
Kesai 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates370.161 : 105.677[e]
Spectral classA5II[1]
Recharge time166 hours[2]
Recharge station(s)None[1][2]

System Description[edit]

Kesai is located near the Delacruz and Conroe systems.

Political Affiliation[edit]

Kesai IV[edit]

Kesai IV
Also known asKasai
System positionFourth[1]
Jump Point distance22 days[1]
33.12 days[2]
Surface gravity1.0[2]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Breathable)[2]
Equatorial temperature50°C (Desert)[2]
Surface water30%[2]
Highest native lifeNone[1][2]
History and Culture
Population175,350 (3067)[2]
Government and Infrastructure
Noble RulerDuke of Kesai
HPG ClassB[1][2]
HPG RepresentativePrecentor Reback Tyul (3025)[1]

Kesai IV, also known as Kasai, is a system on the border between the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine near the Periphery. Its world Kesai IV is an infertile desert planet which is the site of a major Star League supply depot.

Planetary History[edit]


Kesai IV was settled after the discovery of several deposits of radioactive minerals. When the deposits proved to be smaller than expected, only a few settlers remained. Thereafter the world was used as a prison planet until the Star League purchased the rights to use it as a depot for the Star League Defense Force from House Kurita.

Star League[edit]

The League quickly built a vast complex of warehouses, factories, maintenance facilities, and DropShip pads around the planet's sea and stationed troops there. During the Reunification War the site already served as assembly point for Operation UNION HOLD, the Star League invasion of the Outworlds Alliance. The Sixth Royal Division, a part of II Corps, gathered here until they moved on to Niles in 2581.[6][43][44]

First Succession War[edit]

Although the SLDF stripped Kesai of most of its supplies prior to their departure to the Periphery, the remaining facilities and their inventory were still incredibly valuable for the Successor States. McKinnon's Company of the Second Battalion, 142nd Battle Regiment, 251st BattleMech Division was stationed here and refused to retreat. Instead they pledged their support for House Davion and defended the complex against a superior DCMS force in the First Battle of Kesai in December 2786.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle the world ultimately fell to House Kurita. Since then Kesai has been attacked countless times and most cities and forest burned down, resembling the surrounding wasteland. Nevertheless, the depot remained a major source of supplies for the DCMS and later the AFFS who captured the world during the Third Succession War.

Third Succession War[edit]

In 2999 a Stuka-heavy Davion aerospace force ambushed a Kurita raiding party lured to Kesai IV with planted misinformation, destroying nearly twenty aerospace craft. Mark Allan didn't fly a Stuka during that engagement, but he was promoted to one afterwards due to his impressive performance on the battle.[16]

In the winter of 3001 Ostscouts were used trying to find additional Star League facilities, finding only empty bunkers.[45]

FedCom Civil War[edit]

In 3065, the Draconis Combine finally reconquered the planet in the course of their reprisal attacks for the Draconis March invasion during the FedCom Civil War.

Military Deployment[edit]




  • Eleventh Avalon Hussars RCT[48]



  • Eleventh Avalon Hussars RCT[50]




- The unit was operating at 75% strength, with 81% of their equipment featuring upgraded technology.



Kesai IV is a dry, barren world with a single sea. In the more temperate climate along the coasts forests are growing. The planet has only limited mineral resources and no native life.[1]

Planetary Locations[edit]

  • Sea of Tears: the planet's lone sea[2]
  • Walls of Sorrow: a north–south mountain range west of the Sea of Tears that extends across most of the planet[2]


Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 32 systems (30 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Delacruz 7.8 Conroe 15.8 Groveld 18.5 Cimeron 23.0
Weisau 29.3 Capra 29.7 Niles 31.8 Latexo 34.0
Waldheim 34.2 Périgueux 36.0 Bryceland 37.3 Saumur 37.3
Altdorf 39.4 Colia 40.8 Valentina 45.3 Avranches 45.6
Damevang 48.1 Kaznejoy 48.8 Anguilla 49.3 McGehee 50.3
Bremond 50.4 Senorbi 50.6 Schirmeck 51.0 Wittington 54.0
Medron 54.7 Fallon 57.2 Budingen 57.6 Beta Mensae 58.0
Cassias 58.5 Sturgis 59.6 Delitzsch 60.0 Choudrant 60.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 194: "Kesai"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 FedCom Civil War, p. 191: "Kesai IV (aka Kasai)" planet profile
  3. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 18: "Draconis Combine Founding" - [2319] Map
  4. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 31: "Draconis Combine after Age of War - [2571] Map"
  5. Handbook: House Davion, p. 48: "Federated Suns after Age of War - [2571] Map"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 106: "Reunification War: Outworlds Alliance Front Deployments (2581)"
  7. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159: "Inner Sphere - [2596] Map"
  8. Era Report: 2750, p. 37: "Inner Sphere - [2750] Map"
  9. Field Manual: SLDF, p. xi: "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  10. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [2765] Map"
  11. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 43: "Draconis Combine after First Succession War - [2822] Map"
  12. Handbook: House Davion, p. 54: "Federated Suns after First Succession War - [2822] Map"
  13. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 122: "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  14. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 53: "Draconis Combine after Second Succession War - [2864] Map"
  15. Handbook: House Davion, p. 60: "Federated Suns after Second Succession War - [2864] Map"
  16. 16.0 16.1 Technical Readout: 3025, p. 138 "Stuka"
  17. House Davion (The Federated Suns), foldout: "Federated Suns Map - [3025] Map"
  18. Handbook: House Davion, p. 70: "Federated Suns after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  19. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), foldout: "Draconis Combine Map - [3025]"
  20. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 64: "Draconis Combine after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  21. Handbook: House Davion, p. 71: "Federated Suns after Fourth Succession War - [3030] Map"
  22. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 66: "Draconis Combine after Fourth Succession War - [3030] Map"
  23. Handbook: House Davion, p. 76: "Federated Suns after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  24. Historical: War of 3039, p. 133: "Inner Sphere after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  25. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 68: "Draconis Combine after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  26. Era Report: 3052, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3050] Map"
  27. Era Report: 3052, p. 23: "Inner Sphere - [3052] Map"
  28. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 71: "Draconis Combine after Operation REVIVAL - [3052] Map"
  29. Era Report: 3062, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3057] Map"
  30. Handbook: House Davion, p. 78: "Federated Suns after Operation Guerrero - [3058] Map"
  31. Era Report: 3062, p. 29: "Inner Sphere - [3063] Map"
  32. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 74: "Draconis Combine after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  33. Handbook: House Davion, p. 82: "Federated Suns after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  34. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 42: "Inner Sphere - [3067] Map"
  35. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 65: "Inner Sphere - [3075] Map"
  36. Field Report: DCMS, p. 23: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery Deployment Map - [August 3079]"
  37. Field Report: AFFS, p. 21: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns Deployment Map - [August 3079]"
  38. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63: "Inner Sphere - [3081] Map"
  39. Field Manual: 3085, p. 127: "Inner Sphere - [3085] Map"
  40. Era Report: 3145, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3135] Map"
  41. Era Report: 3145, p. 39: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  42. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  43. Historical: Reunification War, p. 112: "First Strikes"
  44. Historical: Reunification War, p. 141: "Reunification War: Outworlds Alliance Front Deployments (2581)"
  45. Technical Readout: 3025 p.28 "OTT-7J Ostscout"
  46. House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 135
  47. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 11: "Operation RAT"
  48. Historical: War of 3039, p. 135: "Deployment Table"
  49. Historical: War of 3039, p. 141: "Deployment Table"
  50. 20 Year Update, p. 20
  51. Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 135
  52. Field Manual: Updates, p. 118
  53. Field Manual: 3085, p. 50: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3085"
  54. Field Manual: 3145, p. 65: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery Deployment Table - 3145"
