Earthwerks Limited

Earthwerks Limited
Earthwerks Limited logo.png
Corporation Profile
Founding Year2380[1]
AffiliationCapellan Confederation
(Tikonov III)[2]
Parent CorporationEarthwerks Incorporated
Manufacturing Plant(s)

Earthwerks Limited was the Capellan Confederation division of Earthwerks Incorporated, the mammoth transnational arms manufacturer.


Earthworks Incorporated was originally founded on Terra in 2357 to develop a prototype mining robot. The robot was insanely successful, and over the next centuries the company expanded into manufacturing all sorts of robots and related technologies, including BattleMechs. Over time it expanded into all the realms of the Inner Sphere. During the Succession Wars, the five Successor States took control of the local branches of Earthwerks, essentially converting one large company into five smaller ones.[3]

The Capellan branch of Earthwerks was founded in the Tikonov Grand Union in 2380. It served as the major weapons supplier for the Union, and when the Union joined the Confederation, the company expanded its production. Earthwerks was responsible for the design of the Liao-specific Warhammer, and produced the Thunderbolt and Vindicator as well. Their long service in support of the state made them the lead contractor in the development of the Cataphract.[1]

Under the leadership of Duchess Li Ming Ling in the twenty-eighth century, the company expanded into the Terran Hegemony and reverse engineered the advanced technologies for use in Capellan products.[4]

At one point a massive manufacturing center for the Capellan Confederation, the Fourth Succession War saw the destruction of Ceres Metals' Vindicator plant as well as large portions of Earthwerks Limited's massive facilities. Although heavily damaged in the fighting, the Earthwerks BattleMech Factory in Tikograd was repairable.[5]

Earthwerks spent two decades planning the production of the Kuan Ti-class DropShip, which entered production in 3055.[6] In the thirty-first century, Earthwerks also had a large division devoted to producing consumer products.[7]

During the Jihad, the facility on Ares suffered capital and personnel losses of 25%, and the operating capacity of the factory had a production volume of 90% in 3079. The facility on Grand Base suffered losses of 38%, and the operating capacity of the factory had a production volume of 70%. The facility on Victoria suffered no losses and was at full operating capacity.[8]

In June 3132, amidst years of rapid growth, the Tikonov branch of Earthwerks opened a new ConstructionMech plant in the city of Lynchburg, where they also owned an oil refinery. The move attracted praise from city councilwoman Maya Standifer and opposition from some environmental activists.[9]

Manufacturing Centers[edit]

Earthwerks Incorporated has manufacturing centers on the following planets:


Components produced on Ares:[10][11]
Component Type
Small Craft
S-7A Bus[citation needed] Small Craft
Kuan Ti-class[11] DropShip
Overlord-class[10][12] DropShip
Overlord A3[13] DropShip
Union-class[10][12] DropShip
Danais-class[14] DropShip
Vengeance-DC PWS-class[15] DropShip
Interplanetary Drive - Small Craft
Burster M-100 [citation needed]
Interplanetary Drive - DropShip
Star League V250 Union[10]
Star League V450 Overlord[10]
Star League V84A Kuan Ti[11]

Grand Base[edit]

Components produced on Grand Base:[16]
Component Type
FLE-21 Flea[17] Light BattleMech
STG-3R Stinger[16][18] Light BattleMech
SHD-7M Shadow Hawk[18] Medium BattleMech
GRF-4R Griffin[18][19] Medium BattleMech
Archer[18] Heavy BattleMech
CTF-3L Cataphract[16][18] Heavy BattleMech
Earthwerks STG Stinger[16]
Earthwerks CTF Cataphract[16]
Fusion Engine
GM 120 Stinger[16]
Extralight Fusion Engine
GM 270 XL [citation needed]
GM 280 XL [citation needed]
VOX 280 XL w/MASC Cataphract[16]
Jump Jets
Chilton 360 Stinger[16]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Riese-100 Stinger[16]
Riese-400 Cataphract[16]
Communications System
Datacom 26 Stinger[16]
Datacom 60 Cataphract[16]
Targeting-Tracking System
Dynatec 990 Stinger[16]
Dynatec Special Cataphract[16]
Machine Gun
LFN Lindblad Stinger[16]
Anti-Missile System
LFN Lindblad Shotgun [citation needed]


