House McKinnon

House McKinnon
Family Profile
Title(s) Martial family
Affiliation Federated Suns

House McKinnon are a prominent MechWarrior family loyal to the Federated Suns.



House McKinnon rose to fame when Fox Company, Second Battalion, 142nd Battle Regiment, 251st BattleMech Division stationed at the Star League depot on Kesai IV under command of Captain Kieran McKinnon refused to follow General Kerensky into exile as part of Operation EXODUS instead choosing to join the AFFS in return for titles and lands on Kestrel.[1] Leading a group of Seventh Crucis Lancers survivors that had failed to evacuate Kentares IV during the First Succession War, the company saved many Kentaran lives during the infamous massacre with its covert operations.[2]

Second Battle of Barlow's Folly[edit]

During the Second Battle of Barlow's Folly Kieran McKinnon was killed. Paul Davion granted more lands to the family and ordered Kieran's oldest son to take command of his father's unit.[1]

The Fox's Teeth[edit]

Shortly after assuming the mantle of First Prince Hanse Davion was informed of a potential plot to unseat him. Ross McKinnon I was tasked with stopping the plot. As a reward the family was issued yet more lands and great prestige.[1]


The family were still the leaders of McKinnon's Company up until the Jihad, when the unit entered service to The Republic of the Sphere. David McKinnon would become a Paladin.

McKinnon Family Tree[edit]

House McKinnon
Ross Iunknown
Ross IISara LyttonDavid

Other Known Members of the Family[edit]

Family Heirlooms and Holdings[edit]

The family owns a Star League Era Black Knight.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Fox's Teeth, p. 6, "Brief History"
  2. First Succession War, p. 91, "The First AFFS Counteroffensive: Beating Back the Dragon"
  3. Dominions Divided, p.11
