Joseph (4th Wolf Guardians)

DiedDecember 3073[1]
AffiliationClan Wolf-in-Exile

Joseph was a notable MechWarrior in Clan Wolf-in-Exile's Fourth Wolf Guardians during the Jihad.[1]


MechWarrior Joseph was one of the last Clan Wolf warriors born before Khan Phelan Kell relocated the clan's Warden faction to Arc-Royal. While a freeborn normally would have struggled to join a clan's warrior caste, the initial lack of Wolf-in-Exile sibkos enabled Joseph to join his clan's military as a member of the Fourth Wolf Guardians, although he primarily served as a garrison soldier during his career. When the Word of Blake's Fiftieth Shadow Division attacked Bountiful Harvest during the Jihad, the Fourth Guardians and Second Wolf Strike Grenadiers pushed through heavy losses in order to force the Blakists offworld. Joseph personally destroyed two Preta OmniMechs and numerous battle armor troopers in the course of the battle, although his BattleMech ultimately succumbed to the massive damage it had suffered.[1]


MechWarrior Joseph piloted a Conjurer BattleMech during the battle for Bountiful Harvest.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 5, p. 6: "Conjurer (Hellhound) - Notable 'Mechs and MechWarriors"