Components produced on Tikonov:[9][20][21][22][23][24][25]
Component Type
GRD-9 Girder[9] IndustrialMech
CTF-0X Cataphract[20] Heavy BattleMech
CTF-3D Cataphract[22] Heavy BattleMech
CTF-4L Cataphract[22] Heavy BattleMech
CTF-5L Cataphract[26] Heavy BattleMech
KSC-3I Koschei[21] Heavy BattleMech
KSC-4I Koschei[21] Heavy BattleMech
KSC-4L Koschei[21] Heavy BattleMech
KSC-6L Koschei[27] Heavy BattleMech
QKD-8P Quickdraw[23] Heavy BattleMech
QKD-8X Quickdraw[24] Heavy BattleMech
TDR-1C Thunderbolt[25] Heavy BattleMech
TDR-12R Thunderbolt[28] Heavy BattleMech
Aerospace Fighter
TR-7 Thrush[citation needed] Light aerospace fighter
TR-9 Thrush[citation needed] Light aerospace fighter
TR-10 Transit[citation needed] Medium aerospace fighter
TR-12 Transit[citation needed] Medium aerospace fighter
Earthwerks KSC II Endo Steel Koschei[21]
Earthwerks CTF Cataphract[22]
Technicron Type-E Endo QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Mujika Aerospace Type 12 Thrush[citation needed]
Mujika Aerospace Type 18 Transit[citation needed]
Fusion Engine
GM 280 Cataphract[22]
Magna 300 QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Rawlings 200 Refits and Repairs[citation needed]
Rawlings 250 Thrush[citation needed]
VOX 325 Koschei[21]
Extralight Fusion Engine
GM 280 XL Morningstar[citation needed]
Rawlings 250 XL Transit[citation needed]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Maximillian 40 Koschei[21] & QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Communications System
CommuTech Multi-Channel 10 CTF-3D Cataphract[22]
CommuTech Multi-Channel 10 w/Guardian ECM QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Neil 2000 Koschei[21]
Targeting-Tracking System
BlazeFire SightLock w/TAG Cataphract[22] & QKD-8P Quickdraw (equipped with TAG)[23]
RCA Instratrac Mark IV Koschei[21]
Medium Laser
Aberdovey Mk. II QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Donal QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]
Guided Technologies 2nd Generation QKD-8P Quickdraw[23]


Components produced on Victoria:[29][30][31]
Component Type
BT1 Chaffee[32] IndustrialMech
ED-X4M-A Crosscut MOD[30][31] Light IndustrialMech (refit kit only)
FLE-17 Flea[29][33] Light BattleMech
FLE-19 Flea[29][33] Light BattleMech
Earthwerks Trooper II Endo Steel Flea FLE-17[29]
Fusion Engine
GM 120 Flea[29]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Livingston Ceramics Flea[29]
Olympian Flea[29]
Shipped to Capella for Firestarter[citation needed]


  • The original Trooper TP-1R and Flea FLE-4 were developed on Ariel by Toddlette Industries, before the buyout of the company by Earthwerks Inc. The purchase of the entire company also mentions factory lines established on five worlds, but does not name the worlds specifically. It is speculated that Earthwerks might have acquired the original Toddlette production site, making Ariel a potential candidate as one of the not-named worlds. Later sources mention Asuncion, Bernardo, and Victoria as production sites for various versions of the Flea, which might also be candidates for three of the original production sites leaving only one unknown.
  • Non-canonical: Though once a massive manufacturing center, Earthwerks factories on Tikonov had seen better days. Almost the entirety of the huge complex, including lines dedicated to the production of Thunderbolts, Thugs, Griffins, Stingers, and Bombardiers, were destroyed by Capellan troops during the Fourth Succession War to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The Federated Commonwealth did little to rebuild Earthwerks’ facilities, content with the large number of effective Cataphracts which they supplied, and so it was left to the Corporation to rebuild the factory alone. Earthwerks believed that given time and enough capital, they could resurrect this once powerful production center, but the Confederation's tenuous grasp on the world and Davion blockades of the world have put most of these plans on hold. This didn't stop them from resurrecting their ancient Koschei line for production of the venerable 'Mech for the export market. [34]


  1. 1.0 1.1 House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 119: "Corporate Profiles - [Earthwerks Limited]"
  2. Handbook: House Liao, p. 134: "Earthwerks, Limited"
  3. House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 129: "Other Major Industries - [Earthwerks-FWL, Inc.]
  4. Era Report: 2750, pp. 67–68: "Li Ming Ling"
  5. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 29: "Tikograd"
  6. Handbook: House Liao, p. 72
  7. Handbook: House Liao, p. 121: "Consumer Research"
  8. Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 3: "State of the Industry at a Glance (Dec 3079)"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 10: "Earthwerks Ltd 'Mech Plant Opens ConstructionMech Division"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Objective Raids, p. 140: "Produced Earthwerks Limited Components"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Technical Readout: 3057 Revised, p. 20: "Kuan Ti Ship Profile"
  12. 12.0 12.1 DropShips and JumpShips: ComStar Intelligence Summary, p. 17
  13. Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 190
  14. Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 7
  15. Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 190
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 Objective Raids, p. 144: "Produced Earthwerks Incorporated Components"
  17. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 26, p. 12: "Flea"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 17
  19. Field manual: 3145, p. 29: "Sian Commonality"
  20. 20.0 20.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Succession Wars, Volume 1, p. 6: "Produced Cataphract variant"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 Technical Readout: 3075, p. 244: "Produced Koschei Components"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 78: "Produced Cataphract Components"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 118: "Produced QKD-8P Quickdraw Components"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Corporations, p. 5: "Produced Quickdraw Experimental Mech variants"
  25. 25.0 25.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Primitives, Volume 3, p. 7
  26. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 6, p. 13
  27. Record Sheets: 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades, p. 5: "Koschei KSC-6L"
  28. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 15, p. 7
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 8: "Produced Flea Components"
  30. 30.0 30.1 Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 28: "Crosscut LoggerMech MOD"
  31. 31.0 31.1 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p.7 "ForestryMech MOD"
  32. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 39
  33. 33.0 33.1 Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 25
  34. Objective Raids, p. 14
