Jevanrod Ward

Jevanrod Ward
AffiliationClan Wolf
RankStar Commander

Star Commander Jevanrod Ward was a Bloodnamed Clan Wolf MechWarrior who served during Operation REVIVAL.[1]


When preparing for his Trial of Bloodright, Jevanrod worked with his head technician to coax the highest possible speed from his Shadow Cat. These actions gave him unexpectedly swift maneuvers that surprised his rivals twice penetrating the rear weak armor of the last contender and winning the Ward Bloodnname.

His success, mated with his Crusader beliefs led him to Beta Galaxy's Silver Keshik.

He was a relentless hunter on the battlefield.[2]

Prior to the Battle of Tukayyid, Jevanrod Ward served in the Bravo Command Star of Trinary Galaxy Command within the Silver Keshik of Beta Galaxy under Galaxy Commander saKhan Garth Radick.[1]

Jevanrod was wounded during the fighting on Tukayyid.[1]


Jevanrod Ward piloted an Ice Ferret OmniMech.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 83, "Trinary Galaxy Command"
  2. MechWarrior Card Pack I, Rauf Icaza Pilot Card
