Damon Clarke

Damon Clarke
AffiliationClan Sea Fox;
Clan Diamond Shark

Damon Clarke was Khan of Clan Sea Fox during the waning years of the Golden Century.[2]


He is best remembered for orchestrating the Clan's new identity as Clan Diamond Shark, after a dispute with Clan Snow Raven left their totem animal all but extinct. A highly traditionalist warrior, the incident led him to embrace the works of Karen Nagasawa, and he thereafter championed cooperation between the warriors and the other castes.

Clarke's decision to change his Clans name, and to seek approval of it by an open vote by all Sea Fox castes and not just warriors, was however controversial. He was challenged by eight different Bloodnamed warriors to Trials of Grievance, including Galaxy Commander Bret Leroux, but he defeated all of them.[2]

When Clan Smoke Jaguar attacked Priori in October 2985 as punishment for his actions in changing his Clan's name, Khan Clarke allowed his warriors to use whatever tactics were needed to drive off the invaders.[3]


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 60
  2. 2.0 2.1 Invading Clans, p. 136
  3. BattleCorps Scenario: Jumping the Diamond Shark, p. 2: "Situation"
