Grave Walkers

(Redirected from First Grave Walkers)
Insignia of the Grave Walkers
Grave Walkers
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent
Sub-Command(s) First Grave Walkers
Second Grave Walkers

While not as famed as units like the Eridani Light Horse, the Grave Walkers had a solid reputation which lasted for centuries. Throughout their long and glorious career the Walkers fought for and against every major House. There are suggestions that the Grave Walkers were the oldest mercenary command in existence,[1] at least until the destruction of the Word of Blake Jihad and the unit merged with a much more short-lived, though potentially more famous mercenary unit, the Kell Hounds.[2]


Fourth Succession War[edit]

The Lyran Commonwealth did not deploy the unit in their Fourth Succession War military operation Operation GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG. However, they did transfer Walker's 2nd BattleMech regiment to Apollo to garrison that world from pirate attack.[3]

During the Draconis Combine's counterattack into the Tamar Pact the First and Second Grave Walkers were routed to Tamar. There they faced the 13th Rasalhague Regulars. After some minor confusion, the Grave Walkers were able to counter the Regulars' assault on the world. The Walkers offered the Regulars a chance to surrender, but the Kuritan unit fought until it was destroyed.[4]

Starting in 3031 the Grave Walkers entered into a contract with BioHarvest, Inc. to have at least one regiment on Bone-Norman. The Grave Walkers had long used the planet for mountain and amphibious assault training.[5]

The War of 3039[edit]

The 1st Grave Walker Regiment participated in the Battle of Vega as part of Task Force (TF) Blizzard, the Commonwealth's war against the Draconis Combine later known as the War of 3039. The mercenary units Snord's Irregulars and the 17th Recon Regiment (also known as Camacho's Caballeros) were part of the TF. TF Blizzard was assigned as one of the groups to participate in the invasion of Vega alongside regular House units in April of 3039. The Walkers and Caballeros first action was to take the Vegan spaceport of Nasew. After securing Nasew, they moved to counter any Kurita units attempting retake Nasew. Kurita's 5th Amphigean Light Assault Group launched probing attacks which were repelled. Although turned back by the defenders, the 5th Amphigean's 3rd Battalion proved to be a worthy opponent. The Walkers' allies, Snord's Irregulars, utilized a LosTech stockpile of Arrow IV artillery missiles to flush out the 5th and make them quit the planet.

While these events were taking place, the 14th Legion of Vega had been held up at Vega's capital city of Neuascon. The 3rd Lyran and 3rd Davion Guards had been laying siege to the Vegan regiment's positions. After forcing the 5th Amphigean to abandon the planet, The Grave Walkers and the rest of TF Blizzard were redeployed to reinforce the units besieging Neuascon. Their arrival forced the 14th Legion's commander to abandon the planet to FedCom forces by June 21st.

In mid-July the 14th Legion of Vega and 2nd Dieron Regulars returned to the planet. Assassins had injured the invasion force commander, General Nondi Steiner, placing command of the entire Vegan campaign in the hands of old-school officer Hauptmann-General Kathleen Heany. Her out-of-date tactics were no match for 2nd Dieron's commander who utilized Theodore Kurita's new theories on combat operations. The 2nd Dieron had nearly penetrated Neuascon when the Grave Walkers arrived to reinforce the Lyran defenders. Heany's poor command and disastrous decision making led to the Grave Walkers abandoning Vega in early August. Hauptmann-General Heany attempted to lay blame on the Grave Walkers and the Irregulars for the failure of the operation, but the mercenaries were exonerated by ComStar and the Mercenary Review Board for any wrongdoing.[6][1]

(Note: The major source for this information, General Caradoc Trevena's treatise on the War of 3039—that is the Historical: War of 3039 sourcebook—says the MRBC exonerated them. It should be noted though that the MRBC only came into being in 3052; its predecessor organization was ComStar's Mercenary Review Board, or MRB. This discrepancy is corrected in Combat Manual: Mercenaries as the Grave Walkers force brief says the MRB exonerated them.)

Clan Invasion of 3050[edit]

During the opening of the Clan Invasion, the Walkers faced their darkest hour.

First Regiment's Battle for Bone-Norman[edit]

In March 3050, the 1st Regiment of the Grave Walkers, under the command of Colonel Dennis Merwin, received experimental satellite warnings from a surveillance test coincidentally being performed in system. Mistaking the small number of inbound enemies as weakness, Colonel Merwin hubristicly ordered the Keshik Command Star and two Trinaries be attacked as they dropped onto the plain below the Red Stone Palace. Despite the successful test of the advanced detection equipment and the defeat of this vanguard, review of the battle showed how much more advanced were the invaders. The remainder of the Clan force retreated to the badlands surrounding the plain and saKhan Timur Malthus simply broke his bid with the remainder of the Turkina Keshik and the despised Eighth Falcon Regulars called in to smash the Grave Walkers. Malthus has been goaded into the low bid for the former Rim Worlds Republic planet and was loathe to call on the Eighth, but the potential loss of honor in defeat against mercenaries was worse. The Bone Norman Militia was able to scatter, though, fueling guerilla resistance on the world for years, while barely two Walker companies retreated off world and Colonel Merwin was killed at a supply depot as he loaded what supplies he could to stock the Militia for the coming war.[7][8]

