Jules Gonzales

Jule Gonzales
Jule Gonzales
AffiliationFederated Suns

Early Life and Career[edit]

Jules Gonzales was an officer of Eric Dresari before he was murdered on November 28, 3062. He served the Federated Suns under the command of Sir Peter Dresari in late 3062. After Peters’ death during a fight with Duncan Burke, a Lyran Alliance Armed Forces officer, he served the resistance on Kentares IV under the command of Lieutenant Ian Dresari.[1]


He was killed in a fight against Eric McClair, Lance Leader of Mercenary unit Black Knight Legion's Striker Lance, protecting FedCom Civil War’s hero Duke Ian Dresari. In this battle he piloted a Sunder in primary (in the context of the game) configuration.[2]

Behind the Scenes[edit]

Jules was played by actor Doc Newmann


  1. Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance
  2. Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight
