Florence Anderson

Florence Anderson
AffiliationStar League
ProfessionLieutenant General

Florence Anderson was a Lieutenant General in the Star League Defense Force.


She was the chief of staff of the 428th BattleMech Division by 2763.[1]

The 428th Division were one of the more notable units to openly resist the post-Birthday Proclamations withdrawal of the Twentieth Army from the Rim Worlds Republic Territorial State, with then commander Major General Donald Sachs attempting to bribe the SLDF Transport Subcommand officers transporting the Concordance Division to carry them back into the Republic instead. With Sach, the assistant division commander, division operations officer and divisional logistical commander all relieved of command with cause, the Transport Subcommand deposited the 428th on Duran in 2763, and the division confined to Fort Amalthia as JAG Command investigated the unit's actions.[1]

She was made commanding officer of the 428th in 2764, though nobody knew if she would retain it once the 428th resumed movement.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: SLDF, p. 237 "Rim Worlds Republic Military Region - Twentieth Army - LXVII Corps"
