House Martens-Calderon

House Martens-Calderon
Family Profile
Title(s) Protector of the Calderon Protectorate
Founded 3055
Affiliation Calderon Protectorate


End of a House[edit]

On Christmas Eve of 3060 President Sherman Maltin and a group of rogue Colonial Marshals took the Magestrix and Protector hostage, demanding freedom for the New Colony Region in return for their safety and release. The leaders of the Canopian and Taurian government were held hostage until the early months of 3061 when a force comprised of Capellan and Magestrix units, led by Naomi Centrella, attacked the rebellious Colonial forces on Detroit. The rescue attempt freed the Magestrix, but Jeffrey Calderon was killed during the rescue when he was caught in the crossfire.[1]

Upon his death, with no obvious or legally recognized heirs of House Calderon available, the mantle of Protector was taken by Grover Shraplen, a vocal opponent to the policies and government of Jeffrey Calderon.[1]

Rumors of Heirs[edit]

Though Jeffrey was never married rumors of an heir persisted. The most prevalent lead back to his early years during his period of mandatory service in the Taurian Military.[2] During this period it was known that he had a liaison with an officer of the Taurian mercenary unit Prey's Divisionals. This romance was renewed upon his assumption of the Protectorship, and there is a youth of appropriate age among the dependents of this unit.[3]

These rumors would subsequently be proved true in the form of Erik Martens-Calderon, and with tensions between the Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat increasing between 3063 and 3066 over the actions of the TDF within the New Colony Region at Shraplen's instruction and the subsequent Canopian occupation of Detroit, Baron Kithrong called for Shraplen to step down in favor of Erik in 3066. Shraplen's subsequent refusal and the increasing instability of his government would ultimately lead to a number of Taurian worlds seceding and forming a new realm, the Calderon Protectorate, with Erik as ruler-in-waiting and Kithrong as regent.[4]

Martens-Calderon Family Tree[edit]

House Calderon
Jeffrey CalderonTalia Martens
Erik Martens-CalderonGiselle Kithrong
Sam CalderonCoral Guidry-Rhys
Bryant Calderon

Family Heirlooms and Holdings[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Inner Sphere (sourcebook) pp. 105 - 106
  2. The Periphery, 2nd Edition (sourcebook) p. 26
  3. Mercenaries Supplemental II p. 55
  4. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 67, "Restoration: The Calderon Protectorate"
