Information:BattleTech Abbreviations

This is a list of commonly used in-universe abbreviations, that you will see on in the BattleTech universe and on BattleTechWiki. Acronyms are types of abbreviations (for which we have separated into this other page). Specifically:

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase, such as prof. for professor or Mr. for mister.

Abbreviation is also the act of shortening words or phrases, as in The abbreviation of department names is common in government.

We use several different methods to create abbreviations. Some of the most common include using the first letter or group of letters of a word, like Mon. for Monday and O for oxygen.

Abbreviations are also created by taking the first and last letter of a word, such as Dr. for doctor, or by taking several consonants of a word, like Pvt. for private and Sgt. for sergeant.

When we are shortening a series of words, such as a department or agency name, the abbreviation will be made of the first letter of each word (called an initialism), such as FBI for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

When we read an abbreviation out loud, we usually say the word it represents rather than the abbreviation. Mr. Jones would be said out loud as Mister Jones. If the abbreviation is an initialism, however, we usually say the letters themselves. For example, CIA is said as “see-eye-ay” rather than “Central Intelligence Agency.” If an abbreviation is meant to be said like this, it is usually spelled with capital letters.[1]


  1. "What is an abbreviation?". Retrieved 2024-12-06.
