Garth Marik

Garth Marik
AffiliationHouse Marik
ParentsCharles Marik II (father)[1]
SiblingsPhilippa Marik
Gerald Marik II
William Marik
ChildrenThomas Marik[1]

Garth Marik was the fourth son of Captain-General Charles Marik.


After the Free Worlds League had suffered from a ComStar Interdiction for three years, Garth was dispatched to Terra in September 2838 to negotiate a settlement with the First Circuit. Despite his youth and significant pressure from ComStar, Garth protected the League's sovereignty and remained adamant that the League would accept only the comparatively lenient terms ComStar had initially proposed before the ComStar War had erupted. By early November Garth had succeeded in obtaining ComStar's agreement in this, and the Interdiction was lifted soon after.[1][2]

Garth and his nephew Michael were later killed on Asuncion in 2849 when a CCAF assault including nuclear weapons destroyed the League defensive position there. In response his father ordered a deep strike against Capella that proved to be the League's final use of nuclear weapons in the Succession Wars.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Second Succession War, p. 66
  2. Second Succession War, p. 49
