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Komephoros 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates-34.132 : 91.971[e]
Spectral classF0VI[1]

The Komephoros system is the location of at least one habitable world, Komephoros II, and as of June 3152 was located in the Vega Province within the Rasalhague Dominion.[2]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Komephoros II[edit]

Komephoros II
System positionFifth[1]
Jump Point distance22 days[1]
MoonsNone (dust ring)[1]
Surface gravity1.03[1]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Breathable)[1]
Equatorial temperature21°C[1]
Surface water70%[1]
Highest native lifeReptiles[1]
History and Culture
Population794,000,000 (3130)[49][1]
Government and Infrastructure
Political LeaderPlanetary Governor
Military CommanderHermann Escholtz, Legate (3130)[49][1]

Planetary History[edit]

Early History[edit]

Komephoros was settled by colonists looking to take advantage of the vast mineral resources they suspected were underneath the glaciers of this frozen world. The first wave of settlers vanished without a trace however, and their fate wasn't discovered until a decade passed and a new group of colonists arrived. These settlers discovered Luega del Condenado (The Lake of the Damned).[1]

Apparently the first colonists had settled in a valley located relatively close to an ocean. A rogue asteroid slammed into the ocean with enough force to send a tsunami into the river valley. The colonists might have survived in their DropShips, but Komephoros' three year winter struck shortly after and turned the new lake into a frozen block of ice that completely shrouded the ships. (Amazingly, the DropShip's distress beacons were operating under the ice, which led the second wave of colonists to the location of the lost valley.) The destroyed valley is left to its own devices; the nearest modern settlement is 300 km away.[1]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

Komephoros was one of the worlds invaded by the Lyran Commonwealth during Operation GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG, the major Lyran Commonwealth offensive of the Fourth Succession War. Attacked by the Fourth Skye Rangers during the exploitation phase of GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG[50] following the order by Archon Katrina Steiner on the 21st of October 3028 to launch a second wave of attacks,[22] Komephoros was one of two worlds to be attacked simultaneously by the Rangers. The Rangers' Second Battalion and Lightning Company were still busily subduing Komephoros when the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery launched a wave of counterattacks - counterattacks that included dropping the Seventeenth Benjamin Regulars on Komephoros. The Rangers' First and Third Battalions were on Kimball II at the time, and were also hit by a counterattack in the form of the Third Dieron Regulars. The Rangers were still holding their own when a lull in Lyran offensive operations began in early 3029, but being caught divided had negative effects on both the Rangers' ability to operate effectively and their pride.[23]

The Rangers used the lull in major combat operations well, resting their troops and preparing new plans, and when the orders were issued to restart offensive operations in May 3029 the Rangers were ready, well rested and well prepared. The Rangers swiftly pushed the Regulars out of their rich river valley and began chasing them around the planet, until the Regulars were recalled by the DCMS in July, despite still having the edge on the Rangers in terms of numbers.[24]

The Dark Age[edit]

Spared the most violent conflicts of the Succession Wars and with even the Jihad having little effect on Komephoros, the mining industries on the planet were intact when Komephoros joined the Republic of the Sphere.[1]

Military Deployment[edit]





The planet name is misspelled in 20 Year Update as Kornephoros.[51]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 56 systems (56 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Balkan 7.1 Kimball 7.9 Marfik 8.6 Ryde 11.2
Konstance 14.6 Alrakis 17.4 La Blon 19.3 Baxter 20.9
Kessel 22.6 Unukalhai 25.3 Izar 26.4 Yed Posterior 29.0
Dromini 29.0 Corridan 29.7 Carnwath 30.5 New Wessex 30.5
Alphecca 32.5 Eltanin 33.0 Alexandria 33.6 Vega 33.8
Freedom 34.0 Skondia 36.5 Cebalrai 37.7 Kannon 39.3
Nai-Stohl 40.7 Kaus Australis 40.7 Sabik 41.0 Yed Prior 42.5
Eaglesham 42.7 Kaus Media 43.5 Zebeneschamali 43.7 Gamma Sagittarius 44.1
Atria 44.2 Phalan 44.7 Kochab 45.1 Glengarry 45.2
Kaus Borealis 45.7 Skye 46.6 Alkalurops 46.8 Zebebelgenubi 48.0
Moore 48.6 Nusakan 48.7 Auldhouse 50.2 Ko 50.7
Lone Star 50.9 Shionoha 51.1 Eaton 51.2 Lyons 54.4
Symington 56.0 Seginus 56.4 Ascella 57.8 Syrma 57.9
Accrington 58.2 Lambrecht 58.7 Juniper 59.2 Nekkar 59.6


