Hannibal (DropShip class)

Hannibal TRO3057r.png
Production information
Manufacturer Deller-Bingham-Fouts[1]
Production Year 3055[2]
Use Troop Carrier
Type Military Aerodyne
Tech Base Star League
Technical specifications
Mass 4,900[1] tons
Structural Integrity 12
Length 137 meters
Width 42 meters
Height 31 meters
Safe Thrust 2.5 g
Max Thrust 4 g
Fuel (tons) 95 tons
Fuel (days) 51.6 days
Armor 42 tons standard
Crew 40[1]
  • 7 Officers
  • 26 Enlisted
  • 7 Gunners

Bay Personnel: 208

Escape Pods/Life Boats 6/6
Heat Sinks 79 double
BV (1.0) 5,208[1][3]
BV (2.0) 6,399[citation needed]


Capable of carrying one Infantry and one tank Company, the Hannibal-class DropShip combined armed transport is also designed to serve as the command and communications anchor for large unit operations.

In many respects the Hannibal seems intended to replace the Intruder-class, well-armed and armored but with a much more limited fuel supply. The Hannibal also features an especially sophisticated command and communication equipment to aid in unit briefing and oversight thanks to Word of Blake assistance. The Deller-Bingham-Fouts yards on Atreus produced four Hannibals through the first year of production, a rate that was expected to continue,[1] and the Hannibal continued to be used throughout the former Free Worlds League in the later half of the thirty-first century and in the reconstituted FWLM into the thirty-second century.[2]


With a generous weapons array, the Hannibal's nose bay features an AC/10, twin Gauss rifles, an ER Large Laser paired with a trio of standard medium lasers, twin ER PPCs, and an Artemis enhanced LRM-20 and SRM-6. Each wing carries an AC/5, an ER large and standard medium laser, LRM-20 and Large Pulse Laser facing forward, with a standard medium and Large Laser and an SRM-4 in rear-facing mounts. Directly aft is mounted another AC/10, ER PPC, SRM-4, and ER large, standard large and twin standard medium lasers. The Hannibal also features almost as an after-thought a Narc Missile Beacon, which it is unable to utilize itself due to the Artemis blisters on its launchers, but is certainly a novel way of attaching Narc pods for use by the tanks it carries when used in ground-based combat.[1]


The Hannibal's two cramped tank bays are located near the nose of the craft, each with its own ramp, allowing all twelve heavy Combat Vehicles to disembark within five minutes, among the faster vehicle-deployment rates of any DropShip. Three bunkrooms are set aside for tank crews and their bay personnel while sixteen infantry bunkrooms near the aft of the vessel each house an infantry squad, with each company sharing bathroom and mess facilities.[1]

  • Bay 1: Vehicle (12 Heavy), 2 doors
  • Bay 2: Cargo (973.5 tons), 1 door
  • Bay 3: Infantry (4 foot platoons), 1 door


None known

Named Vessels[edit]

See Category:Individual Hannibal-class DropShips



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Technical Readout: 3057 Revised, p. 42-43
  2. 2.0 2.1 MUL entry for the Hannibal (DropShip class)
  3. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 235
