House McQuiston

House McQuiston
Family Profile
Title(s) Duke of Skye
Founded 2299
Died out 2471
Affiliation Federation of Skye

House McQuiston was the founding family of the Federation of Skye, one of the three states that would later merge to form the Lyran Commonwealth.



House McQuiston would first come to the attention of historians when Ian McQuiston would emigrate from Scotland on Terra to the world of Skye.[1]

House McQuiston Family Tree[edit]

Ian McQuiston
James McQuiston
Thomas McQuiston
Michael SteinerRegina McQuiston
Rutger Steiner

Other members of the family[edit]

Family Heirlooms and Holdings[edit]


  1. Field Manual: Lyran Alliance, p. 6
  2. The Star League, p. 25
