Information:File copyright tags/Public domain

Remember that most images you find on the Web are not public domain, even if they list no explicit copyright information. Images only qualify as being in the public domain if they fall under certain specific categories described below – images ineligible for copyright protection, very old works, works by certain government employees, and works where an explicit disclaimer of copyright has been made in writing by the author.

For a simple chart on US Public Domain regulations (BTW servers are located in the US and fall under US guidelines) see the chart here.


  • {{PD-ineligible}}: for images that are inherently ineligible for copyright protection because they are based exclusively on common knowledge with no element of creativity.
  • {{PD-shape}}: for images that only contain one very simple geometric shape
  • {{PD-simple}}: for images that only consists of typefaces, individual words, slogans, or simple geometric shapes
  • {{PD-logo}}: for images of logos that consist of only typefaces, individual words, slogans, or simple geometric shapes


These tags are used for an author to attempt to release their work into the public domain, disclaiming any copyright.

  • {{PD-link}}: a statement intended to release a contributor's own work into public domain and request an entirely optional link back to Wikipedia from anyone reproducing it
  • {{PD-self}}: a statement intended to release a contributor's own work into public domain
  • {{PD-user|username}}: a statement intended to release a particular user's own work into public domain by an Editor.
  • {{PD-retouched-user|username}}: remarking that a previous PD work has been digitally enhanced, and re-released into public domain by a Wikipedian.
  • {{PD-author|name}}: stating that the work is released into the public domain by its author, whose name is given


  • {{CopyrightedFreeUse-Link}}: The image is free to use for any purpose, but requests an entirely optional link back to either BTW or another site.
  • {{PD-because}}: for public domain images with a special reason. Use the format {{PD-because|reason}}.
  • {{PD-signature}}: files displaying people's signatures thought to not be copyright in the US or the country of individual concerned.