Helgren County

Helgren County
State Profile
Controlled system(s): 0
Head of State Sheriff Tiberius Reed[1]

Helgren County was one of the Pentagon Powers, a collection of warlord states living in the ruins of the Star League in Exile. Helgren occupied a portion of Arcadia's eastern continent.[2]


Helgren County was founded by self-styled Sheriff Tiberius Reed, a former Star League Defense Force Captain who'd persuaded most of his Regiment not to join Nicholas Kerensky on his Second Exodus at the outbreak of the Pentagon Civil War. The first years of the war did serious damage to Reed's command, but a program of rigorous drills and a strong spirit of unity meant Helgren forces were the best trained forces on the planet. This let Reed carve out an enclave relatively free of the tyranny and violence most of Arcadia's people experienced.[1] Reed considered himself to still be part of the SLDF, and despite having declared martial law continued to enforce Star League law and regulations within his domain.[3]

Helgren was forced to regularly fend off invasions from the larger and more autocratic Democratic Republic of Rand, so when the invasion by the Clans weakened them, Reed and the nearby Kingdom of Surev jumped at the opportunity to make gains at Rand's expense, significantly speeding up the Republic's collapse. When the Clans inevitably turned on them, both powers attempted to bluster or cede territory to the invaders to secure a peace deal. Unfortunately for Helgren Clan Blood Spirit and Clan Steel Viper weren't interested minor gains and demanded their total surrender.[1]

The Steel Vipers struggled during the invasion of Helgren County, whose well trained forces managed to use their better knowledge of the local terrain to deliver them their first defeat in the Pentagon Worlds at Talbot Morraine. Helgren's success ultimately backfired; though they fought a relatively clean war, the Vipers considered their taking POWs and salvage to be hostage taking and only redoubled their efforts. With every effort at diplomatic parley refused and increasingly convinced the Vipers wanted to wipe his unit out, Reed led Helgren's military into Blood Spirit territory and attacked a patrol. After a ninety second battle Reed's forces surrendered and became Blood Spirit Bondsmen.[1]

The Vipers objected to what they saw as Blood Spirit interference with their operations, but the Spirits simply ignored them until the ilKhan ruled in their favor. The Blood Spirits used Reed as a regional administrator and eventually admitted him to the Warrior Caste. Because of this Helgren County left an unintended legacy; they caused a major feud between two once-allied clans.[1]


Helgren County forces have special rules on page 150 of Historical: Operation Klondike


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Historical: Operation Klondike, pp. 58-59: "Honor and Principle"
  2. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 58: "East Arcadia"
  3. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 156: "Sheriff Tiberius Reed"