Second Regiment's Battle for Apollo[edit]

The Grave Walkers' 2nd Regiment was lost in May during fighting against the Jade Falcons' Turkina Keshik and Gamma Galaxy on Apollo. The 2nd Regiment held out as long it could, making use of the planet's ancient fortifications to aid the defense, until they were forced to surrender.[9]

First Regiment's Battle for Black Earth[edit]

The survivors of Bone-Norman fled to Black Earth to regroup where they were joined by the 17th Skye Rangers. In May of 3050, Clan Jade Falcon's Delta Galaxy would attack the planet. The First Grave Walkers used flaming oil from the New Houston refinery in attempt to stall the Falcon advance. However, the Clans better technology allowed them to overcome the wall of fire. Within 30 hours, the Falcons had conquered Black Earth forcing the defenders to flee again.[10]

Aftermath of Clan Invasion[edit]

Reduced to a battalion from a former command of over 2 regiments plus supporting elements, the invasion left the mercenary unit shattered. The Walkers began to rebuild to regimental strength with battlefield salvage and the integration of new members during the 3050s, but their demons from the past came back to haunt them.

Jade Falcon Incursion of 3064[edit]

In 3064 they faced off against the Jade Falcons again, and history repeated itself. After being severely mauled on Kooken's Pleasure Pit, the unit faced Khan Marthe Pryde with her Turkina Keshik and 3rd Falcon Swoop Cluster. In an hour of fighting, the unit lost an entire Battalion of forces. Colonel Kirah managed to win a personal trial of possession for the right to invoke hegira, withdrawing from the planet.[11] They managed to withdraw to Babaeski, and the command was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self.

While the roots of the unit were lost during the Clan Invasion and the Jade Falcon Incursion into Lyran space, the Grave Walkers found themselves once again in the process of rebuilding their command.

The unit was reduced to several BattleMechs in a reinforced lance which included two Clan BattleMechs. Its vehicle support unit, known as the Grave Walkers Minelayers, now consisted of only Jeeps and Flatbed trucks with LRM launchers used to disperse minefields.[12]

Insurrection and Resurrection[edit]

The unit reputation had suffered since the Falcon Incursion, and its commander, Lt. Colonel Tevdt, had become a drunkard due to his nervous breakdowns. in 3068, the last straw for Walkers members was when Tevdt signed a raid contract with Blackstone BattleMechs Limited to raid the Falcons' capital world of Sudeten. The unit rebelled and removed Tevdt from command and brought its only remaining ranking officer into command, now Captain Robert Prather of the Grave Walker Minelayers.

At the urging of his men, Prather petitioned Lt. Colonel Daniel Allard of the Kell Hounds to allow his unit to disband and join the ranks of the Hounds. However, Allard refused on grounds there were other units waiting to join the Hounds. Instead he offered a retainer contract for the Walkers to augment the Arc-Royal defenses, which Prather accepted.

In 3069, events of the Jihad changed the situation on Arc-Royal. The Falcons newest incursion had claimed Allard's life. This left Lt. Colonel Akira Brahe, who found he needed to increase the speed of training and recruitment among his forces. As a result he offered the Grave Walkers a new position as training cadre for incoming mercenary recruits for the Hounds. The Walkers would get to retain a number of recruits while the Hounds took on the best. This deal was acceptable to Prather; however older members of the unit did not like the idea of being simply a training unit. The unit expanded during this time into two Combined-Arms Battalions, which were highly successful in their role. Unfortunately, many veterans who joined the Grave Walkers had been suffering from post-traumatic stress. Though unstable in combat, these new members were too experienced to remove from their new role as trainers. These successes by the Walkers led to the unit being employed by House Steiner in 3071 to train LAAF recruits.[13]

The unit participated in the retaking of Tharkad, brought by the Kell Hounds as internal reinforcements. The unit was held in reserve for much of the battle, and they were in good condition when the Word of Blake rout began, when they were asked to engage the Lowbräu. The Walkers excelled in their mission, and only a fraction of the fleeing Lowbräu trying to sneak past the Kell Hounds managed to escape the Grave Walkers. This action vaulted them into the elite mercenary class, separating themselves from the shadow of the Kell Hounds.[14]

The unit continued participating in the combat until the liberation of Tharkad, suffering no further crippling losses.[15]


Having survived the Jihad, it was reported by intelligence services working for the Republic of the Sphere that the Grave Walkers had been discussing forming a part of the Kell Hounds in 3079. This was considered somewhat remarkable, given that the Grave Walkers and the Kell Hounds were mustering approximately the same troop strength as each other at this point.[16] By 3085 the Grave Walkers had merged with the Kell Hounds and became that unit's 2nd Battalion.[2]

