Denise Wilson

Denise Wilson
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
ProfessionCombat vehicle commander

Denise Wilson was the commander of the First Hesperus Guards' First Hesperus Armor Brigade, with the Lyran Commonwealth, from at least 3137 to 3151.[1][2][3]


Operation HAMERFALL[edit]

Wilson participated in Operation HAMERFALL, fighting on Bondurant in 3137 against Silver Hawk Irregulars when a Leutnant-Colonel, in an engagement which the First Hesperus Armor Brigade suffered heavy losses. Wilson assumed command of the unit when her superior, Colonel Anzoátegui, was killed in his Behemoth by long-range artillery fire. Using her targeting computer, she shot of the leg of a Venom which was spotting for the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth guns, and then crushed the light 'Mech beneath her tank.[3]


Wilson, with the First Hesperus Armor Brigade, was based on Alekseyevka as of 3145.[2] By January 3151, Wilson was in the Chapultepec system, with Duke Vedet Brewer on their way to capture the formerly Clan Jade Falcon held world of Melissia.[1] B

Combat Vehicle[edit]

Wilson was known to have commanded a Patton tank.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Elements of Treason: Opportunity, ch. 4
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 132
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 27, p. 10
