House Rowe

House Rowe
Family Profile
Title(s) First Consul
Affiliation Rim Worlds Republic
Cadet branch(es) House Durant

House Rowe were the first rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic.


Hector Rowe founded of the Rim Worlds Republic on Apollo on 8 September 2250. The initial colonists were members of his Theban Legion and any enslaved women they picked up along the way after departing Lucianca.[1][2]

Hector's descendents were extremely successful in helping the Republic grow over the next two hundred years until its eventual hand-off to House Amaris.[3]

Rowe Family Tree[edit]

Hector Rowe
House DurantMaxwell Rowe2 older sons
unknownArabella Rowe
Michael DurantHeather DurantTerens AmarisDavid Wong
House Amaris


  1. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 14
  2. The Periphery, pp. 15-16
  3. The Periphery, p. 21
