Eagle (WarShip class)

This article is about the WarShip class. For other uses, see Eagle.
Eagle-class Warship TRO3067.jpg
Production information
Manufacturer Illium Naval Engineering[1][2]
Introduced 3059[3]
Production Year 3059[3][4]
Use Frigate
Tech Base Star League
Cost 21,196,235,000 C-Bills[4]
Technical specifications
Mass 620,000 tons[3][4]
Length 640 meters[3]
Sail Diameter 790 meters[3]
Fuel 1000 tons[3]
Burn Rate
Safe Thrust 2 g[3]
Top Thrust 3 g[3]
Sail Integrity 5[3]
KF Drive Integrity 14[3]
LF Battery Yes[3]
Armament [5]
Armor 450 tons standard[3]
DropShip Capacity 4[3]
Crew 540[3][5]
  • 90 Officers
  • 450 Enlisted
Grav Decks 2 x 110 meters diameter[3]
Escape Pods/Life Boats 30/30[3]
Heat Sinks 2,592 double
Structural Integrity 45[3]
BV (1.0) 132,579[6]
BV (2.0) 100,282[4]


The Eagle-class frigate was designed by Illium Naval Engineering as an escort for the Thera-class carrier. Operating in pairs, they are intended to get between the Thera and any threat. To do so the Eagles have large engines capable of moving them 30% faster than a Thera. The Eagle is equipped with a series of anti-WarShip and anti-aerospace fighter defenses to destroy their opposition. They also carry a squadron of six aerospace fighters for additional point defense or recon missions.

Like other WarShips in the FWLM fleet, the Eagle class vessels are equipped with an HPG system.[7] Prior to the Jihad, these HPGs were staffed by Word of Blake technicians.

In 3068, every Eagle was recalled to the Illium Naval Yard to fix a problem found in their life support systems that were first discovered in the FWLS Percival's shakedown cruise.[8] Few of the vessels survived being suborned by the Word of Blake or lost in the sect's vicious Jihad. They did serve states of the former Free Worlds League until its reformation in the thirty-second century.[9]


As an escort vessel for an extremely expensive WarShip, the Eagle needs to provide defense against any threat, regardless of source. To combat other WarShips, the Eagle relies on its Naval Autocannon and nose-mounted Heavy Naval Gauss rifle. These weapons can make short work of any attacking WarShips and run off any attacking DropShips. The Naval Lasers carried by the Eagle are used to supplement the Naval Autocannon in WarShip combat, but are really intended to attack any enemy Assault DropShips or Pocket WarShips that may be in the area.

To defend against aerospace fighters the Eagle mounts a massive array of 'Mech scale pulse lasers. These weapons allow the Eagle-class ships to destroy any aerospace fighter foolish enough to attack it. To supplement these defenses, every Eagle mounted an array of anti-missile systems covering every firing arc.


The Eagle has three cargo bays. Bay 1 contains the aerospace fighter squadron. Bays 2 and 3 carry almost 69,000 tons of cargo. Typically the Eagle-class ships carry additional foodstuffs, spare parts, and ammunition, which allows them to complete escort duties. To supplement their own weapons and fighter forces, the Eagle has four DropShip docking collars.

  • Bay 1: Aerospace fighters (6), 2 Doors
  • Bay 2: Cargo (34,896 tons), 10 Doors
  • Bay 2: Cargo (27,877 tons), 5 Doors


  • In German products, the unit's proper name was translated to Aar, which is the Middle High German word for eagle.
  • The Cargo Bays have too many Doors, and their listed capacities do not conform to construction rules.

See Also[edit]



  1. Objectives: Free Worlds League, p. 8: "Illium Naval Yard"
  2. Handbook: House Marik, p. 135: "Illium Naval Engineering (Unlisted)"
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Technical Readout: 3067 (CGL Reprint), p. 204
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 MUL online entry for the Eagle (WarShip class)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Field Manual: Free Worlds League, p. 147
  6. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 292
  7. Field Manual: Updates, p. 144
  8. Dawn of the Jihad, p. 80: "What of the Fleet?"
  9. Shattered Fortress, p. 54
