Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon

Jihad Turning Points - New Avalon.jpg
Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon.jpg
Product information
Type Scenario Pack (PDF)
Development Ben H. Rome
Primary writing Ken Horner
Pages 21
Cover Artwork Matt Heerdt (design & layout)
Interior Artwork Jason Vargas (evolved faction logos design)
Ray Arrastia (maps)
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
Product code CAT35602
First published 23 January 2009
MSRP $4.95
Era Jihad era
Timeline 30673074
Series Jihad Turning Points
Preceded by Jihad Turning Points: Luthien
Followed by Jihad Turning Points: Sian


Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon, the second release in the web exclusive Jihad Turning Points PDF series details the Word of Blake invasion of the Federated Suns' capital world New Avalon. The scenario pack contains five unique Chaos Campaign tracks that players can use to form a campaign arc that stretches from the Blakist invasion in 3067 until the planet's liberation in 3074.

As well as featuring a full color topographical map of world, along with a printable version for use with BattleForce 2, New Avalon includes random map tables, as well as suggested optional rules from Tactical Operations. It also has a listing of the units involved in the campaign and suggestions for which random assignment tables to use for each in addition to optional force abilities. Finally, record sheets for three unique 'Mechs and three WarShips are included.

From the Back Cover[edit]


In 2796 New Avalon almost fell to the ravening Draconis Combine. Yet House Davion rebounded, becoming one of the most powerful of Houses. Since then Avalon City and the capital of the Federated Suns have stood as a beacon of hope for all mankind.

Then came the Jihad.

Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon fleshes out the details of the conflict surrounding this pivotal world published in various Jihad Plot Sourcebooks. Additionally, players can join one of the myriad of forces fighting for control—and survival—of the Federated Sun's [sic] capital world.

This campaign series uses the Chaos Campaign rules and gives players the option of fighting individual battles, following a campaign arc, inserting it into their own campaigns and even create their own scenarios with optional rules to give their games a "New Avalon flavor." The ebook includes a detailed map of the world of New Avalon, a run down of the forces involved in the conflict, and several tracks that players can use to run simple lance-on-lance battles, or stage up to a world-wide invasion. Only the players' imaginations are the limits.


  • Introduction
  • Atlas New Avalon
    • World Map & Planetary Data Sheet
    • Planetary Information & Maps


Unlike other sourcebooks, Jihad Turning Points: New Avalon lacks an explicit table of contents. The list shown here was assembled from page headings.