
Illyria 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates−439.228 : −178.11[e]
Spectral classG4V[1][2]
Recharge time185 hours[2]
Recharge station(s)None (3025)[1]
Zenith (3079)[2]

System Description[edit]

Illyria is located near the Trasjkis and Trondheimal systems.

Political Affiliation[edit]

Illyria III[edit]

Illyria III
Illyria Flag.jpg
System position3rd[1][2]
Jump Point distance7.96 days[2]
Moons1 (Gentius)[2]
Surface gravity1.00[2]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Tainted)[2]
Equatorial temperature27°C (Temperate)[2]
Surface water61%[2]
Highest native lifeMammal,[2] 15%[1]
Landmasses4 (Harmonia, Celtus, Galas, Cadmus)[2]
History and Culture
Population190,000 (3025),[1]
25,592,000 (3079)[2]
Government and Infrastructure
HPG ClassB[1][2]
HPG RepresentativePrecentor Adrien Clothos (3025)[1]

Planetary History[edit]

Once the capital planet of the Illyrian Palatinate, for many years the inhabitants of Illyria spent their time searching their world for Star League caches rumored to exist on the world. Though there were some modest finds, most of the planet's economy was devoted to shipbuilding.[1] In 3063, the Marian Hegemony invaded the Palatinate and brought it into the Hegemony.[31] Since that time, the world has served as the capital of the Illyria District.[2]

During the Clan Invasion and Jihad, many expatriates from the Free Rasalhague Republic relocated to Illyria because it possessed a large population of Scandinavians.[2]

Dark Age[edit]

In 3139, the ruler of the Marian Hegemony, Caesar Ignatius O'Reilly ordered the Alphard Trading Corporation to expand its military production in response to the reconstitution of the Free Worlds League, fearing that the League might initiate a large-scale attack on the Hegemony. One of the actions ATC took in response was to construct a plant on Illyria to produce battle armor—the first such plant to be located in the Periphery.[32]

Military Deployment[edit]


  • Secunda Cohors
  • IV Auxilia Legio



  • Prima Cohors
  • Quinta Cohors
  • VI Caelum Wing


  • Prima Cohors
  • Secunda Cohors
  • Tertia Cohors
  • II Caelum Wing

Planetary Locations[edit]

  • Dalmatia: capital city, on the continent of Cadmus[2]

Companies and Industries[edit]

Image gallery[edit]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 20 systems (14 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Trasjkis 14.6 Trondheimal 17.8 Valerius 27.6 Reykavis 30.3
Lordinax 31.0 Hazeldean 32.5 Lothario 36.0 Leximon 38.1
Landfall 42.9 Huntington 44.6 San Nicolas 49.9 Maximillian 51.5
Lindassa 52.2 Lummatii 55.0 Aylmer 60.4 Atzenbrugg 61.6
Tormentine 61.9 Melk 63.5 Lahti 65.0 Lepaterique 65.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 The Periphery, p. 134: "Illyrian Palatinate"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Objectives: Periphery, p. 26: "Illyria"
  3. Historical: Reunification War, p. 158
  4. Era Report: 2750, p. 36
  5. Field Manual: SLDF, p. xi: "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  6. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 10
  7. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, pp. 122–123
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 163: "Marian Hegemony at various dates"
  9. The Periphery, First Edition, pp. 156–157
  10. Historical: War of 3039, p. 132
  11. Era Report: 3052, p. 10
  12. Era Report: 3052, p. 22
  13. Era Report: 3062, p. 10
  14. The Periphery, 2nd Edition, p. 112: "Illyrian Palatinate & Marian Hegemony"
  15. Era Report: 3062, p. 28
  16. Inner Sphere, p. 98: "Near Periphery Kingdoms"
  17. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 42
  18. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 64
  19. Field Report: Periphery, p. 23
  20. Field Report: FWLM, p. 17
  21. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63
  22. Field Manual: 3085, p. vii: "Inner Sphere - [3085] Map"
  23. Era Digest: Dark Age, p. 12: "Map of the Inner Sphere 3130"
  24. Era Report: 3145, p. 10
  25. Era Report: 3145, p. 38
  26. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  27. Shattered Fortress, pp. 89–90: "The Path to Illyria"
  28. Shattered Fortress, p. 102
  29. Empire Alone, p. 78
  30. Empire Alone, p. 31
  31. Field Manual: Updates, p. 10
  32. 32.0 32.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 188: "Marian Hegemony"
  33. Field Manual: Updates, p. 202: "Illyria District"
  34. Field Report: Periphery, p. 15: "Marian Hegemony Regimental Status"
  35. Field Manual: 3085, p. 151: "Deployment Table - 3085"
  36. Field Manual: 3145, p. 202: "Marian Hegemony Armed Forces"
