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(Redirected from ForestryMech MOD)
Production information
Manufacturer Eden Corporation[1]


Use LoggerMech
Model ED-X2
Class Light
Introduced 2716[2]
Technical specifications
'Mech type Inner Sphere IndustrialMech
Mass 30 tons
Chassis Unspecified
Armor Durallex Industrial Light
Engine 120-rated internal combustion engine
Communications System Doering Hi-Def Mk II
Targeting Tracking System None
Heat Sinks None
Speed 64.4 km/h
BV (2.0) 223[3][4]


The Crosscut is a popular type of LoggerMech, praised for operating efficiency in woodlands and dominating commercial forestry. Like other IndustrialMechs, the Crosscut requires considerable skill to pilot and some MechWarrior academies employ them as training 'Mechs to teach their cadets.

Originally created by Eden Corporation of Terra, the design was licensed out to various Inner Sphere factories, allowing the design to survive Eden's destruction during the Amaris Coup.[1]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The Crosscut is equipped with a large chainsaw in place of a right hand actuator and a lift hoist to allow it to carry additional cargo with the left claw. The 'Mech's 120-rated internal combustion engine allows it to achieve a top speed of 64.4 km/h.


  • ED-X1 
    During the Star League era, some Crosscuts were equipped with fusion engines. These first generation machines featured a rear lift hoist in the rear torso, had the traditional chainsaw in the right arm actuator in place of the hand, and could carry one and a half tons of cargo space in the center torso. However, scavengers have been stripping valuable fusion engines from these 'Mechs for centuries, making Crosscuts equipped in this fashion very rare.
  • ED-X2 Dual-Chainsaw 
    This variant is a custom order design, which is typically used for demolition.
  • ED-X2 (RL) 
    This variant removes the chainsaw, but keeps the right torso Lift hoist. The Crosscut-RL puts four RL-10s in each arm and uses three heat sinks disperse the launcher's heat. This variant was used by the Marian Hegemony during the Jihad.[5] BV (2.0) = 422[6]
  • ED-X2 (Flamer) 
    Introduced in 2810 during the Succession Wars era, this variant is a militarized version of the X2 and was armed during the Pentagon War in Clan space. Despite being developed in isolation from one another, it is almost completely identical to the ED-X2M MOD variant. The ED-X2 (Flamer) is armed with a vehicle flamer and retains the chainsaw, as well as the center-torso cargo bays. A single heat sink allows it to fire the flamer without worrying about heat buildup. BV (2.0) = 247[7]
  • ED-X2M MOD 
    Introduced in 2801 during the Succession Wars era, this variant is a militarized version of the X2 and was armed during the Inner Sphere's First Succession War. Despite being developed in isolation from one another, it is almost completely identical to the ED-X2 (Flamer) variant. The ED-X2M MOD is armed with a vehicle flamer and retains the chainsaw, as well as the center-torso cargo bays. A single heat sink allows it to fire the flamer without worrying about heat buildup. This Inner Sphere variant features an advanced fire control which makes the weapons more accurate to use against targets. BV (2.0) = 148[8]
  • ED-X3 ForestryMech 
    Used during the Succession Wars, this was a bare-bones version of the ED-X2. It had few notable features, which included retention of its chainsaw and an up-rated internal combustion engine that matched original ED-X1's in speed. While its commercial armor is kept to a bare minimum, the design's upgraded internal combustion engine enabled it to travel upwards of 86 km/h, which allowed an operator to flee from danger. BV (2.0) = 202[9]
  • ED-X4 LoggerMech
    Introduced in 2786, this was an updated version of the internal combustion engine powered ED-X3. Intended for civilian use, this LoggerMech reintroduced the lift hoist into the rear torso and regained a cargo bay for holding upwards of two tons. The design had slightly more armor than the X3, but its engine was downgraded resulting in a lower speed of 54 km/h. The deBV (2.0) = 223[10][11]
  • ED-X4B DemolitionMech
    Introduced in 2910, this is an alternate version of the internal combustion engine powered ED-X4 LoggerMech. Intended for construction, this version of the 'Mech was designed for the demolition of structures. To undertake this task, the builder replaced the Crosscut's signature chainsaw with a wrecking ball. The lift hoist is retained in the rear torso and featured a three ton cargo bay. BV (2.0) = 224[12]
  • ED-X4D DemolitionMech
    This was another alternate version of the internal combustion engine powered ED-X4B DemolitionMech. Like the B variant of the Mech, which was also introduced in 2910, it too is intended to for the demolition of structures and other dismantling tasks. Its main feature is its dual saws, which are mounted in the right arm actuator. While the lift hoist is retained in the rear torso, the cargo bay is removed from the design. BV (2.0) = 225[13][14]
  • ED-X4M LoggerMech MOD
    This militarized version of the X4 model Crosscut was introduced during the Jihad. Fitted identically to the ED-X2 (RL) variant, this 'Mech is armed with eight Inner Sphere-produced RL-10s, split between the Mech's two arms; three heat sinks are mounted to cope with weapons heat. The arms only retain its upper arm actuators and shoulders in order to allow a MechWarrior to flip these arms over. Unlike the older ED-X2 (RL), this design has an advanced fire control mounted in the head. BV (2.0) = 430[17]
  • ED-X4M-A MOD
    A downrated engine allows this model to reach 34 km/h at most. It carries the expected chainsaw in the right arm, backed up with an AC/2 fed by one ton of ammunition in the left arm. BV (2.0) = 279[18] The variant created by Earthwerks Incorporated was available so quickly, many are suspicious of Earthwerks' involvement in the Dark Age hostilities.[19]
  • ED-X4M-E MOD 
    This version of the Crosscut uses a chainsaw in the right arm and an ER large laser in the left. A fusion engine provides a top speed of 64 km/h and 11 heat sinks are present. BV (2.0) = 480[20]
  • ED-X4M-L MOD
    Based on the ED-X4M-A, this 'Mech carries the expected chainsaw in the right arm. This is supplemented by an LB 5-X with one ton of ammunition in the left arm. BV (2.0) = 230[21]
  • ED-X4X LoggerMech
    A second version of the civilian model ED-X4, which was introduced in 2901. Its only noted feature is its dual saws, which are mounted in the right arm actuator. The lift hoist and the cargo bays are both removed from the design. BV (2.0) = 225[22][23]
  • ED-X5M-B DemolitionMech MOD 
    The second iteration of the Marian Hegemony version of the armed Crosscut, it was introduced during the Jihad like its earlier version. This version features a fusion engine and its 10 heat sinks. While it retains the same armor protection as to the ED-X5M MOD, its weaponry is comparable to modern BattleMechs. It features the dual saws of the ED-X4X Crosscut, while its left arm actuator is replaced with a snub-nose PPC. Six of the Mech's heat sinks are spread out, one each in the torsos and feet with the remaining two in the center torso. Like the X5M, its industrial cockpit is also modified with an advanced fire control.[5] BV (2.0) = 460[25]
  • ForestryMech MOD 
    A Dark Age variant that increases the weight of the design by five tons. It keeps the chainsaw and swaps the lift hoist for an AC/2 in the left arm with one ton of ammunition and one heat sink. BV (2.0) = 297[26]