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Dark Age: Republic Worlds (3130), p. 218: "Komephoros"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dominions Divided, p. 85: "Rasalhague Dominion June 3152" (Map)
  3. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 18: "Draconis Combine - [2319] Map"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Handbook: House Steiner, p. 13: "Federation of Skye world within the Lyran Commonwealth before [2340] and after at their founding in [2341]"
  5. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 25: "Lyran Commonwealth after Age of War [2571]"
  6. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 31: "Draconis Combine after Age of War - [2571] Map"
  7. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159: "Inner Sphere - [2596] Map"
  8. Era Report: 2750, p. 37: "Inner Sphere - [2750] Map"
  9. Field Manual: SLDF, p. xi: "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  10. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [2765] Map"
  11. First Succession War, pp. 24–25: "Inner Sphere - [2786] Map"
  12. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 36: "Lyran Commonwealth after First Succession War [2822]"
  13. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 43: "Draconis Combine after First Succession War - [2822] Map"
  14. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, pp. 122–123: "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  15. First Succession War, pp. 112–113: "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  16. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 40: "Lyran Commonwealth after Second Succession War [2864]"
  17. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 53: "Draconis Combine after Second Succession War - [2864] Map"
  18. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), foldout: "Draconis Combine Map - [3025]"
  19. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 64: "Draconis Combine after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  20. House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), foldout: "Lyran Commonwealth Map - [3025]"
  21. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 47: "Lyran Commonwealth after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  22. 22.0 22.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 59: "Follow-up Invasions"
  23. 23.0 23.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 61: "End of the Offensive"
  24. 24.0 24.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 71: "Ryde Theater"
  25. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 56: "Lyran Commonwealth after Fourth Succession War [3030]"
  26. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 66: "Draconis Combine after Fourth Succession War - [3030] Map"
  27. Historical: War of 3039, p. 133: "Inner Sphere - [3040] Map"
  28. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 56: "Lyran Commonwealth after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  29. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 68: "Draconis Combine after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  30. Era Report: 3052, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3050] Map"
  31. Era Report: 3052, p. 23: "Inner Sphere - [3052] Map"
  32. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 71: "Draconis Combine after Operation REVIVAL - [3052] Map"
  33. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 61: "Lyran Commonwealth after Clan Invasion [3052]"
  34. Era Report: 3062, p. 10: Inner Sphere - [3057] Map
  35. Era Report: 3062, p. 29: "Inner Sphere - [3063] Map"
  36. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 74: "Draconis Combine after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  37. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 70: "Lyran Alliance after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  38. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 43: "Inner Sphere - [3067] Map"
  39. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 64: "Inner Sphere - [3075] Map"
  40. Field Report: DCMS, p. 21: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery Deployment Map - [August 3079]"
  41. Field Report: LAAF, p. 19: "Lyran Alliance Armed Forces Deployment Map - [August 3079]"
  42. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63: "Inner Sphere - [3081] Map"
  43. Field Manual: 3085, p. vii: "Inner Sphere - [3085] Map"
  44. Era Report: 3145, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3135] Map"
  45. Era Report: 3145, p. 24: "Timeline of Events (cont.)"
  46. Era Report: 3145, p. 39: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  47. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  48. Shattered Fortress, pp. 102–103: "Inner Sphere - [3151] Map"
  49. 49.0 49.1 Dark Age: Republic of the Sphere, p. 20: "Prefecture IX"
  50. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 44–45: "Operation GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG"
  51. 51.0 51.1 20 Year Update, p. 26: "Federated Commonwealth Deployment Table"
  52. Field Manual: Updates, p. 117: "Draconis Combine Deployment Table"
  53. Field Manual: 3145, p. 173: "Clan Force Deployments - Rasalhague Dominion"
