be considered the standard Kearny-Fuchida drive core, did travel in-system themselves, and WarShips (technically a sub-group of JumpShips) also also have that capability. Thus, battery banks for recharging jump drives would have been useful on very old orbital stations as well as on stations intended to service WarShips in orbit around a planet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mercenary's Handbook 3055, p. 6
  2. Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 12
