
Silver Hawk Irregulars 1st (Falcons) logo.png
Affiliation Free Worlds League
Parent Command Silver Hawk Irregulars

The Falcons regiment is a command from the Free Worlds League's Silver Hawks Coalition.



Anton's Revolt[edit]

The Falcons didn't participate in the Marik Civil War. Instead they remained on Callison as the garrison.[1]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

The unit saw little combat in the Fourth Succession War. Their homeworld, however, was conquered by the Hsien Hotheads for the Lyran Commonwealth.[2]

Andurien Secession[edit]

The Falcons were stationed on Alphard in 3030.[3]

Known for their prowess against border raiders, the Falcons' luck ran out on Dubhe in 3049 when they were reduced to Battalion size by the Seventeenth Arcturan Guards RCT. After rebuilding, the unit did not see action again until Operation Guerrero.[4]

Operation Guerrero[edit]

The Falcons liberated Callison as part of a Task Force in 3057.[4]

In 3067 the Falcons were stationed on Dubhe.[5]


After the Jihad the Falcons were stationed on Amity and Danais. They reported to the Marik Commonwealth, but made it clear that their first loyalty was to the Silver Hawks Coalition. In 3079 Corinne Marik made it clear to the Falcons that she intended to recapture several worlds that were claimed by the Republic of the Sphere.[6]

Dark Age[edit]

Operation Golden Dawn and Unit's Destruction[edit]

On March 25th, 3081, the Silver Hawk Irregulars were dispatched to New Hope, where they recaptured the planet from control of the newly formed Republic of the Sphere. On April 3rd, Republican force belonging to Operation Golden Dawn, over a three month period a large swath of ex–Free Worlds League worlds would be seized by Republic of the Sphere, ending with the destruction of the Falcons and its sister regiment Gryphons.[7]

The remains of the Silver Hawk Coalition refused to sign a peace treaty with the Republic. With the destruction of its military along with the Falcons. Undeclared peace was established, after the Stewart and Marik Commonwealth signed a treaty peace with them. The Republic would announce any effort to re-form the Falcons and Gryphons would considered an act of war.[8]


Despite being barred from re-forming, the Silver Hawk Irregulars were re-formed in 3137 by Captain-General Anson Marik as part his efforts to build up his military. The Republic of the Sphere, now shredded by multiple invasions were unable to stop him or the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. However, only a single unnamed regiment would be formed, leaving the Falcon name dormant.[9]

IlClan Era and Rebirth[edit]

The reborn Silver Hawks Irregulars remained a single regiment until 3151. Then, with financial support from the people of Alkes and New Hope, and additional funds from the Covenant Worlds and House Stewart, the Cameron-Witherspoons spun off a single battalion as the basis of a new regiment. The original became the Gryphons, and the new unit, the Falcons. The new Gryphons, as they were focused on assault tactics, fielded heavier equipment than the Falcons.[10]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Falcons
Colonel Michael Cameron-Witherspoon 3025[11]
Colonel Diego Cameron-Witherspoon [12][4]
Colonel Glendon Lorch 3050 - 3059[12][4]
Colonel Johanna Dix 3067[13]
Colonel Ian Cameron-Witherspoon 3139[14]


The light equipment is best used during fast battles and the officers at company level and above have the authority to act on their own when the situation is created.[4] They are known for their skill in small-unit battles.[15]

Composition History[edit]



  • Third Battalion


Falcons (Green/Questionable)[11]

  • CO: Colonel Michael Cameron-Witherspoon


Falcons (Regiment/Green/Questionable)[17]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Callison.[17]


Falcons (Regiment/Green/Reliable)[12]

  • CO: Colonel Glendon Lorch[12]
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Dubhe.[12]


Falcons (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[4]

Falcon Aerospace Wing: The Callison Defenders (Wing/Regular/Reliable)[4]

Falcon Recon 4 (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[4]

3rd Callison (1 Regiment/Green/Reliable)[4]


Falcons (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[18]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Amity and Danais.[18] The Falcons were at two thirds of their nominal strength.[6]


  1. Historical: Brush Wars, pp. 36, 38
  2. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 87
  3. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 86
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Field Manual: Free Worlds League, p. 89: "Falcons Unit Profile"
  5. Field Manual: Updates, p. 161
  6. 6.0 6.1 Field Report: FWLM, p. 8
  7. Field Manual: 3085, pp. 16–17: Operation Golden Dawn "Silver Hawk Irregulars noted for being cause of the conflict, when and what world they took
  8. Field Manual: 3145, p. 108: Silver Hawk Irregulars/Atrean Dragoons/Protectorate Guards - "Later sourcebook states that the Silver Hawks were destroyed and why they were not re-formed until later."
  9. Field Manual: 3145, p. 108: Silver Hawk Irregulars/Atrean Dragoons/Protectorate Guards - "Silver Hawk Irregulars re-formed, but not the Falcons"
  10. Empire Alone, p. 86
  11. 11.0 11.1 House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 108: "FWL Deployment Table"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 20 Year Update, p. 57: "FWLM Deployment Table"
  13. Field Manual: Updates, p. 161: "Free Worlds League Military Deployment Table"
  14. To Ride the Chimera, ch. 53
  15. Field Manual: Updates, p. 155
  16. A Measure of Clarity
  17. 17.0 17.1 Historical: Brush Wars, p. 86
  18. 18.0 18.1 Field Report: FWLM, p. 8
