Killer Whale

Killer Whale
Killer Whale-T
Production information
Type Capital Missile
Teleoperated Capital Missile
Tech Base Star League
Inner Sphere
Year Availability 3051 (FC)[1]
3056 (T)[1]
Year Introduced Early Spaceflight[1]
3056 (T)[1]
Technical specifications
Heat 20[2]
Damage 4 Capital
40 Standard[2]
Minimum Range N/A
Short Range 1-12
Medium Range 13-24
Long Range 25-36
Extreme Range 37-48
Tons 150 standard launcher[2]
160 KW-T
Mass 50 tons per missile kg
Critical Slots N/A
Space Slots N/A
Cost (unloaded) 150,000[1]
165,000 (T)[1]
Ammo Cost (per ton) 20,000 (each missile)
17,000 (each missile)
BV (1.0) 769 (launcher), 96 (each missile)
923 (launcher), 115 (each missile)
BV (2.0) 769 (launcher), 96 (each missile)
2,306 (Teleoperated launcher), 115 (each teleoperated missile)[3]


The heavyweight of the SLDF Navy's three anti-fighter missile systems, the ASM-420[4], better known by its nickname Killer Whale, can destroy an aerospace fighter with one hit. After the fall of the Star League and the loss of WarShips, production of this missile stopped. Only when WarShips reappeared during the Clan Invasion was production restarted.

Like its sister missiles, the primitive guidance packages the post–Succession Wars era Successor States could manufacture limited the Killer Whale's effectiveness. To overcome this, weapons manufacturers under contract to the Draconis Combine Admiralty[1] created the Killer Whale-T by removing the bulky guidance system and replacing it with communications links that let gunners guide the missile like a remote-controlled aerospace fighter. The ability to manually guide the missile and change targets more than made up for the Killer Whale-T's inability to target small craft.[5]


The Killer Whale missile system only has one model, produced on the following planets:

Brand Planet Company Used by References
Alarion Port Sydney Naval Shipyards [citation needed]
Tamarind Technicron Manufacturing [citation needed]
Galax Federated-Boeing Interstellar [citation needed]


The Peacemaker is a 500 kiloton nuclear missile, the largest tactical nuclear weapon, which is based on the Killer Whale missile and can be fired from an appropriate launcher.[6] It can also be launched by purpose-built silos to attack either surface or orbital targets. When operating in an atmosphere, the Peacemaker takes just a little over twenty-three minutes to travel its maximum range of 10,000 km.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 TechManual, p. 292, "Heavy Weapons And Equipment - Table"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 TechManual, p. 342, "Inner Sphere Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  3. TechManual, p. 318, "Aerospace Weapons And Equipment BV Table"
  4. The Dying Time, ch. 11
  5. AeroTech 2, p. 41, "Teleoperated Missiles"
  6. Historical: Reunification War, p. 195
  7. Jihad Hot Spots: 3070, p. 135, "Peacemaker"
