Davion Auxiliaries

Brigade insignia of Task Force Navarre, to which the Auxiliaries were assigned
Davion Auxiliaries
Formed 3145[1]
Affiliation Federated Suns
Parent Command AFFS
Sub-Command(s) First Davion Auxiliaries

Second Davion Auxiliaries

The Davion Auxiliaries were an ad hoc unit formed by Julian Davion from former soldiers and citizens of the Republic of the Sphere, as well as various small mercenary units and other volunteers.[1] They saw intense fighting during Operation CERBERUS and Operation DAWN.[2]



When Julian Davion learned of the Palmyra Disaster while at his posting on Porrima, he gathered up those troops and supporters loyal to him and set off for his homeland. Although his original intent was to simply reinforce the heavily-damaged First Davion Guards, Julian found his small force overwhelmed with a surplus of volunteers, from Federated Suns patriots of former Republic of the Sphere worlds to down-on-their luck mercenaries. He soon had more than enough troops and material to reinforce the First Guards and create two additional brigades: the First and Second Davion Auxiliaries. Both units were formed on Callison between 18 June and 15 October, 3145.[1][3] Julian modeled the brigades on former independent commands historically created from disparate components, particularly drawing inspiration from the reformation of the First Kestrel Grenadiers by Hanse Davion. Each Auxiliaries brigade had at its core a BattleMech regiment, which was supported by two regiments of armor and various available infantry units. Outside of this general structure no standardized unit makeup was enforced, so as to quickly integrate the various volunteer units into the greater whole. Julian appointed Siobhan Sortek to the command of the First Davion Auxiliaries and Archimedes Rhys to the Second.[1]

Operation CERBERUS and Operation DAWN[edit]

The Davion Auxiliaries served as a key part of Julian Davion's forces during the liberation of the Federated Suns from occupying Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine forces. They blooded themselves hunting down traitorous mercenaries who had splintered off from the motley assembly Julian had acquired while building his strength on the Capellan front, and were then assigned to Task Force Hydra under his personal command. As part of Hydra, they fought on Atlas, Narellan, Avigait, and Taygeta before participating in the invasion of New Syrtis in December of 3147.[4] The Auxiliaries next saw action during the liberation of New Avalon, where they secured the Achernar BattleMechs facility. After the world was won, the Second Auxiliary, along with elements of the Illician Lancers, were redeployed to the Capellan front as a safeguard measure.[5]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Davion Auxiliaries
First Prince Julian Davion 3145 - [1]


Varies per unit.

Units of the Davion Auxiliaries[edit]

Unit Insignia and Color Scheme[edit]

Davion Auxiliaries units utilized a basic olive drab paint scheme with no distinct unit markings during their participation in Operation CERBERUS.[6][7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 88, "Task Force Navarre"
  2. Shattered Fortress, p. 42, "Forming the Round Table"
  3. Field Manual: 3145, p. 25, "Timeline 3132-3145"
  4. Shattered Fortress, pp. 40-41, "Hydra"
  5. Dominions Divided, pp. 24, 36, 53
  6. A Splinter of Hope, ch. 3
  7. A Splinter of Hope, ch. 5