Notable Members[edit]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of Grave Walkers
Colonel Dennis Merwin 3025 - 3050[17][8]
Colonel Jason Merwin 3050 - 3057[18]
Colonel Ahru Kirah 3057 - 3065[19]
Lieutenant Colonel Goran Tevdt 3065 - 3067
Lieutenant Robert Prather 3068
Major Robert Prather 3071

Other Officers[edit]

Other Personnel[edit]

  • MechWarrior Boris Tesla, was a member of the First Grave Walkers during the Battle of Black Earth in 3050.[20]
  • MechWarrior Maya Niles, was a member of the First Grave Walkers during the Battle of Black Earth in 3050.[20]
  • MechWarrior Zachary Volkert, was a member of the First Grave Walkers during the Battle of Black Earth in 3050.[20]



The use of Thunder LRM munitions to slow down their opponent and concentrated fire has served the Walkers well throughout their existence.



The Grave Walkers' support assets get shorter with time through loans to other units (their soldiers and techs are on standby in most cases).

Dragoon Ratings[edit]


Dragoon Rating: C

Unit Colors and Insignia[edit]

The Grave Walkers used forest green with sea green highlights to paint elements. The unit's insignia was a skull on a tombstone.

Composition History[edit]


Grave Walkers (2 regiments/Regular/Reliable)

Contract:LCAF [17]
  • CO: Colonel Dennis Merwin
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Bone-Norman. In 3025, bolstered large quantity of heavy BattleMechs, Combat Vehicle and Infantry Support forces supplemented with DropShip support transport all units. The Walkers were in good financial shape with Regular experience for its troops. By 3050, these troops had become veterans by the time Clans Invaded.


1st Grave Walkers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[21]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Bone-Norman.[21]

2nd Grave Walkers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[21]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Apollo.[21]


1st Grave Walkers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable) [22]

  • CO: Colonel Dennis Merwin [22]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Bone-Norman. [22]

2nd Grave Walkers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable) [22]

  • CO: Colonel Jason Merwin [22]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Apollo. [22]


Grave Walkers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable) [23]

  • CO: Colonel Jason Merwin [23]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Kooken's Pleasure Pit. [23]


Grave Walkers (1 battalion/Veteran/Reliable) [19]

  • CO: Colonel Ahru Kirah) [19]
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Kooken's Pleasure Pit. [19]


  • Grave Walkers (BattleMech Regiment)
  • CO: Colonel Ahru Kirah


Grave Walkers (1 Reinforced Lance/Veteran/Questionable)

- Only 7 'Mechs are operational after clashing with the Falcons.

Grave Walker Minelayers (1 Company/Green/Questionable)

- This unit is compromised entirely of refitted noncombat vehicles.


Grave Walkers 2 (Combined-Arms Battalions)


Grave Walkers (Battalion/Veteran/Questionable) [24]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Arc-Royal.[24]


Ever notice that every textbook you can probably name uses war to gauge historical progress? Even the maps have started to date themselves by the most recent fighting. That’s saying something right there.
  — Lieutenant Lance T. Vedten


  1. 1.0 1.1 Combat Manual: Mercenaries, p. 41
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: 3085, p. 157, "Mercenaries: Lyran Commonwealth"
  3. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 45 - Unit did not participate in war, but 2nd Regiment was transferred to Apollo.
  4. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 67
  5. Touring the Stars: Bone-Norman, p. 6
  6. Historical: War of 3039 pp. 32, 77-78 - Vega - The Grave Walkers' 1st Regiments exploits during the War of 3039.
  7. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 38: "Bone-Norman"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Touring the Stars: Bone-Norman, pp. 6-7
  9. Jade Falcon Sourcebook p. 27 - Second Wave: Falcon Strikes - 2nd Grave Walkers' plight against the Falcons'.
  10. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 38: "Black Earth"
  11. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), pp. 115-116 - Falcon Incursion - Jade Falcons take Kooken's Pleasure Pit from Lyrans.
  12. Mercenaries Supplemental p. 32 - Unit history and situation in 3067.
  13. Mercenaries Supplemental Update p. 57 - Grave Walkers' early years in the Jihad, in its new role as training unit on Arc-Royal.
  14. Total Chaos, pp. 114-115 "GRAVE JUSTICE"
  15. Total Chaos, pp. 116-117 "WILL OF STEEL"
  16. Field Report: LAAF, p. 18, "Irregular Forces"
  17. 17.0 17.1 House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 120
  18. Objective Raids, p. 23
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 109
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 First Strike, p. 45
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Historical: War of 3039, p. 140
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 20 Year Update, p. 25
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Objective Raids, p. 23
  24. 24.0 24.1 Field Report: FWLM , p. 18
  25. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 45, "Third Succession War (2866-3025)"
  26. Mercenaries Supplemental - FORCE-SPECIFIC RULES - Grave Walkers scenario abilities, skills and equipment rating.