Custom Variants[edit]

Design Quirks[edit]

The ED-X4 Crosscut variant features the following Design Quirks:[1]

Notable Pilots[edit]

See: Category:Notable Crosscut Pilots


  • Although referred to as a LoggerMech or ForestryMech, the Crosscut is related to, but not identical to the generic ForestryMech. Rather, it is one particular model of many variants of the generic design.[29]
  • The Crosscut was constructed with Total Warfare construction rules, while the ForestryMech used the previous Maximum Tech rules. A most notable difference between the two is that the ForestryMech only masses 25 tons, uses standard BattleMech armor, and has a top speed of 50 km/h.
  • The cargo hoist was initially wrongly reported to be mounted in the center torso (rear) section, but this is impossible given that a cargo hoist requires three critical slots, whereas only two are available in the center torso. An erratum has been issued moving the cargo hoist to the left arm instead, by Herbert A. Beas II, the line developer (as HABEAS).[30]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: Vehicle Annex Revised, p. 212
  2. MUL Profile for ED-X2 Crosscut IndustrialMech - Introduction Year
  3. Record Sheets: Operation Klondike, p. 67
  4. MUL Profile for ED-X2 Crosscut IndustrialMech - BV2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Technical Readout: Vehicle Annex Revised, p. 229
  6. Record Sheets: Operation Klondike, p. 69
  7. Record Sheets: Operation Klondike, p. 68
  8. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 55: Information on the ED-X2M Model Crosscut. Has same stats as Clan Crosscut with one point difference.
  9. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 55: Information on the ED-X3 Model ForestryMech.
  10. MUL Profile for the ED-X4 CrossCut - Includes Introduction Year only
  11. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 66: Information on the ED-X4 Model ForestryMech.
  12. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 67: Information on the ED-X4B Model ForestryMech.
  13. MUL Profile for the ED-X4D Crosscut DemolitionMech - Includes Introduction Year only
  14. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 68: Information on the ED-X4D Model ForestryMech.
  15. Touring the Stars: Kaumberg, p. 13
  16. Touring the Stars: Kaumberg, p. 16
  17. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 69: Information on the ED-X4M Crosscut MOD - BV2 included.
  18. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 91
  19. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 7: "ForestryMech MOD"
  20. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 92
  21. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 93
  22. MUL Profile for the ED-X4X Crosscut LoggerMech - Includes Introduction Year only
  23. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 70: Information on the ED-X4X Model LoggerMech.
  24. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 71: Information on the ED-X5M Crosscut MOD.
  25. Record Sheets: Vehicle Annex, IndustrialMechs & Exoskeletons, p. 71
  26. Record Sheets: MechWarrior Dark Age I, p. 34
  27. Experimental Technical Readout: Caveat Emptor, p. 5
  28. Experimental Technical Readout: Gladiators, p. 8
  29. CBT Forum Posting: Crosscut question[dead link]
  30. CBT Forum posting: Crosscut LoggerMech[dead link]
  31. Record Sheets: Operation Klondike, p. 67
