Ferro-Aluminum Armor


Ferro-Aluminum (FA) is an advanced type of armor developed by the Terran Hegemony[1] and used primarily by aerospace fighters, as well as DropShips, JumpShips, WarShips, and in one unusual instance, a ground vehicle. Similar in principle to ferro-fibrous armor,[1] Ferro-Aluminum provides more protection per ton than standard armor plate in exchange for increased bulk, differing in the use of foamed aluminum which also provides benefits in bleeding off waste heat from planetary reentry.


Ferro-Aluminum armor is manufactured on the following planets:

Brand Planet Company Used by References
Bowie Alarion Bergan Industries [citation needed]
Carbondale IV Nirasaki New Age Systems Incorporated [citation needed]
Durallex Aviator Ellsworth Gutierrez Aerospace CSR-F100 Picaroon [2]
Fiber 10 Axton Wangker Aerospace [citation needed]
Mitchell 6HY Bug-Eye [3]
PanzerStern Electra Donegal
Lockheed-CBM Corporation [citation needed]
Riese AeroFerro 200 Amity
Imstar Aerospace [citation needed]
Riese AeroFerro 300 Marik Imstar Aerospace [citation needed]
Sian Saroyan Special Productions [citation needed]
Shipil FrameForm Skye
Shipil Company
Taurus Territorial Industries
[citation needed]
StarGlo Capella
St. Ives/Sarna
Ceres Metals Industries
Tengo Aerospace
[citation needed]
Wakazashi KX4 Dover
Wakazashi Enterprises
Alliance Mining and Geology
[citation needed]
Wakazashi SRT Chatham Wakazashi Enterprises [citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 TechManual, p. 205: "Armor - Ferro-Fibrous/Ferro-Aluminum Armor"
  2. Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League, pp. 42–43: "CSR-F100 Picaroon"
  3. Technical Readout: 2750, pp. 124–125: "Bug-Eye Ship Profile"
