Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Corvis

Kylie Tanis

Kylie Tanis

Kylie Tanis was a deep space explorer during the Age of War.[1]


Kylie Tanis, Albert Radulov's granddaughter, rediscovered the lost Tanis system data in 2576. She was a strident dissenter against the Pollux Proclamation issued by First Lord Ian Cameron, and she decided to gather together more than one and a half thousand like-minded dissenters from the Draconis Combine and Lyran Commonwealth and set off for the Radulov system.[1]

Death and Legacy[edit]

Tanis' colonization expedition arrived in the Radulov system in 2600, but Kylie Tanis had died two jumps prior to their arrival; the colonists chose to rename the system to Tanis in honor of their leader and founded their first colony settlement on Stacha. The settlement was named Markham, and was soon beset with problems. Ravaged by a series of pandemics, the first decade was very hard for the colonists, and when a second colony expedition arrived in 2670 they discovered that only four hundred and fifty colonists were still alive. With the infusion of new blood the colony was soon growing, and by 2750 was far enough along the road to recovery that the colonists had founded a second colony, Khartoum.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Wars of Reaving Supplemental, pp. 5–6: "The Tanis System"
