Dieron Military District

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(Redirected from Dieron Prefecture)

The Dieron Military District is one of the five military districts in the Draconis Combine. It is the military district closest to Terra, and has borders with both the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth.

There are fewer people of Japanese descent in Dieron than in any other District (even the Rasalhague Military District).


Clan Invasion[edit]

The Clan Invasion, though not directly impacting the District, did lead to a staggering reduction in military forces stationed there, as the Federated Commonwealth was no longer the primary threat to the Draconis Combine. At the start of 3050, twenty-four BattleMech regiments were based in the district, nearly a quarter of the Dragon's total strength.[1] By 3054 when the situation had stabilized, only three regiments remained.[2]


The Word of Blake struck many systems in the Dieron Military District. To increase the difficulties, the Black Dragon Society also caused a great deal of trouble during the Jihad. In addition, the Azami worlds are located in the Dieron district, and tensions between the Arkabs and the Dragon have increased everyone's stress level.[3]

The Blakists were particularly successful in this district, taking control of all but twenty-seven systems.[4]


As part of the creation of the Republic of the Sphere, a number of worlds from the former Dieron Military District were ceded. Dieron itself was integrated into Prefecture X.[5] The few systems that remained under control of the Dragon were folded into the Benjamin Military District and the Dieron Military District ceased to exist.[6]

Dark Age[edit]

When the Draconis Combine invaded the Republic of the Sphere in 3135, the Dieron Military District was reestablished.[7] In 3145, it had four prefectures.[8][9]

Distrct Leader[edit]

Name Command
District Leader of Dieron
Seville Newbury 3025[10]
Edward Nakamura 3067[11]

Prefecture History[edit]




  • Al Na'ir Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Hosiji Vestuto; Aide: Sho-sho Hector Sesla)[2]
  • Algedi Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Andrew Asaro; Aide: Sho-sho Jeffrey Kornilov)[2]
  • Ashio Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Jasick Yoshiro; Aide: Sho-sho Seth Adams)[2]
  • Kessel Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Isoroku Kurita; Aide: Sho-sho Tobias Villagua)[2]
  • Vega Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Michael Sobiroff; Aide: Sho-sho Vincent Gasora)[2]


  • Al Na'ir Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Davis Tremelo; Aide: Sho-sho Richard Ouchiwa)[14]
  • Algedi Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Gary Stamp; Aide: Sho-sho Gerard Crispen)[14]
  • Ashio Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Jasick Yoshiro; Aide: Sho-sho Seth Adams)[14]
  • Kessel Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Tobias Villagua; Aide: Sho-sho Franklin Mannsfield)[14]
  • Vega Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Michael Sobiroff; Aide: Sho-sho Vincent Gasora)[14]


  • Warlord of Dieron: Tai-shu Isoroku Kurita; Aide: Tai-sho Jasmine Goshentara[15]
  • Al Na'ir Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Davis Tremelo; Aide: sho-sho Richard Ouchiwa)[15]
  • Algedi Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Gary Stamp; Aide: Sho-sho Nicholas Ruchenko)[15]
  • Ashio Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Jasick Yoshiro; Aide: Sho-sho Seth Adams)[15]
  • Kessel Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Tobias Villagua; Aide: Sho-sho Ramon Perfecta)[15]
  • Vega Prefecture - (Prefecture Commander: Tai-sho Vincent Gasora; Aide: Sho-sho Josef Callesto)[15]



  1. 20 Year Update, p. 40
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Objective Raids, p. 25: "DCMS Deployment Table [3054]"
  3. Objectives: Draconis Combine, p. 33
  4. Objectives: Draconis Combine, p. 44
  5. Daughter of the Dragon, preface map
  6. Field Manual: 3085, p. 35
  7. Era Report: 3145, p. 185
  8. Era Report: 3145, p. 38
  9. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 56
  10. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 186 (PDF p. 188)
  11. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 93: "Dieron Military District"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 135: "Mech Unit Deployment Table"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 20 Year Update, p. 40: "Draconis Combine Mustered Solidery - 3050"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 132
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Field Manual: Updates, p. 117: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3067"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 64: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3145"
