Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Corvis

House Allard

House Allard
Family Profile
Title(s) Count of Bristol
Count of Kestrel
Affiliation Federated Suns
Cadet branch(es) House Allard-Liao

House Allard are a highly influential noble house originating on Kestrel[1] with links to both House Liao and House Steiner via House Kell. The House stood to become the ruling family of the St. Ives Compact, but their accession never came to pass due to the Compact being forcibly reintegrated into the Capellan Confederation in 3063.


Allard Family Tree[edit]

House Allard
Lady XiangQuintusTamara Kearney
House LiaoHouse Kell
House Allard-LiaoTempestHarrisonMark

Other Known members of House Allard[edit]

Family Heirlooms and Holdings[edit]

The family owns what is arguably the most famous BattleMech in existence, the Yen-Lo-Wang.


  1. Warrior: Riposte, p. 235, Justin Allard discovers he was given a dish that had the crest of Kestrel on it during the Steiner-Davion wedding reception.
  2. Spotlight On: Crescent Hawks p. 5 "Polonius Allard"
  3. Era Report: 3145, p. 180
