Just Following Orders

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Just Following Orders
Short story by Roland M. Boshnack and Herbert A. Beas II
Published inEra Digest: Age of War
PublisherCatalyst Game Labs
EraStar League era (Age of War)
Timeline23 February 2412

"Star League era (Age of War)" is not in the list (Pre–Star League era, Star League era, Succession Wars era, Clan Invasion era, Civil War era, Jihad era, Dark Age era, ilClan era, Clan Homeworlds era) of allowed values for the "Era" property.

Just Following Orders is a short story by Roland M. Boshnack and Herbert A. Beas II first published as introductory fiction for Era Digest: Age of War.

Plot Summary[edit]

A Free Worlds League Militia armor company commences an early Age of War battle for Tintavel, touching off the campaign that would eventually ruin the world and lead to the creation of the Ares Conventions. The FWL’s Kestrel Main Battle Tanks and APCs make short work of at least a battalion of Capellan Confederation tanks (Korvins are mentioned, specifically), as well as laying waste to the city of New Mitla, culminating in the destruction of a hospital full of babies and pregnant women.

Featured Characters[edit]

  • Sergeant Price
  • Corporal Adams

Featured Places[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]



  • Handbook: House Marik, p. 18, indicates that tens of thousands of civilians died as the fighting escalated, and that both sides deployed WMDs (the Capellans using micronukes, and the FWL chemical weapons). Fighting raged for more than six months, destroying the planetary infrastructure and eventually leading to the world's abandonment.