1st Ghost

(Redirected from First Ghost)
First Ghost Regiment
Formed 3033
Nickname The Many-colored Winds of Fate
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command Ghost Regiments



The First Ghost Regiment was the first regiment formed by Theodore Kurita and the yakuza. In 3033[1] the yakuzas ambassador selected MechWarriors from a wide variety of yakuza gangs. These warriors were highly skilled individually, but had little experience working in large groups. This made them ideal to test out Theodore's reforms.[1] They have proved excellent students, and their loyalty to the Dragon is unquestionable.[2]

Ronin War[edit]

The First Ghost didn't participate in the Ronin War.[3]

War of 3039[edit]


The LCAF had special interest in Altais, as a staging point for further invasion and also to block any counterstrikes from the DCMS. The task force invading the planet consisted of the 8th Donegal Guards supported by two mercenary commands, 1st Dragonslayers and the infamous Gray Death Legion. Official reports suggest that the planet should be undefended despite rumors of two unknown formation were on planet. The First Ghost were tasked with the defense of vital spaceports. That was also the target of the Gray Death Legion how landed as second unit of the task force on the world. The mercenaries staged simultaneous strikes at the two spaceports. The first combat drops were uncontested but the second where difficult for the Steiner force. The First Ghost started 3 assault on that position in short order but were always beaten. The other half of the mercenaries travel over 150 km from their landing point to their beleaguered comrades. Unexpected by the 1st the flanking raids were devastating. The Legion chased the Ghost and barely three companies could retreat off planet.[4]

Elements of the First Ghost who were left behind on Altais continued to hamper AFFC efforts by performing acts of sabotage and other disruptive acts.[5]

Clan Invasion[edit]

Operation Bulldog[edit]

Volunteers from the unit formed the Swift Spirits Provisional Company as part of Operation Bird Dog.[6]

Dominion War[edit]

The First Ghost was deployed to Fellanin II to dissuade Federated Suns from attacking. They were recalled to the Clan border as soon as the Ghost Bears attacked but didn't arrive until the war had ended. They returned to the Proserpina Prefecture, retaking Proserpina with the 1st Sword of Light, 12th Dieron Regulars and the 46th Dieron Regulars.[7] They suffered heavy casualties in the process, and were rotated to Fellanin II to provide them with time to rebuild.[8]

Federated Suns Incursion[edit]

In 3066, the First Ghost was among the Draconis forces active in the defense of Proserpina.[9]


In 3068 this unit captured David after crushing the David Militia.[10]

During the Jihad the First Ghost was ordered off of Fellanin II and relocated to Kuzuu. There they spent the next three years hunting down Black Dragon Society operatives. They were still on Kuzuu in 3079.[11] The First Ghost were used as garrison troops during Operation SCOUR. They relocated to Nykvarn in 3085. Two of their battalions at this time were at full strength, but the third lacked several warriors. As they were so far from their supporting oyabun and clan, they began negotiating with local yakuza groups from the former Dieron Military District to find new soldiers.[12]

Republic Era[edit]

In 3100 the First Ghost was assigned to assault Jarett as part of the Second Combine-Ghost Bear War. They landed quickly, bypassing most of the Clan defenses. They were able to take the Fifty-fifth Provisional Garrison Cluster's supply dumps and destroy their command centers, but only after being heavily damaged by Clan artillery and air strikes on their landing zone. After several weeks of fighting, the Fifty-fifth left Jarett.[13] However, a few months later the entire Polar Galaxy landed on Jarett and forced the First Ghost to withdraw to Idlewind.[14] The troops of Polar Galaxy followed them to Idlewind, however, and the fighting was intense. The First Ghost was eventually able to escape, but in the process they had to abandon two companies of BattleMechs.[15]

In 3103 two lances of the First Ghost dropped on Grumium in an attempt to seize a large munitions stockpile. They were successful, and in the process destroyed a Nova of troops from the 1st Freemen Cluster.[16]

Dark Age[edit]

The First Ghost Regiment was still active after the Blackout. They fought the 2nd Robinson Strikers on Mara, defeating the Strikers and taking control of the world's capital.[17] Once the First was done, the city became uninhabited and large portions had been reduced to rubble. This came to the attention of the First Ceti Hussars who launched a reprisal raid. The First held out, but lost two of their BattleMech companies because of their lack of discipline.[18]

When the Republic of the Sphere launched Operation ERUPTIO, the First Ghost were stationed on Ozawa when it was attacked by the RAF in April 3149. Together with the Ryuken-go the First Ghost managed to damage the Eleventh Principes, but later withdrew farther into the Combine when more RAF forces arrived.[19]

Together with the Ryuken-go the First Ghost were subsequently dispatched to Robinson, arriving to reinforce the Seventh Sword of Light as it was holding its ground against the RAF's Second Army Group. The First Ghost then attempted to be the hammer to the Seventh Sword's anvil against the Eleventh Principes, but the Ghosts were in turn driven off by the Twelfth Principes and Twelfth Triarii.[20]

Elements of the First were redeployed alongside the Ryuken-go to reinforce the Seventh Sword of Light stationed at Bueller and being savaged by two lances of fearsome Marauder IICs drawn from the Eleventh and Twelfth Principes. Though the combined Ghost and Ryuken forces were able to defeat half the attacking Marauder IICs, it came at the cost of fifteen Seventh Sword 'Mechs, and the remaining RAF forces held the line long enough for additional Republic forces to arrive and smash the Combine flanks.[21]

After the Seventh Sword's defeat, the First Ghost was forced to retreat off-world as best it could.[20]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the First Ghost
Tai-sa Bryan Kasigi 3059 - 3067[1][22]
Tai-sa Goro Kobayashi 3085[23]
Tai-sa Conchobhar Reyer 3099[13]
Tai-sa Seijun Noketsuna 3145[24]

Other Officers[edit]


The First Ghost has taken Theodore's new fighting methods to an extreme. They expertly integrated all types of combat units at all levels, and used their forces to bring their maximum power to bear on an enemy's weak points. They are also experts at urban combat and close range fighting. Most of the Mechs are equipped with small and medium lasers and SRM launchers to bring tremendous firepower to bear on an enemy at close range.[1][2]

Composition History[edit]


1st Ghost (Regiment/Veteran/Questionable)[29]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Benjamin.[29] The unit deploys at least two Leopard-class Dropships.[30]


1st Ghost (Regiment/Veteran/Questionable)[31]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Benjamin.[31]


1st Ghost (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[32]


1st Ghost (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[1]

  • CO/1st Battalion: Tai-sa Bryan Kasigi
    • XO/2nd Battalion: Chu-sa Ito Yoshitsu
  • 3rd Battalion: Chu-sa Deborah Gibbons

- The 1st Ghost gained C3 systems and other new technology including four OmniMechs reserved for use by the command unit.

1st Ghost Aerospace (Two Companies/Veteran/Reliable)[1]

  • Wing Commander: Dai-i Ulden Yamotoa

Iron Will (Battalion/Regular/Reliable)[1]

  • Armor Commander: Chu-sa Vladimer Russinki

1st Ghost Infantry (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[1]

  • Troop Commander: Tai-sa Vernon Planke

- The unit includes 24 conventional fighters and 12 VTOLs for support tasks.


1st Ghost (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[22]

  • CO/1st Battalion: Tai-sa Bryan Kasigi

1st Ghost Aerospace (Two Companies/Veteran/Reliable)[22]

  • Wing Commander: Dai-i Ulden Yamotoa

Iron Will (Battalion/Regular/Reliable)[22]

  • Armor Commander: Chu-sa Vladimer Russinki


First Ghost (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[33]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Kuzuu.[33]


1st Ghost (Regular/Reliable)[23]

1st Ghost Aerospace (Green/Reliable)[23]

Iron Will (Battalion/Veteran/Reliable)[23]


1st Ghost (2 Battalions/Regular/Questionable)[24]

  • CO: Tai-sa Seijun Noketsuna

1st Ghost Armor (Regular/Reliable)[24]

1st Ghost Infantry (Green/Questionable)[24]


  • Special Rules for the 1st Ghost Regiment can be found on Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 60.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 113: "Unit Profile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 60
  3. Historical: Brush Wars, pp. 119–121: "Ronin War Deployment Tables"
  4. Historical: War of 3039, pp. 29–31
  5. Eight Nine Three in The Corps, p. 42
  6. The Dragon Roars, p. 8
  7. Field Manual: Updates, p. 114
  8. Field Manual: Updates, p. 116
  9. Marsh Owl
  10. BattleCorps: INN Newscast (Solaris Broadcasting Co. section), news item published [21/09/3068]: "Combine Forces Assault March Worlds Without Provocation"
  11. Field Report: DCMS, p. 15
  12. Field Manual: 3085, p. 46
  13. 13.0 13.1 Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 29
  14. Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 37
  15. Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 38
  16. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 48
  17. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 40
  18. Field Manual: 3145, p. 60 "First Ghost"
  19. Shattered Fortress, p. 66
  20. 20.0 20.1 Shattered Fortress, p. 77
  21. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 6, p. 10: "Marauder IIC"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Field Manual: Updates, p. 116: "DCMS Deployment Table"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Field Manual: 3085, p. 51: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3085"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Field Manual: 3145, p. 64: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3145"
  25. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 40: "HKZ-1F Hitotsume Kozo"
  26. Technical Readout: 3145, p. 130: "HKZ-1F Hitotsume Kozo"
  27. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 48: "TN-10-O Tenshi"
  28. Technical Readout: 3145, p. 174: "TN-10-O Tenshi - Notable Units"
  29. 29.0 29.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 139
  30. Day of Heroes, p. 7
  31. 31.0 31.1 20 Year Update, p. 41
  32. Objective Raids, p. 27
  33. 33.0 33.1 Field Report: DCMS, p. 15
