Galedon Regulars

Brigade Insignia of the Galedon Regulars
Galedon Regulars
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command DCMS

Assigned to protect the largest section of the Draconis Combine bordering the Federated Suns and the Periphery, along with the former capital New Samarkand, the Galedon Regulars enjoy good relations with the Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy and Draconis Combine Port Authority thanks to their location in the Galedon Military District. Thanks to the Port Authority preferences, the Galedon Regulars receive priority when moving across their vast area of responsibility.[1][2]

Assigned to the oldest military district, older even than the Draconis Combine itself, many Galedon units can trace the histories to the nation's founding.[3]

Historically, Procurement Department interactions were quick and the Galedon Regulars received requisitions on a reasonable timeline. The Internal Security Force investigates all candidates to the Regulars, who raid both the Outworlds Alliance and Federated Suns often, though the oversight was less than that the Rasalhague Regulars faced when they existed. MechWarriors and aerospace fighters receive close inspection, with conventional troops and technical staff getting a cursory investigation. Loyalty to the Combine is often placed higher than personal loyalty to House Kurita.[3] A couple of factors go into the scrutiny by the ISF of the Galedon Regulars. The worlds they guard are of great significance, both historical and emotional. Then the mid-thirty-first century, machinations of Warlord Grieg Samsonov left a stain on the honor of the Galedon Regulars. Much of the losses to the Wolf's Dragoons and the chaos of the Fourth Succession War could be laid at his feet.[1][2]


Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy graduates often find themselves filtering through the Galedon Regulars. Officers from units assigned to New Samarkand are used as associate teachers at the Academy, along with retired or on-leave members. From 30543056, House Kurita's Phoenix Program saw multiple "lower echelon" units receive priority for the most qualified academy graduates, including those from Sun Zhang. The Regulars were able to draw from the District school, Galedon Military Academy, to replace these losses, and so did not feel the slight.[3] Due to its high morale, the Galedon Regular's position also instills fanaticism not often seen in District Regular units, and they can be described as ruthless.[1]

Though the Galedon Military District was renamed the New Samarkand Military District, Galedon Regulars units that survived the Jihad were not renamed. New units raised in the New Samarkand Military District were raised as New Samarkand Regulars, however.[1][4]


Rank Name Command
Warlords of the Galedon Military District (Tai-shu of the Galedon Regulars)
Tai-shu Jinjiro Kurita 27772796[5]
Tai-shu Grieg Samsonov 30183028[2]
Tai-shu Kester Hsiun Chi 3028[6]
Tai-shu Li Dok To 30503059[2][7][3]


Different per unit.

Units of the Galedon Regulars[edit]

The Galedon Regulars feature both BattleMech Regiments and Conventional Regiments.[3]


  • The 2nd Regulars were destroyed during FedCom Civil War.
  • The 4th Regulars were destroyed during the First Succession War.
  • The 7th Regulars were destroyed during the First Succession War.
  • The 8th Regulars were disbanded 3050s.
  • The 9th Regulars were disbanded Second Succession War.
  • The 10th Regulars were formed from remnants of SLDF forces in 2785.
  • The 12th Regulars were destroyed on Galedon.[9]
  • The 16th Regulars were destroyed 3070s, rebuilt by Dark Age era.
  • The 17th Regulars were destroyed in 3062.
  • The 29th Regulars were destroyed during the First Succession War.
  • The 31st Regulars were destroyed during the First Succession War; rebuilt in 3026.[2]
  • The 32nd Regulars were formed in 3028[2] and destroyed on Imbros III during the Jihad.[9]
  • The 33rd Regulars were raised in 3042.[2]
  • The 34th Regulars were raised in 3045[2] and disbanded during the Clan Invasion.
  • The 36th Regulars were destroyed during the Second Succession War.[10]
  • The 37th Regulars were destroyed during the First Succession War.
  • The 42nd Regulars deserted during the Jihad.[9]

Color Scheme and Insignia[edit]

The Galedon Regulars favor light-colored schemes for their 'Mechs. White, tan, and light gray dominate. For parade use, they maintain a gray base with white striping,[1] a gray with light blue stripes, or tan with white stripes. The Galedon brigade insignia is a gray/white katana over a field with one blue and one black triangle. The insignia is placed on the upper right leg of the unit's BattleMechs.[3]



  • Combat Command Rules for the Galedon Regulars can be found on page 182 of Historical: Reunification War.[11]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 143: "Galedon Regulars"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 36: "Galedon Regulars"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Field Manual Draconis Combine, p. 61: "Overview"
  4. Field Manual: 3085, p. 40
  5. First Succession War, p. 129: "Jinjiro Kurita profile"
  6. Wolves on the Border, p. 335
  7. 20 Year Update, p. 41: "Galedon Military District"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 141: "Outworlds Alliance Front"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Field Report: DCMS, p. 10
  10. Second Succession War, p. 97: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)"
  11. Historical: Reunification War, p. 182
