Ghost Bear Dominion (Occupation Zone)

Ghost Bear Dominion (Occupation Zone)
State Profile
Founding Year 3050
Capital world: Alshain
Head of State Khan
Army Clan Ghost Bear touman
Military Intelligence Clan Ghost Bear Watch

The Ghost Bear Dominion is the name given to Clan Ghost Bear's Clan Occupation Zone in 3050. Their worlds consist of the former Free Rasalhague Republic territory during their invasion into the Inner Sphere. Following the Great Refusal, they would settle in their occupation zone, giving the rest of their Homeworld territory to their allies like the Diamond Sharks and Snow Ravens. Following the Wars of Reaving, the Ghost Bear Dominion would become the permanent home of Clan Ghost Bear; it would later become the Rasalhague Dominion.


Clan Ghost Bear was assigned to attack the Free Rasalhague Republic. The Ghost Bear Clan mindset was that they wanted to have a positive image upon their captives. Rather than act as conquerors, the Bears would instead act like partners learning the culture of their realm, while at the same time indoctrinating them into the Clan Way. The groundwork was done by Ghost Bear SaKhan Theresa DelVillar and the capture of Elected Price Ragnar Magnusson would pay off greatly for the Clan. They would claim a large portion of the Free Rasalhague Republic, renaming it into the Ghost Bear Dominion and later on, the Rasalhague Dominion.[1]

Operation REVIVAL[edit]

Settling in the Inner Sphere[edit]

Formation of the Rasalhague Dominion[edit]

After the Jihad Era Clan Ghost Bear would successfully work to absorb the remaining rump of the Free Rasalhague Republic territory, following the disbandment of the Com Guard and ROM. In 3103, the realm would be renamed into the Rasalhague Dominion as a show of unity between Clan Ghost Bear and The Free Rasalhague Republic.



  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 82
