HildCo Interplanetary

HildCo Interplanetary
HildCo Interplanetary logo.png
Corporation Profile
Founding Year11 January 2770[1]
AffiliationCapellan Confederation
(St. Ives III)[2]
Manufacturing Plant(s)


HildCo Interplanetary was one of the main manufacturers of interstellar ships in pre- and early Star League times.[2]


HildCo has manufacturing centers on the following planets:

Carver V[edit]

Note: The factories on Carver V were completely destroyed by combat in 2856.[3]

Components produced on Carver V:[4][5]
Component Type
Atlas[6][7] Assault BattleMech
Victor[6][7] Assault BattleMech

St. Ives[edit]

Note: During the Jihad, the facility on St. Ives suffered capital and personal losses of 67%, and the operating capacity of the factory was reduced to 42% of their main production volume in 3079.[8]

Components produced on St. Ives:[9][10][11][12]
Component Type
VTR-9B Victor[13] Assault BattleMech
VTR-9D Victor[9] Assault BattleMech
VRT-9K Victor[10] Assault BattleMech
VTR-10L Victor[10] Assault BattleMech
PLG-3Z Pillager[11] Assault BattleMech
PLG-4X Pillager Anvil[12] Assault BattleMech
PLG-4Z Pillager[11] Assault BattleMech
PLG-5L Pillager[11] Assault BattleMech
PLG-5Z Pillager[11] Assault BattleMech
PLG-6Z Pillager[14] Assault BattleMech
Alshain Class 920 Endo Steel Victor[10]
HildCo Type V Endo Steel Victor[9]
HildCo Heavy Type VIIQT Pillager 3Z[11]
Fusion Engine
Pitban 320 Victor[9][10]
Extralight Fusion Engine
GM 270 XL [citation needed]
Vlar 300 XL Pillager 3Z[11]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Durallex Heavy w/CASE Victor[10]
Lexington Ltd. Lifters Jump Jets - Victor[10]
Jump Jets
HildCo 10 for Export[citation needed]
HildCo 11c for Export[citation needed]
HildCo 12 Shipped to Federated Commonwealth for Victor[9]
HildCo Model 13 Victor[9] & Pillager 3Z[11]
shipped to Capella & Warlock for Ostroc
HildCo LFT 9-X for Export[citation needed]
Communications System
CeresCom Recon Model 12K Pillager 3Z[11]
Sipher Security Plus Victor[10]
Targeting-Tracking System
C-Apple Churchill Pillager 3Z[11]
Matabushi Sentinel Victor[10]
Gauss rifle
MilDouglas "Emperor's Bones" Victor & Emperor
shipped to Warlock for Helios
Poland Main Model A Pillager 3Z[11]
Medium Laser
CeresArms Pillager 3Z[11]
Medium Pulse Laser
Sutel Precision Line Refit and repair & for Victor[10]
Large Laser
Defiance B3L Pillager 3Z[11]
Holly Short Range Missile Pack Victor[9]
MilDouglas "Duke" Victor
shipped to Warlock for Cossack & to St. Ives for Guardian


Note: The facility on Texlos suffered capital and personal losses of 25%, and the operating capacity of the factory had full production volume of 100% in 3079.[8]

Components produced on Texlos:[15][16]
Component Type
Aerospace fighter
LTN-G15 Lightning[2][15][16] Medium aerospace fighter
HildCo Aerospace Type IV Lightning[15][16]
Fusion Engine
GM 200 Lightning[16]
Armor - Aerospace fighters & Conventional Aircraft
Aerobus Vanluminum Advanced Lightning[16]
Communications System
Endicott Type 22 Master Lightning[16]
Targeting-Tracking System
Dwyerson Mark XI Lightning[16]


  1. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 120: "Corporate Profiles - [HildCo Interplanetary]"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Handbook: House Liao, p. 134: "HildCo Interplanetary"
  3. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 230
  4. House Marik: The Free Worlds League, p. 115: "Strengths and Weaknesses"
  5. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 158
  6. 6.0 6.1 House Marik: The Free Worlds League, p. 115
  7. 7.0 7.1 Technical Readout: 3039, p. 108
  8. 8.0 8.1 Objectives: Capellan Confederation, p. 3: "State of the Industry at a Glance (Dec 3079)"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Objective Raids, p. 149: "Produced HildCo Interplanetary Components"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 90: "Produced Victor Components"
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, p. 228: "Produced Pillager Components"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Liao, p. 6: "Produced Experimental Pillager 'Mech variant"
  13. Technical Readout: 3025, p. 111
  14. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 31, p. 13
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Objective Raids, p. 150: "Produced HildCo Interplanetary Components"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Technical Readout: 3075, p. 250: "Produced Lightning Fighter Components"
