Fortune (Combat Vehicle)

This article is about the wheeled assault vehicle. For other uses, see Fortune.
Fortune Wheeled Assault Vehicle
Production information
Manufacturer Defiance Industries[1]
Production Year 3067[2]
Mission Urban Combat
Type Wheeled
Cost 3,707,667 C-bills[2]
Technical specifications
Tech Base Inner Sphere[1]
Mass 80 tons[1]
Armor StarSlab 6[1]
Engine DAV 220[1]
Speed 54 km/h
Crew 6[1]
Communications System Johnston Q-Band[1]
Targeting Tracking System Scantrex DualTrac[1]
Heat Sinks 10 single

2x LB-X autocannon/20

BV (1.0) 895[3]
BV (2.0) 1,349[1][2][4]


The Fortune Wheeled Assault Vehicle is a more expensive upgrade to the Hetzer. Engineers at Defiance Industries designed the Fortune during the run-up to the FedCom Civil War, but production demands forced them to delay putting it into full-scale production until after the war's end in 3067.[1]

A more expensive fusion engine propels the Fortune to a less-than-swift 54 km/h. Crews must rely on cover and overwhelming firepower to destroy enemies before they can breach this combat vehicle's fourteen tons of armor.[1]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The Fortune wields twice the firepower of the Hetzer with two Defiance Disintegrator LB-X Autocannon/20s. It also improves upon the older vehicle by mounting these guns in a turret. Eight tons of ammunition provide ample supply and the ability to use flexibility in munition choices. With the ability to use cluster ammo, the Fortune can damage critical systems to cripple enemy units after using slug ammo to punch through an opponent's armor.[1]


  • Thunderbolt 
    This version of the Fortune introduced in 3075[8] replaces the turret's heavy autocannon with twin Thunderbolt 15 missile launchers and a Streak SRM-6. A forward-mounted Flamer provides anti-infantry capability. BV (2.0) = 1,402[9][8]


  • In German products, the unit's proper name was altered to Häscher, which is an antiquated expression for Pursuer.



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Technical Readout: 3067, pp. 22–23: "Fortune Wheeled Assault Vehicle"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 MUL online date for the Fortune (Combat Vehicle)
  3. Combat Operations, p. 131
  4. Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged, p. 31
  5. 5.0 5.1 MUL online date for the Fortune (C3M) variant
  6. Technical Readout: 3085, p. 191: "Old Is The New New"
  7. Record Sheets: 3085 Unabridged — Old is the New New, p. 46
  8. 8.0 8.1 MUL online date for the Fortune (Thunderbolt) variant
  9. Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged, p. 32
